Vishal Pawar Progress Report 2 Presentation

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Six Monthly Ph.D. Progress Report-II
( From 27th March 2022 to 31st August 2022 )
An analytical study of Construction Management, Consume
Behavior towards Self Constructed Home and Ready-to-Move
(A study with special reference to North Maharashtra region)

Mrs. Vishal S. Pawar
[Date of Registration: 03-11-2020]
[Registration No. KBCNMU/11/Ph.D./Comm. & Mgmt./569/2020.]


Prof Dr. Sameer Pralhad Narkhede
Professor School of Management Studies,
Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (M.S.)
Outline of Presentation

 Introduction
 Previous Research Work
 Progress of Research, Brief Report
 Review of Literature
 Research Conclusion
 Paper Communicated in Journal
 Details of remaining work plan
 Research Related References

Perception is how information is collected and categorized. Perception is

affected by the amount of exposure to a stimulus and by individual interpretation.

Consumer perceptions there is general agreement that consumer behaviour

refers first and foremost to the act of buying a certain product or service. This,
however, is by no means the only behaviour of interest to consumer psychologists.
Prior to the purchase house, consumers may search for relevant information by
consulting friends, brokers, developer’s builders and discuss the options with a spouse
or partner.
Customers' perceptions of various factors influencing their choice of residential
apartments, rowhouses, and self-constructed houses, as well as to make comparisons
the four cities of the North Maharashtra Region
Previous Research Work
The study and identification of various parameters are decided for
investment in having own house or flat. It includes following parameter.
• Financially Ready
• Indirect Investments in Real Estate

• New Construction vs. Existing Property

• Security and privacy concerns

• Valuation of the Property

• Investment Purpose and Investment Horizon

• Expected Cash Flows and Profit Opportunities

• Be Careful with Leverage

• Overall Real Estate Market

Progress of Research, Brief Report
At this stage of research, study and comparison of the consumer perception related to
house or flat is studied and factors of the construction management

The consumer perception is an important factor to indicate the decision-making process

in buying a house. Moreover, the buying behaviour is influenced by both internal and
external factors.

The internal factors comprised of motivation, perception, consumer resources,

knowledge, attitudes, personality, values and lifestyle Cultural background, social class,
personal influence, reference group and situation also influence the decision-process
behaviour. Reference group could be assembled into three components, that is family,
friends and colleagues.

The externat factors like location, size of the house, amnisties, security and privacy
concerns, property location, distance of property etc.
Developing A Model Linking Home-buyer’s Preferences And Consumer
Satisfaction /Customer Perception
 Customer Focus
 Societal Image
 Financial Capability
 Approved Layout
 Authorized Construction
 Safe Design
 Previous Experience
 Excellent Design
 Reasonable Cost
 Experienced Professionals SATISFACTION/CONSUM
 Courteousness ER PERCEPTION
 Promptness (End Result)
 Healthy Relationship
 Response to Customer Complaints
 Accurate Measurements
 Involvement
 Quality Materials
 Workmanship
 Finishes
 Safety
 Scheduled Completion
 Systematic Handover
 Customer Feedback
Theory of Buyer Behaviour Model or Consumer Perception

Importance of Personality Social Financial

Culture Organization Time Pressure
Purchase Variables Class Status

Brands A B C

Inhibitors Purchase

Price Search for
Distinctiveness information
Availability Predisposition Intention
Non-Specific Specific Decision Evoked
Motives Motives Mediators Sets
Services Comprehension
Environment Sensitivity to Perceptual Satisfaction Attention
information Bias
Feedback of Effect
Input/Output of Information and
To study and identify factors of the Construction Management

• The success Key factors have

discussed about cost, time, Relationship
quality, management, Manageme
technology, safety, organization
and environment in the
construction project
Risk Monitoring
Manageme Performanc
nt e
• Construction management key
factor is good customer Management
relations, time, cost and

• The lack of experience and

scientific knowledge is
considered to be one of the Governance
major factors affecting the
construction management
Review of Literature
Customer Items supported by Brief Explanation on the Preferences of home-
S. No
Preferences Previous Studies buying customers (By the Present Authors)
Karna et al. (2009)
Leonard (2013) The builder should focus on serving the
1 Lam et al. (2015) customer and achieving the stated and implied
Forcado & needs of the customers.
Macarulla (2017)
Forsythe (2012)
Societal Positive perception or good-will about the
2 Lam et al. (2008)
Image builder in the society.
Ibem (2012).
Soundness of the builder on financial
investment/capital and his capability in
Financial Leonard (2018)
3 ensuring that proper cash / fund flow is
Capability of am et al. (2008)
important for the successful running of the
construction project
Construction The proposed building should be constructed
Forsythe (2012)
4 on Approved on an approved land/layout (i.e., land approved
Lam et al. (2008)
Layout by statutory/regulatory authorities)
Authorized The house should be constructed after
Forsythe (2012)
5 Building taking necessary permission to build
Lam et al (2008)
Construction from statutory/ regulatory authorities
Forsythe (2012) A safe design of the building structure
6 Safe Design Ibem (2012) against wind forces and earthquake
Shen and Jensen (2011) and safety against fire accidents, etc.
Builder should demonstrate his
Experience Cho and Huang (2011)
7 competency level and experience
on Similar Singh (2008)
through previous projects.
Providing an excellent, up-to-date
Forsythe (2012) design with all drawings and
Design and
8 Ibem (2012) specifications by consultants (i.e.
Shen & Jensen (2011) architects, civil/ structural engineers
and interior designers).
Charging the customer reasonable
Forsythe (2012)
Charging of price and abiding by what has been
Leonard (2008)
9 Reasonable Forcado et al. (2012)
jointly agreed by the builder and
Cost to the customer at the time of initial
Ibem (2012)
Customer negotiation/ signing of agreement/
Lai et al. (2008)
contract with builder
Appointment of Shen & Jensen (2011) Appointment of knowledgeable and
Experienced Cho & Huang (2014) experienced construction personnel (like
Construction Randeree & Chaudhry (2012) construction engineers, employees and
Professionals Saari & Tanskanen (2010) construction workers).
Cho et al. (2011)
Randeree & Chaudhry (2012)
Politeness/ kindness of the builder (or his
Singh (2015)
11 Courteousness site/ office representatives) shown towards
Limsila & Ogunlana
the customer.
(2007)Toor & Ogunlana
Prompt response of the builder to the
Randeree & Ogunlana (2012)
customer throughout the project and in all
12 Promptness Toor et al. (2009)
aspects, viz., buildings finishes, project
progress, delays, bills.
Healthy Builder- The level of rapport and maintaining
Karna et al. (2015)
13 Customer interpersonal relationships of the builder
Lam et al. (2018)
Relationship with the customer.
Timely Response It is immediate and quick action of the
Forsythe (2012)
14 to Customer builder on attending to complaints raised
Lam et al. (2008)
Complaints by the customer.
Ensuring that the built-in measurements of
Accurate Lam et al. (2013)
15 the building match with customer-approved
Measurements Forcado & Macarulla (2012)
Lam et al. (2008) It is the level of dedication of the
Involvement of
16 Cho & Huang (2011) builder towards execution of the
Builder in the
Su et al. (2009) building project.
Forcado & Macarulla Using good quality of materials in
Good Quality of (2013) construction and which conforms to
Materials Ibem (2014) approved standards and technical
Saari et al. (2019) specifications.
Forsythe (2012)
Quality of work achieved by skilled
Lam et al. (2008)
Good workers, as a result of supervision of
18 Forcado & Macarulla
Workmanship experienced engineers/ supervisory
Limsila & Ogunlana (2007)
Forcado & Macarulla
Standard of finish or aesthetic
Good Quality (2012)
19 appearance of the constructed
Finishes Ibem (2013)
building/ facility.
Shen & Jensen (2011)
Periodical feedback of customers on
23 Karna et al (2009) level of expectations and fulfillment
of their needs.
Concern of builder on health and
Leonard (2008)
safety of construction workers, and
20 Construction Forcado et al. (2012)
developing a safe and accident-free
Health & Safety Ibem (2012)
construction site and by providing
Saari and Tanskanen (2010)
personal protective equipment's.
21 Scheduled Leonard (2008) It refers to project completion within
Completion Limsila & Ogunlana (2007) the scheduled time and cost.
It denotes to proper and systematic
handing over of the completed
22 Handover of project to the customers after
Forcado & Macarulla (2012)
explaining the building systems/
features and maintenance-related
aspects to customer.
End-Result Support by Previous Literature Explanation by the Present Authors
The study consumer behaviour it is
Kavita Kamath (2018)
helpful to begin by considering the
Adrian Serban. (2019)
Customer evolution of the field of consumer
Mansi Misra (2013)
Behaviour research and the different paradigms of
Dikshita Gajera (2018)
thought that have influenced the
R. Sridevi (2018)
Customer Satisfaction is the overall
Mohit et al. (2010) feeling of contentment, fulfilment or
Karna et al. (2009) satisfaction of the home-buying customers
Leonard (2008) on purchase of the house, when he has
Lam et al. (2008) ultimately achieved all what he wanted his
Ibem (2012) needs, desires or expectations on the
residential building

Self-provision lowers the money cost of

Roni Brown (2008) housing and usually ensures higher
Anthony Bangdome Dery quality, and in this way enlarges the
(2014) housing choices of middle-income nuclear
Marisa Toth (2014) families. Materials and land costs remain
substantial barriers to self-help.
Research Conclusion

We are about to almost complete literature survey and preparing

questionnaire in order to distribute among stakeholder like customer or
end user, architect, builder, land developers etc. along with this will be
carrying out pilot test to finalize.
Paper Submitted, Seminar Attended and Other
Research Related Academic Activities

Paper Communicated in Journal

• Vishal S. Pawar, Sameer P. Narkhede, “An Analytical Study Of
Consumer Behavior Towards Self Constructed Home And
Ready-to-move Home: A Review”
• Journal Name- NICMAR journal of Construction Management,
• ISSN-0970-3675, ISSN-L-09703675.
• Publisher- National Institute of Construction Management, Indian
journals indexed in Scopus (Source List), a part of Group A of UGC-
CARE List Journal.
Research References, Field Visit
Various Journal and Research Paper have been referred for the
introduction. It includes Publication of Government and Institutes as well.
Websites which are more relevant to the topic were searched for the
• INFLINET, Shodhganga, Pro-Quest, EBSCO referred.

• Library visits Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra

University, Jalgaon
Research Material/Book

• Research Methodology- C.R.Kothari.

• Sidney M. Levy (200) Project management in construction, McGraw-

Hill companies, New Delhi.
Details of Remaining Work Plan

 Regular meeting with research guide

 Attend workshops/conferences/seminar related to research topic to

enable the research-to-date to progress without any major difficulties

 Further research will require visits to other leading research centers to

facilitate data gathering

 To complete literature review related to research topic

 To complete the questionnaire and will carry out pilot test to finalize
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5. Prof. Kavita Kamath and Dr. Madhura Jagtap (April 2018) “Consumer Behavior for Real
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