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In sociology, social action, also
known as Weberian social action, refers
to an act which takes into the account of
actions and reactions of individuals (or
'agents'). According to Max Weber,
"an Action is 'social' if the acting
individual takes account of the behavior
of others and is thereby oriented in its
Why is social action important?
 It helps you develop your sense of
 It is important to be able to understand

different social situations. Working
within the community will help you build
confidence, improve your social skills
and increase your ability to interact.
Types of Social Action

Knowing where to start to work for change in our society can

seem like an overwhelming task. It is important to choose the
best type of action according to your interests, skills and talents.
Each one is a great place to start!
1. SERVICE: Help people in need, now.
Examples: Transition houses and counseling services that offer 
programs and support for abusive men and the victims of violence.
upside: immediacy
downside: relieve symptoms, not problems; no effect on public policy
2. EDUCATION: Inform and teach
Examples: Support teachers, community youth programs, become involved in the
PTA, inform yourself, listen to people's personal stories, tell yours.
upside: raise consciousness
downside: talking may grow into a substitute for doing
3. WITNESS: Make one's convictions public
Examples: Wear a purple ribbon in the weeks leading up to the anniversary Montreal
Don't laugh next time someone tells a joke that degrades women or anyone else.
upside: community knows where you/we stand
downside: might start thinking speaking out is enough
4. ADVOCACY: Work through political system (process) to impact public policy.
Examples: Write to politicians, newspapers about what needs to change.
Support workplace initiatives like anti-sexual harassment policies and affirmative
action programs.
upside: it works
downside: taking a stand can divide
5. COMMUNITY ORGANIZING: Reinventing power
Examples: Find and support organizations working for change.
Strive towards cooperation (power with) not competition (power over) in attitudes,
work and play.
upside: empowers individuals
downside: easy to become overwhelmed and consumed by issue
What are the 4 types of social
Max Weber – Four Ideal Types of
Social Action. “Max weber” stated
that, there are four ideal types of
social actions. Which are as follow,
goal rational social action, value
rational social action, affective social
action and traditional social action.
Goal rational social action
 individual set a goal and he uses the efficient ways
or means to achieve it. ... For example, an
individual may want highest score in the class,
however, to accomplish that goal, he has
to work hard and give more time to study and do
not let his emotions come in a way of
accomplishing his goal.
Value rational social action

Is prime example of value-rational
action was institutionalized rituals found
in all societies: culturally prescribed but
eternally legitimate ends. Rational humans
pursue socially legitimate value-
rational ends by using operationally
efficient instrumental means.
Affective social action
  Argues that all human action is directed
by meanings. He identified various types
of action that are distinguished by the
meanings on which they are
based: Affective or emotional action –
this stems from an
individual's emotional state at a
particular time
Traditional social action.
 Traditional Social
Action: actions controlled by traditions,
“the way it has always been done” .
 Affective Social

Action: actions determined by one's
specific affections and emotional state,
you do not think about the consequences

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