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República bolivariana de venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la educación

Universidqd Nacional Experimental “francisco de Miranda”
Punto fijo –Edo falcón
Aréa: ciencias de la salud
Unidad curricular :Inglés II


Realizado por:
Irma, peña
Josybeth, Morillo
Diana, García
Jenifer, Gonzalez
Paraphrasing is a resource that
Cause and effect connectors are a
consists of reformulating a
certain type of discursive connectors
statement using different words,
or textual markers, that is, certain
but with a similar meaning to
types of linguistic units that serve to
those of the original statement.
link the parts of a text and thus give it
For example: The statement "The
a logical sequence and organization.
man entered his house" can be
Connectors are very important when
paraphrased into "The man
writing smoothly and they work in a
entered his home."
similar way to links, only instead of
linking parts of a sentence, they link

connectors portions of the same text.

Summary connectors are links that from: Comparison

connectors (also called
are used to conclude or finalize an
comparative) are
idea or concept. Its objective is to
those connectors that
provide a synthesis. For example: At
join two syntactic
the end of the day, what matters is Addition Connectors: Addition
elements to establish a
being together. The connectors are Connectors (also called
comparison between
the words or expressions that allow Additive Connectors) are
them; that is, they are
to indicate a relationship between words or phrases that
related to point out
two sentences or statements structure a discourse in order
their similarities or
to add information

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