Enrichment Modules For Primary School

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Attention teachers!
You will find a number of symbols; appearing in this module. Please
familiarize your pupils with this symbols and tell them specifically to pay
extra attention to them when they see these symbols in the module. The
symbols are as follows:


Cut along the dotted line.


Your score.

Check your answers.


Topic : I Spy
Objective : In this topic you will learn :
the different ways of expressing a
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. name and spell objects.
2. ask for things in the house and at the
You will need : 1. a pencil 2. a ruler
3. an eraser 4. colour pencils

Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

Water-colours Pail
Lend Camera
Candle Torchlight
Ladder Ceiling
Picnic Borrow
Chalkboard Please
Blanket Hoop
Cut the pictures below and paste them in the correct buildings on the next
Activity 1:

u s e:
n my

In my school:
Activity 2:

Name me!

What am I?

You are a basket.

Can you spell my name?


Well done!
Now, name and spell my
friends on the next page.
Activity 3:

Get a partner. Try to ask your partner for something.

It is raining. May I borrow your

umbrella, please?

Yes, of course.

Mummy, I am cold. May I have a

blanket, please?

Here you are, Nani.

Sharif, will you please lend me your



Now, ask your friend for:

•A pencil
•An eraser
•A duster
•A book
Activity 4:

We cannot find these things. Can you help us?



Please give me an …………….... (1)


May I have a pair of …………….... (2)


Could I borrow an …………….... (3)


May I have a …….…………….... (4)

Activity 5:

Circle the correct answer.

It is dark.
I want a …………………

clock candle

My mother cuts the cloth with a

knife a pair of scissors

Please clean the blackboard with the

duster eraser

I want to paint the ceiling.
I need a …………………

dustbin ladder

There are some eggs in the

pail basket
Activity 6:

How would you ask for these things?

You may start with………

May I borrow your ………. ? Will you please lend me your………. ?


Yes, of course.

Here you are.


Here you are.




Activity 7:

Fill in the blanks with the words you have learnt.



4. 2.

Teacher : The chalkboard is dirty. Amzar, please clean it with a ……………… (1)
Amzar : Certainly, teacher.
Tina : Shall I throw the rubbish into the …………………………………….. (2)
Teacher : Of course, Tina. What is the time now, Tina? Please look at the
……………………………… (3)?
Tina : It’s six o’clock, teacher.
Teacher : All right. Maznah, there are two ………………………..(4) on the table.
Please give them to me.
Maznah : Here you are. Teacher, it is quite warm. May I switch on the …………
…………………………..(5) please?
Teacher : Yes you may.

Topic : Myself
Objective : In this topic you will learn :
to write about yourself.
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. write about yourself
2. use questions to ask about your
3. write simple sentences.
You will need : 1. a pencil 2. a friend
3. an eraser

Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

age address

height tall

weigh weight

date of birth standard

Activity 1:

Are you ready to start?

Fill in your name card.

Name : ……………………………………………………………….

Age : ……………………………………………………………….

Date of birth : ……………………………………………………………..

School : ………………………………………………………………..

Class : ………………………………………………………………..

Good! Show to your teacher.

Activity 2:

This is a letter from your pen-pal. Let’s read it.

Salina Liban,
P.O. Box 140,
90000 Sandakan,

14 APRIL 1996

Dear Salmah,

I would like to be your pen friend. My name is Salina. I am nine

years old. My height is 140 centimetres. I weigh 38 kilogramms. I go to
Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Inderawasih. I am in Year Three. I have two
brothers and three sisters. I like reading.
Well, that’s all about myself. Please write soon and tell me about
Your friend,

Would you like to tell me about yourself?

Activity 3(i):

Read this dialogue with a friend.

You can be a teacher. Your friend can be Normah.

A New Girl

Teacher : Hi. What is your name?

Normah : Hi. My name is Normah bt. Razali.
Teacher : How old are you?
Normah : I am ten years old.
Teacher : When were you born?
Normah : I was born on the 14th of July 2007.
Teacher : What is your height?
Normah : I am 135 centimetres tall.
Teacher : What is your weight?
Normah : I weigh 35 kilogrammes.
Teacher : How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Normah : I have two brothers and a sister.
Teacher : Welcome to Sekolah Kebangsaan Terus Maju, Ipoh,
Normah : Thank you, teacher. Which class will I be in?
Teacher : Year 4 Arif.
Activity 3(ii):

Read the questions and find the answers in the boxes below.
Then, write the answers in spaces given.

My name is Aisyah. My birthday is on the 25th of June.

My weight is 32 kilograms. I am in Year 4 Bijak.

I am 10 years old. My height is 30 centimetres tall.

I live at Kampung Harmorni, Kota Tinggi.

I study in Sekolah Kebangsaan Harmorni, Kota Tinggi.

1. What is your name?


2. How old are you?


3. When is your birthday?


4. Where do you study ?

5. What class are you in?


6. What is your weight?


7. What is your height?


8. Where do you live?

Activity 4:

Fill in the blanks with the words you have learnt.

1. My ______________________ is
Aisyah and I am ten ___________

2. My ______________________ is playing
badminton and swimming.

3. My ______________________ is 137
centimeters and my _____________________
is 38 kilograms.

Topic : My hobby
Objective : In this topic you will learn :
about things you can do during your
free time.
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. name the hobbies.
2. name the things that you need for
certain hobbies.
3. write 4 sentences
4. read dialogues and match them to
You will need : 1. a pencil 2. a ruler
3. an eraser
Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

camping tent
paying hockey bait
magazines racquet
weekends uses
Activity 1:

Match the words with the correct pictures.





Activity 2:

Look at the pictures.

What are they doing? Write your answers below the pictures.

painting playing hockey fishing camping

swimming playing badminton playing football reading

Activity 3:
A: Write the name of the objects.
The words given will help you.
B: Match the words to the correct hobby.







Racquet and shuttlecock Tent Books and magazines

Brushes and water colours Fishing rod and baits
Activity 4:

Fill in the blanks.

Azlan likes _____________ badminton every
He uses a _________________ and a

Rahim enjoys _____________________ during
the holidays.
He puts up a ___________________

Busu likes _________________ in the library on
He usually reads ______________ and

Mary enjoys _________________ pictures during
the weekends.
She uses ______________ and _____________
Activity 5:

Make sentences using the words given.

Example: Amin - fishing - the holidays

Amin likes fishing during the holidays.

Jason - swimming - the weekends

Salim - camping - the holidays

Hakim - reading - weekends


Jasmin - painting - holidays

Activity 6:

Read each dialogue.

Then number the hobbies correctly.

1. Faridah, may I borrow your brush? Certainly. Do you want some

colours too?

2. Did you bring your swim-suit along? Yes, I did.

3. What would you like to have for you May I have a racquet, Daddy.
birthday, son?

4. Yati, you have a lot of books in your There are more in the cupboard.

fishing ( ) painting ( )

swimming ( ) camping ( )

drawing ( ) playing netball ( )

playing football ( ) reading ( )

playing badminton ( ) playing hockey ( )


Topic : Occupation
Objective : In this topic you will learn :
about people in your neighbourhood and
their work.
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. name the occupations.
2. know the places of work and what
they do.
3. read the passages and answer the
comprehension questions.

You will need : 1. a pencil 2. a ruler

3. an eraser
Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

baker village headman

hawker cobbler
villagers waitress
vehicles repairs
Activity 1:

Name the occupations you know.

1. 2. 3.

4. 6.

7. 8. 9.

postman baker doctor

nurse teacher hawker

fisherman farmer rubber tapper

Activity 2:

Read these words. They tell you about people, their places of work and what
they do.

people place of work what they do

Baker Bakery Bakes cakes and bread

Boatman River Takes people scroll the


Hawker Stall Sells food and drinks.

Mechanic Workshop Repair vehicle

Waitress Restaurant Serves customers

Cobbler Road-side Mends shoes

Village man Village Look after the village.

Go on to the next activity.

Activity 3:

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Chong Wai lives in a village. Every day, he wakes up at 6 a.m. After

breakfast, he goes to the market to buy fruits.
He chooses the best watermelons, starfruits and oranges. He packs
them carefully on his motorbike and goes off to the beach. He sells fruit
drinks there. A small cup cost 50 sen, while a big cup cost 1 ringgit.
Many people buy from him because his drinks are sweet and very cold,
just nice for hot days on the beach. He gets the most customers during
weekends and holidays when a lot of people go to the beach.
On the way home in the evening, he always buys dinner for himself, his
wife and son.

Underline the correct answer.

1. Chong Wai sells drinks

A. In the village C. At the beach
B. At the market D. On his way home

2. What is Ching Wai’s occupation?

A. A village headman C. Hawker
B. A baker D. A waiter

3. Mr. Pua bought two big cups of drinks and three small ones. He paid
Chong Wai _______________.
A. RM4.00 C. RM5.00
B. RM3.50 D. RM1.50
Activity 4 (i):

Read the following sentences. It tells you about Pak Din.

Hi ! I am Pak Din.

I am a farmer.

I work in a farm.

I grow vegetables in my farm.

Activity 4 (ii):

Pick 3 sentences. Write about each occupation.

Cik Mira is a waitress. He bakes cakes and bread.

He works in a workshop. He repairs vehicles.

She serves people food. Encik Param is a baker.

He works in a bakery. She works in a restaurant.

Mr. Tan is a mechanic.

Mr. Tan …………………………………


Encik Param ……..……………………


Cik Mira …..……..……………………

Activity 5:

Can you remember what you have learnt? Let’s find out what you know….
Look at the picture carefully. Then write the correct word in the blanks.

Ibrahim lives in my village. He is a ……………………..(1).

He …………………………(2) motorcycles and bicycles. Everyday, many
people from his village and the nearby village come to his
Ibrahim starts working at 9.00 o’clock ………………..(4) the morning.
……………………………….(5) is very hardworking, kind and friendly. His
customers like him.

Topic : Where I am? Where are you?

Objective : In this topic you will learn :
the location of things and people
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. know location of things and people
2. write sentences from a given
substitution table
3. match words opposite in meaning

You will need : 1. a pencil 2. a ruler

3. an eraser 4. colour pencils

Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

among along
around across
up through
down above
Activity 1:

Read the word and colour the correct picture.










Activity 2:

Look at the pictures. Where is the ball in every picture? It is


It is ……………….. the box. It is ……………….. the box.

It is ……………….. the box.

It is ……………….. the box.

It is ……………….. the tree. It is ……………….. the trees.

Activity 3:

Read the sentences under the empty boxes. Draw the pictures.

1. 2.

The ball is in the box. The ball is behind the box.

3. 4.

The ball is under the box. The ball is in front of the box.


The ball is between the boxes.

Activity 4:

Look at the pictures. Can you make sentences from the box given below?

The boy between the chair and the table.

The girl is sitting next the table.

are standing opposite to the girl.

The boy and the
girl on each side the boy.

in front of of the table.

Activity 5:

Read the words at the bottom. Look at the pictures. Then, fill in the

Helmi climbed (1) ……………………………………… the stairs.

Aimi fell (2) ……………………………………………… the ladder.

Roy ran (3) ……………………………………………… the hoop.

Joyce went (4) …………………………………………. the tree.

Razi crawled (5) ………………………………………… the table.

Zizie jumped (6) ………………………………………… the puddle.

That’s what boys and girls like to do!

Roy Joyce




down up through

under over around

Activity 6:

In this activity, you will learn about opposites. Match A to B and find out
the answers. Use your colour pencils.



1 up behind

2 in front of far

3 here down

4 on below

5 inside under

6 left there

7 above right

8 near outside

Topic : Be Together.
Objective : In this topic you will learn :
name some gatherings
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. name the gatherings in the given
2. look at the pictures and choose the
correct sentences.
3. name places where people gather.
4. pick the correct sentences and write
a short paragraph about the picture

You will need : 1. a pencil 2. a ruler

3. an eraser

Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

enjoyed marched

shouted scored

competition wedding

Activity 1:

Match the pictures with the words in the boxes.

A kite flying competition.

A boat race.

A wedding.

At the bus stop.

At the market.
Activity 2:

Read the sentences carefully. Then match them to the correct pictures.

The headmaster gave a

speech in the hall during the

The people enjoyed the songs

at the show.

The soldiers marched past the

crowd waving their hands.

The boys shouted happily

when their team won the

The crowd cheered as the

player scored the goal.
Activity 3:

Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answers and fill in the blanks.

1. How many people are there?

There are ………………………………. people.

eight five ten

2. Where are the girls standing?

They are standing at the school …………………………...

hall canteen field

3. Where are the pupils?

They are ……………………… the school bus.

on in near

4. What are the boys and girls doing?

They are watching a ……………………….. competition.

boat racing top-spinning kite-flying

5. Where are the passengers waiting?

They are waiting at the …………………………….. station.

bus taxi railway

Activity 4:

Look at the picture and read the sentences. Choose and tick the correct
sentences. Then write the sentences in one paragraph.

Last week, Jamal and his friends went to the stadium.

Last week, Jamal and his friends went to the cinema.

They went there to watch a hockey match.

They went there to watch a football match.

Only a few people were there to watch the game.

A lot of people came to watch the game.

The crowd was very noisy during the match.

The crowd was very quiet during the match.

Jamal and his friends did not like the game.

Jamal and his friends enjoyed the game.

Write the sentences which you have ticked / in the form of a paragraph. Give it a title.

Title: …………………………………………………………………


Topic : Relationship
Objective : In this topic you will learn :
relationship between one person and
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. match people to show relationship.
2. name places where conversations take
You will need : 1. a pencil 2. a ruler
3. colour pencils

Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

son customer

daughter patient

referee whistle

Activity 1:

Look at the family tree. It is Encik Azam and his family.

Encik Azam Puan Rosmah

Azlan Azizah Azmi Azni

Let’s write the answers.

1. Encik Azam is Azlan’s …………………………………………………………..

2. Puan Rosmah is Azlan’s ………………………………………………………..
3. Azizah is Azmi’s…………………………………………………………………..
4. Azlan is Azni’s ……………………………………………………………………
5. Azni is Encik Azam’s …………………………………………………………….
6. Azmi is Puan Rosmah’s …………………………………………………………

son daughter mother brother father sister

Activity 2:

Draw a line to show relationships. You may use colour pencils.


referee customer

i ent

teacher quee

nurse player

waitress passenger
Activity 3:

Read and write the answers.

‘ Have you seen? ‘

1. Have you seen the old king and the young ………………………………………..?

2. Have you seen the thin shopkeeper and the fat …………………………………...?

3. Have you seen the tall player and the short …………………………………………?

4. Have you seen the rude driver and the polite ……………………………………….?

5. Have you seen the happy nurse and the sad ………………………………………..?

‘ I have seen ‘

1. I have seen the old ……………………….... and the young …………………………?

2. I have seen the thin ………………………… and the fat ………………………………?

3. I have seen the tall …………………………. and the short ……………………………?

4. I have seen the rude ……………………….. and the polite ………………………….?

5. I have seen the happy ……………………... and the sad ……………………………?

Did you enjoy this activity? You can read aloud ‘Have you seen?’ to your
classmate and your classmate can answer with ‘ I have seen ‘
Activity 4:

Read each dialogue with a friend. You can be A and your friend can be B.

Are you ready to order, sir? Yes, I would like 2 glasses of

orange juices

Mother, I got an A for my
Well, done!


Does this bus go to Kampung Yes, it does.


I’m sorry, the doctor is not
May I see the doctor please?


Where do you think these dialogues took place? Write the number in the correct box.

school restaurant

bus station market

workshop police station

clinic home

Topic : Doing things

Objective : In this topic you will learn :
compare the different ways of doing
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. read sentences and match them with
statements showing cause and effect
2. form new words to show how people
do things.

You will need : 1. a pencil 2. an eraser

3. colour pencils

Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

sweetly rudely

bravely cowardly

clumsily passengers

Activity 1:
Look at the picture and read the sentences below. Then, write the number
of the sentences in the circles below.

1. Siti is singing sweetly.

2. Borhan is fighting bravely.
3. Zainab is balancing on the rope carefully.
4. Tan is first in the boat race.
5. Ranjit Singh is last in the boat race.
6. Siva, Lim and Maziah are eating quickly.
7. Hong Wai is playing the drums.
8. The lion is roaring fiercely.
Activity 2 (i):
In activity 1, you have seen these words.

sweetly bravely carefully

quickly fiercely loudly

We add ‘ ly ’ to the words to make new words and to show us how we do



sweet sweetly

soft softly

loud loudly

clumsy clumsily

Now look at these examples.

Question:- How do you sing?
Answer: - 1. I sing sweetly.
2. I sing softly.
3. I sing loudly.

Question: - How do you talk?

Answer: - 1. I talk softly.
2. I talk loudly.

Now try to use ‘ ly ‘ with Activity 2 (ii) on the next page.

Activity 2 (ii):
Make new words from the words given.
















Activity 2 (iii):
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Laila and Rita always sing …………………………….. at their school concert.

2. The soldiers are trained to fight …………………………………………….

3. Hazimah is holding the injured bird ………………………………………….

4. The players obeyed the rules and they did not play …………………………….

5. Those children never speak ……………………………….. to their teachers.

6. Rina and Farah can dance the traditional dances ………………………………

7. Puan Sarimah reminds the boys to do their work quietly and not ………………………

8. Miss Phan praised Sulaiman because he does his work………………………….

9. The old lady walks ……………………………………………. across the road.

10. Mr Hong, the bus driver, always drives.

carefully gently

gracefully noisily

sweetly rudely

neatly roughly

slowly bravely
Activity 3:
Fill in the blanks with words opposite in meaning to the underlined

carelessly softly clumsily

roughly politely

bravely quickly happily

1. Linda usually does her homework carefully but she did her test

……………………………………. yesterday.

2. Khairul always reads loudly in the classroom but he must read

…………………………….. in the library.

3. Although some customers speak rudely to him, Pak Hamid always answers them


4. When Jessica got her English mark, she smiled ………………………. but Sarah cried


5. Most of the soldiers fought ……………………………… in the war. Only few of them

fought cowardly.

6. The girls danced gracefully to the music but the boys danced


7. A doctor should treat his patient gently not …………………………….

8. Manimaran runs ………………………………………….. after the old man who is

walking slowly to give him his bag.

Activity 4:
Complete the sentences with the given sentence parts.
1. He reached home late………………………………………………………………………

2. The audience clapped their hand …………………………………………………………

3. The flower pot broke ………………………………………………………………………….

4. The soldier was awarded a medal …………………………………………………………

5. She won the hearts of many people ………………………………………………………

6. The little girl loved the maid …………………………………………………………………

7. The house was saved ………………………………………………………………………...
… because she fought bravely in the war.
because she treated her gently.
8. The jar can break easily …………………………………………………………………….
because she sang the song beautifully.
… because the gardener handled it roughly.
because he………………………………………………………
9. The dancer danced very gracefully drove slowly in the heavy rain.
because the firemen came quickly.
… so you have to carry it very carefully.
10. The fishermen paddled up their nets she always speaks sweetly.
so that they can reach home early.
… so she won the first place.
Activity 5:
Read about Harun and Vikram from the table below and write two

This is Harun. He is a shopkeeper.

Vikram. taxi driver.

He has a lot of customers. Many


customers come to his shop. All the

passengers take his taxi.

customers like Harun very much. He always

passengers Vikram

drive carefully. He is friendly too.

smilies happily.



Topic : We are different

Objective : In this topic you will learn :
how people think and do things
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. match pictures to words and
2. read and tick (/) the correct
description of people from a given
3. describe people.

You will need : 1. a pencil 2. an eraser

3. a ruler

Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

active loving

friendly shy playful

clumsy kind

helpful gentle

generous obedient
Activity 1:
Match the picture with the correct sentence.

Faridah is active in sport.

Kamal is very happy.

Johan is sad.

Syasya is beautiful.

Farouk is fat.
Activity 2:
Read the passage below. Then tick (/) in the correct columns about the
people in the text.

En. Luqman is my neighbour. He is a tall and handsome man. Encik Luqman

works very hard in his office and at home too. Puan Mariam is Encik Luqman’s wife.
She is a very pretty lady and almost as tall as Encik Luqman. Puan Mariam is kind and
friendly. She has a lot of friends. Fakri is Encik Luqman’s son and he is friendly as well
as handsome too. Fakri’s teacher likes him because he is very hardworking. The
youngest in the family is Marina and she is pretty.

tall handsome pretty hardworking kind friendly

Encik Luqman

Puan Mariam


Activity 3:
Use the words below to fill in the blanks.

1. Tina is very ……………………….

She likes to make new friends.
2. Puan Aminah is a very ………….
Woman. She loves all her children
3. Azmin is a very ………………..
boy. He saved a little girl from a
burning house.
4. Sheila is a very ………………….
girl. She always does her homework
and she studies very hard too.
5. The bride and the bridegroom are a
………………….. couple. It is their
wedding day.
6. Encik Ram is very ………………..
He always scolds his workers.
7. Nizam who is a very ……………
boy always get higher marks for his
clever brave
8. Encik Arif, who is a village headman
happy rude is a ………………… man.

hardworking friendly

loving handsome
Activity 4:

Fill in the blanks with suitable sentences.

They are very helpful. She is very hardworking.

He is very clumsy. She is very shy girl.

He is a very talkative boy.

1. Ali always slips and falls. …………………………………………………………………


2. Syuhada studies very hard at home and in school. …………………………………


3. Junaidah does not like to speak to any guests. ……………………………………..


4. Baharin ususally talks during the lessons. ……………………………………………….


5. The school girls helps the blind man to cross the busy road. ………………………..

Activity 5:

Read he questions. Then choose the correct answers and write them.

Salmah is hiding behind her mother because she is very shy girl.
She is helping her mother to cook.
He is returning the man’s wallet which he found by the roadside.
He is helping the blind man to cross the busy road.
They are talking loudly to one another.

What is Munah doing in the kitchen?


What are the ladies doing?


What is Raju doing?


Who is that hiding behind her mother?


What is Rahman giving to the man?

Activity 6 :

Fill in blanks with the correct answer.

proud intelligent graceful

greedy brave
cheerful neat

1. Fazira is not afraid to stay at home alone when her parents are out at night. She is a

…………………………………………………… girl.

2. Saripah who is the most ………………………………………………. girl in class, is able to

answer all the questions correctly.

3. Govinder is an ………………………….. boy. He dislikes telling lies.

4. Alex does not respect other people and he always shouts when he talks to them. He is


5. Krishnan is a …………………………………………boy. Zhe does not work neatly.

6. Dolly who is a …………………………………….dancer always takes part in her school


7. Sumiyah is a ……………………..driver and she doesn’t drive fast.

8. Kamariah is always happy. She is a very …………………………………..girl.

9. Sarah is a rich woman. She is a ………………………………………. and would only make

friends with rich people.

10. Aziz always eats up all the food and doesn’t leave any for his brothers and sisters. His friends

dislike him too because he is ………………………………………………

Activity 7:

Read the sentences. Then pick the correct sentences from the box below
and write them in the space given.

He is an active boy. He is a friendly boy.

She is a kind woman. He is a generous man.

She is a gentle woman. She is an obedient girl.

1. Puan Zakiah loves cats. She gives the, milk and fish to eat. She also feeds any stray cats that
come to her house.
2. Jamal enjoys playing all kind of games. He takes part in many sports events too. He often wins
prizes in the championships.
3. There was a fire in Kampung Gembut. A lot of houses were burnt down. Encik Masli, the
village headman gave all the victims a place to stay and some food to eat.
4. Normah always listen to her parents and teachers. She follows their orders and advice and she
never argues with them.
5. Hafiz always smiles at his friends and neighbours. He makes friends with them.
6. Puan Rokiah is a nurse. She treats the patients very well. All the patients like her very much.

Topic : Activities I like Best

Objective : In this topic you will learn :
hobbies you can do during your free
Success Criteria : Pupils able to:
1. find out and state what pastimes one
likes or dislikes.
2. read and write sentences about what
people do in their free time.

You will need : 1. a pencil 2. an eraser

3. colour pencils 4. a ruler

Before you begin this module, you will need to know these words.

gardening cycling

jogging weekend

hockey prefer

sewing ironing
Activity 1:

Look at the pictures carefully.

Rearrange the letters and name the activities. Write your answers in the
space provided.


……………………… ………………………


……………………… ………………………


……………………… ………………………
Activity 2:

Look at the pictures carefully.

Read the sentences beside them and fill in the blanks with the correct
words below.
fishing watching television playing football

cooking swimming drawing

Rashid likes …………………………………………………….

Fatimah doesn’t like ………………………………. but she likes


Mastura prefers ………………………………………………… to


Malik likes ………………………………………when he has

nothing to do.

Johari prefers …………………………………… to singing.

Karim likes to go ……………………………………………….

during the weekend.
Activity 3:

Read the passage carefully.

Then answer the questions that follow.

Adam likes fishing. He goes fishing on Saturday mornings. He likes cycling and
swimming too. He cycles to the beach every evening. He goes swimming at least twice a week.
Laila is Adam’s sister. She prefers gardening in the evenings. She reads a lot of books, too.
In the evening she plants flowers in the garden.
Puan Rosnah is the children’s mother. She likes sewing but she dislikes ironing. Laila
sometimes helps her mother to iron the clothes.
Encik Ramli is their father. He likes to go jogging in the evenings. He jogs every Sunday
morning. He also likes swimming.

1. When does Adam goes fishing? ......................................................................

2. What does Adam do every evening? ………………………………………………

3. What does Laila likes to do? …………………………………………………………

4. What doesn’t Puan Rosnah like to do? …………………………………………….

5. What does Encik Ramli like most? …………………………………………………..

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