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Name : ................................................................................

Class : …………………………………………………….
Topic : Personal Details
Read the substitution tables below.

Aisyah sister. three.

Fahri is my cousin. is in year four.
Azalea friend. five.

reading. reads adventure stories.

She She
likes singing. sings English songs.
He He
drawing. draws beautiful pictures.

reads storybooks library.

sings English songs in the bedroom.
draws beautiful pictures garden.

Her a
ambition is to be singer.
His an

Write two more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: Aisyah is my sister. She is in year three. She likes reading. She
reads adventure stories. She reads storybooks in the library. Her ambition is to be an

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Aisyah is ____________ sister. She is __________ year three.

___________ likes reading. __________ reads adventure stories. She reads
storybooks ___________ the library. ____________ ambition is to be an

Fahri is ____________ cousin. He is __________ year four. ___________

likes singing. __________ sings English song. He sings English songs
___________ the bedroom. ____________ ambition is to be a singer.

Azalea is ____________ friend. She is __________ year five.

___________ likes drawing. __________ draws beautiful pictures. She draws
pictures ___________ the garden. ____________ ambition is to be an artist.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. is She year in three.

2. draws beautiful She pictures.

3. likes reading. She

4. the in reads library. storybooks She

5. ambition to His singer. is be a

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

Azalea - friend - she - five - drawing - pictures - garden - her - artist

Topic : Relationships
Read the substitution tables below.

Encik Nazri uncle. fireman.

Puan Syida is my mother. is a teacher.
Natalia cousin. clerk.

He fire station.
works in in a / an
She school.


He puts out fire. He
goes to work by taxi.
She teaches pupils. She
types letters.

Write two more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: Encik Nazri is my uncle. He is a fireman. He works in a fire station. He puts

out fire. He goes to work by car.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Encik Nazri is my uncle. He is _________ fireman. He works in

__________ fire station. _________ puts out fire. ___________ goes to work by

Puan Syida is my mother. She is _________ teacher. She works in

__________ school. _________ teaches pupils. ___________ goes to work by

Natalia is my cousin. She is _________ clerk. She works in __________

office. _________ types letters. ___________ goes to work by bus.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. is cousin. Natalia my

2. She teacher. a is

3. works She in office. an

4. letter. She types

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

Puan Syida - mother - she - teacher - school - teaches - work - taxi

Natalia - cousin - she - clerk - office - types - work - bus

Make sentences using the given words.

Encik Nazri -
uncle - he -

works - fire

Topic : Occupations (1)
Read the substitution tables below.

Mr. Rama baker.

Encik Syukri butcher.

is a
Puan Kalsom shopkeeper.

Swee Lan rubber tapper.

bakes bread. bakery.

He He
sells meat. works in a market.
She She
taps things. shop.

rubber trees. rubber estate.

He goes to work by


Write three more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: Mr. Rama is a baker. He bakes bread. He works in bakery. He

goes to work by van.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Encik Syukri is a butcher. He ___________ meat. He _______ in a

market. He ___________ to work by motorcycle.

Mr. Rama is baker. He __________ bread. He _____________ in a

bakery. He ____________ to work by van.

Swee Lan is a rubber tapper. She ___________ rubber trees.

She _________ in a rubber estate. She ___________ to work by bicycle.

Puan Kalsom is a shopkeeper. She ____________ things. She _________

in a shop. She _____________ to work by car.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. is baker. Mr. Rama a

2. bakes He bread.

3. butcher. is Encik Syukri a

4. goes She to by car. work

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

Puan Kalsom - shopkeeper - she - sells - things - shop - car

Swee Lan - rubber tapper - she - taps - rubber trees

- rubber estate - bicycle

Make sentences using the given words.

Encik Syukri -
butcher - sells -
meat - works -

- goes - work -

Topic : Hobbies (1)
Read the substitution tables below.

Nabilah books.

She comics.
has a hobby. Her hobby is reading
My teacher magazines.

The girl storybooks.

Nabilah books.

She comics.

My teacher likes to read magazines.

The girl storybooks.

Nabilah library.

She reads in the classroom.

My teacher staffroom.

The girl living room.

Write three more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: Nabilah has a hobby. Her hobby is reading books. Nabilah likes to
read books. Nabilah reads in the library.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

My teacher _________ a hobby. Her hobby _____ reading magazines. My

teacher __________to read magazines. My teacher ______________ in the

Nabilah _________ a hobby. Her hobby _____ reading books. Nabilah

__________to read books. Nabilah ______________ in the library.

She _________ a hobby. Her hobby _____ reading comics. She

__________to read comics. She reads ______________ in the classroom.

The girl _________ a hobby. Her hobby _____ reading storybooks. The
girl __________to read storybooks. The girl _______ in the living room.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. a hobby. Nabilah has

2. is books. reading Her hobby

3. in teacher reads My staffroom the

4. to She comics. likes read

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

the girl - hobby - she - reads - storybooks - living room

My teacher - hobby - her - reading - magazines

- staffroom -

Make sentences using the given words.

Nabilah - hobby
- reading -
books - library

teacher - hobby -
magazines -

Topic : Hobbies (2)
Read the substitution tables below.

Amzar reading books.

The boy His writing stories.

hobby is
Anne has a hobby. Her collecting stamps.

The girl drawing pictures.

Amzar read books.

The boy write stories.

likes to
Anne collect stamps.

The girl draw pictures.

reads books.
He good
writes stories.

She collects nice stamps.

draws pictures.

Write three more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: Amzar has a hobby. His hobby is reading books. Amzar likes to
read books. He reads good books.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

The boy _________ a hobby. His hobby _______ writing. The boy likes
_________ write stories. He ______________ good stories.

The girl _________ a hobby. Her hobby _____ drawing pictures. The girl
likes __________ draw pictures. She ______________ nice pictures.

Amzar _________ a hobby. His hobby is __________ books. Amzar likes

to __________ books. He reads ______________ books.

Anne _________ a hobby. Her hobby is _______________ stamps. Anne

likes to _______________ stamps. She _____________ nice stamps.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. a Amzar hobby. has

2. His reading hobby books. is

3. has boy The a hobby.

4. boy to The write likes stories.

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

Anne - her - collecting - stamps - collect - she - collects - nice

the girl - her - drawing - pictures - draw - she - draws - nice

Make sentences using the given words.

girl - hobby -
drawing -

draws - nice

Topic : Shapes and Colours (1)
Read the substitution tables below.

ball. round

cage. rectangular
This is It is in shape.
a balloon. oval

lamp. triangular

ball red. cheap.

cage blue. It is heavy.

The is
balloon yellow. light.

lamp green. expensive.


It is used for keeping animals.


brightening up the room.

Write three more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: This is a ball. It is round in shape. The ball is red. It is cheap. It is

used for playing.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

This is ______ ball. It __________ round in shape. ________ ball is red.

_________ is cheap. It ____________ used for playing.

This is _____ cage. It _______ rectangular in shape. ________ cage is

blue. _________ is heavy. It _____ used for keeping animals.

This is _____ lamp. It _______ triangular in shape. ________ lamp is

green. _________ is expensive. It _____ used for brighten up the room..

This is _____ balloon. It _______ oval in shape. ________ balloon is

yellow. _________ is light. It _____ used for decoration.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. is ball. This a

2. in round shape. is It

3. is animals. for It keeping used

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

cage - rectangular - blue - heavy - keeping animals

lamp - triangular - green - expensive - brighten up the room

Make sentences using the given words.

lamp - triangular -
brighten up the

balloon - oval -

Topic : Shapes and Colours (2)
Read the substitution tables below.

Amirah camera. black

Anjali vase. white

buys a It is in colour
Saravanan bucket. red

Kelvin knife. grey

expensive. camera taking pictures.

It is beautiful. vase holding flowers.

The is for
useful. bucket carrying water.

light. knife cutting things.

camera father.

She gives the vase mother.

to her
He bucket brother.
knife aunt.

Write three more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: Amirah buys a camera. It is black in colour. It is expensive. The

camera is for taking pictures. She gives the camera to her father.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Saravanan buys _____ buckets. It ______ red in colour.

________ is useful. The ____________ is for carrying water. He __________
the bucket to _________ brother.

Kelvin buys _______ knife. It ______ grey in colour.

________ is light. The ____________ is for cutting things. He __________ the
knife to _________ aunt.

Amirah buys _____ camera. It ______ black in colour.

________ is expensive. The ____________ is for taking pictures. She
__________ the camera to _________ father.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. vase. buys Anjali a

2. pictures. is taking for camera The

3. colour. It in white

4. carrying is The water. bucket for

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

Anjali - vase - white - beautiful - holding flowers - she - her - mother

knife - grey - light - cutting things - he - his - aunt

Make sentences using the given words.

buys - vase - white -


gives - vase -

Topic : Occupations (2)
Read the substitution tables below.

Puan Suhaili grandmother. thin and tall.

Puan Nurul aunt. She fat and short.

is Iskandar’s is
Encik Azron uncle. He fat and tall.

Encik Ahmad father. thin and short.

nurse clinic.

She tailor in a tailor shop.

works as a
He pilot at the airport.

postman post office.

takes care of patients. from 8.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m.

She sews clothes. She from Sunday to Thursday.

He flies aeroplane. He five days a week.

deliver letters. six days in a week.

Write three more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: Puan Suhaili is Iskandar’s grandmother. She is thin and tall. She
works as a nurse in a clinic. She takes care of patients. She works from 8.00 a.m to 4.00

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Puan Suhaili is Iskandar’s grandmother.She is thin _________ tall. She

works _______ a nurse in a clinic. She takes care ________ patients. She
______________ from 8.00 a.m. ________ 4.00 p.m.

Encik Ahmad is Iskandar’s father.He is thin _________ short. He works

_______ a postman in a post office. He delivers ________ . He
______________ six days in _______ week.

Encik Azron is Iskandar’s uncle.He is fat _________ tall. He works

_______ a pilot at the airpoirt. He flies ________ . He __________ five days
______ week.

Puan Nurul is Iskandar’s aunt.She is fat _________ short. She works

_______ a tailor at a tailor shop. She sews ________ . She ______________
from Monday ________ Thursday.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. grandmother. is Puan Suhaili Iskandar’s

2. aeroplane. He flies

3. post office. works postman at He a

the as

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

Encik Azron - uncle - he - fat and tall - pilot - at the airport - flies -
five days in a week

Encik Ahmad - father - he - thin and short - postman - at the post office - delivers -
letters - six days in a week

Make sentences using the given words.

Encik Azron -
Iskandar’s uncle -
fat - tall

works - pilot -
airport - flies

Topic : Clothing (1)
Read the substitution tables below.

Cik Rasyidah nurse. hospital.

Encik Shah mechanic. He a workshop.

works in
Encik Amirul is a pilot. She an airport.

Mr. Tan waiter. restaurant.

Mr. Raju fireman. fire station.

white uniform.

blue overall.
wears a white shirt and blue trousers.
white and black uniform.

red and brown uniform.

scraf. white shoes.

puts on a cap. He wears his leather shoes.
an necktie. She her boots.


Write three more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: Cik Rasyidah is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She wears white
uniform. She puts on a scraf. She wears her white shoes.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Cik Rasyidah is ______ nurse. She works in _____ hospital. She wears
________ white uniform. _______ puts on a scraf. She wears _________ white

Encik Shah is ______ mechanic. He works in _____ workshop. He wears

________ blue overall. _______ puts on a cap. He wears _________ boots.

Mr. Raju is ______ fireman. He works in _____ fire station. He wears

________ red and brown uniform. _______ puts on a cap. He wears _________

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. wears white She a uniform.

2. scraf. on She puts a

3. nectie. puts on a He

4. red He a wears and brown uniform.

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

Encik Amirul - pilot - he - airport - white shirt and blue trousers - a cap - his - leather
shoes -

Mr. Tan - waiter - he - restaurant - white and blue uniform - an apron -his - leather

Make sentences using the given words.

Encik Shah -

wears - blue overall

- cap - boots

Topic : Clothing (2)
Read the substitution tables below.

Encik Khairul fireman.

Encik Jaffar is a soldier

Puan Aminah policewoman.

wears a red and brown uniform boots.

green uniform and a pair of leather shoes.
blue uniform

He his
looks neat and smart in uniform.
She her

safety helmet
also wears a helmet while on duty.

Write three more paragraphs from the substitution tables given.

Example: Encil Khairul is a fireman. He wears a red and brown uniform and
a pair of boots. He looks neat and smart in his uniform. He also wears a safety helmet
while on duty.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Encik Khairul _______ a fireman. He ______ a red and brown uniform

and a pair of boots. He ______ neat and smart in his uniform.
He also _________ a safety helmet while on duty.

Encik Jaffar is _______ soldier. He wears a green uniform and ______

pair of boots. He looks neat ________ smart in his uniform. He also wears
_______ helmet while on duty.

Puan Aminah ________ a policeman. She wears a blue uniform ________

a pair of leather shoes. She looks neat and smart _________ her uniform. She
also wears a cap while _________ duty.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1. is Encik Khairul fireman. a

2. a and brown wears uniform. red He

3. duty. on while helmet wears a also He

4. boots. a pair and uniform green a wears

He of

Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underline words.

Puan Aminah - policewoman - she - blue - leather shoes - neat - her - wears - cap -

Encik Jaffar - soldier - he - green - boots - his - helmets

Make sentences using the given words.

neat - smart - in -

wears - cap - duty


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