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Group and Team


Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 1


• How do groups and teams differ

• Potential limitations
• Potential strengths
• Barriers to effective team communication
• Develop effective team communication
• Group Dynamics

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 2

All teams are groups,
but not all groups are teams.
• Group • Team
– Three or more people – Special kind of group
• Common goal • Different and
• Interact over time complementary
• Depend on each other
• Strong sense of
• Follow shared rules
collective identity
• Diverse skills

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 3

Strengths of Groups

1. Have greater resources

2. Are more thorough
3. Are more creative
4. Generate greater
Microsoft Photo

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 4

Potential limitations
• Group decisions take more time
• Conformity to pressure suppresses

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A special kind of energy that combines and

goes beyond the energies, talents and
strengths of individual members.

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 6


Members may cease to think critically and

independently about ideas generated by a
group if they are too cohesive.

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 7

Features of small groups
• Cohesion
• Sense of belonging
• shard identity,
• too much cohesion- group think
• Group size –ideal 5 to 7 members

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Types of Communication in Groups

• Constructive
– Task
– Climate
– Procedural
• Dysfunctional
– Egocentric

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Task Communication

• Initiates ideas
• Seeks information
• Gives information
• Elaborates ideas
• Evaluates, offers critical analysis

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Climate Communication

• Establishes and maintains healthy climate

• Energizes group process
• Harmonizes ideas
• Recognizes others
• Reconciles conflicts
• Builds enthusiasm for group

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Procedural Communication
• Establishes agenda
• Provides orientation
• Curbs digressions
• Guides participation
• Coordinates ideas
• Summarizes others’ contributions
• Records group progress

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Egocentric Communication
• Aggresses toward others
• Blocks ideas
• Seeks personal recognition (brags)
• Dominates interaction
• Pleads for special interests
• Confesses, discloses, seeks personal help
• Disrupts task
• Devalues others
• Trivializes group and its work

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 13

Small group power structure

• Power over- ability to help or harm others

• Power to- ability to empower others
• Distributed power structure
• Hierarchical power structure

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Group interactions

• Centralized- one or two people have most power

• Decentralized- members have relatively equal power

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Group norms

• Standardized guidelines
• Regulate behavior
• Regulate interaction

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 16

Create A Story”

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 17

Group Dynamics

• The social process by which people

interact in a group environment
• The influences of personality, power and
behavior on the group process

Group Development

Orientation, guidance (dependence)
Conflict, roles and responsibilities, rules and
procedures, individual recognition

Group Development

Issue resolution, develop social agreements,
cohesion, establish group norms (interdependence)
Mutual assistance, creativity, understanding goals
and roles (independence)
Closure, symbolism, ceremonies, and emotional


Assigned roles
Chair, secretary, manager, treasurer, etc
Emergent roles
Confidant, group clown, gossip, mentor, etc

Factors That Impact Effectiveness

Role Ambiguity
Worker is unclear of job definition
Role Conflict
Worker experiences job overlap


Office, administrative support, perks
Authority, hierarchy, decision-making,

• Team is a special type of group
• Consists of people with diverse skills
• Stronger sense of identity

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 24

Team Defined
• A system of three or more individuals who
are focused on achieving a common
purpose and who influenced by each other
(Rothwell, 1989)

Dr. Mukami Njoroge

| 25
Why Teams?

• Good when performing complicated, complex, interrelated

and/or more voluminous work
• Good when knowledge, talent, skills, & abilities are
dispersed across members
• Empowerment and collaboration; not power and
• Basis for total quality efforts

Dr. Mukami Njoroge | 26

Team and teamwork

 Team
– A small group of people with complementary skills,
who work together to achieve a shared purpose and hold
themselves mutually accountable for performance
 Teamwork
– The process of people actively working together to
accomplish common goals

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Barriers to effective team

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How does a Team Work Best?
A Teams succeeds when its members have:
• a commitment to common objectives
• defined roles and responsibilities
• effective decision systems, communication and work
• good personal relationships

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Team Morale Depends On

• Support
• Resources
• Communication
• Personalities

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Teamwork Skills

• Listen
• Question
• Persuade
• Respect
• Help
• Share
• Participate

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