Q1 Week1 - Topic 4

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Introduction to World Religions &

Belief Systems
The Symbiosis of Religion & Culture

Teacher III
You will analyze the interconnectedness of culture and religions.
Specifically, this module will help you to

• Understand the development of the different religions in a specific


• Appreciate the role of culture in the development of religion and ;

• Observe their influence in your interaction with your fellowmen, the

world, nature and God.
To prove your understanding of the past lesson, you should be ready to
accomplish this task. You may do the following.

Directions: Explain the relationship between religion and geography as shown

in the diagram below.
What is Culture?

Culture is “a whole way of life” The way we think, act or speak. It is “ordinary.”
(Williams, 1958). Culture can be also dynamic, it can be shared, learned,
transmitted from one generation to another, adaptive and integrated

UNESCO defines culture as :

“The whole complex of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional

features that characterize a society or social group. It includes not only the arts
and letters, but also modes of life, the fundamental rights of the human being,
value systems, traditions and beliefs.”
 if you consider your own culture as superior from the rest, then your
belief is termed as ethnocentrism.

 if you are open minded towards other culture without judging them
and respect the diverse culture around you then you believe in
cultural relativism.

 Multiculturalism (Harrison (1994) is a theory about the foundations

of a culture rather than a practice which subsumes cultural ideas. In a
broader sense, the term is often use to describe societies which have
many distinct cultural groups, usually as a result of immigration.
(Vega, et al, 2009).
Religion and Culture

What is the role of culture in the development of religion?

It was believed that man’s consciousness of the divine can be traced

back to the time of the Neanderthals.

Lawrence McKinney observed that, “the discovery of bear skulls with

unusual markings indicates the basis of a primitive religion while
others, noting the existence of flower petals and pollen in ancient
burial sites, have speculated on the possibility of Neanderthal
funeral rites (McKinney,1994).
Among the many functions of religion identified by Calderon (1998) are
the following:
1. Religion serves as a means of social control.

2. It exerts a great influence upon personality development.

3. Religion allays fear of the unknown.

4. Religion explains events or situations which are beyond

the comprehension of man.

5. It gives man comfort, strength and hope in times of crisis

and despair.
6. It preserves and transmits knowledge, skills, spiritual and
cultural values and practices.

7. It serves as an instrument of change.

8. It promotes closeness, love, cooperation, friendliness and


9. Religion alleviates sufferings from major calamities.

10. It provides hope for a blissful life after death.

 The development of religion is influenced by the cultural milieu
where it belongs.

 Historically, in 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of

Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it became the
official religion of the Roman Empire.

 The sudden shift of attitudes and lifestyles among the Christians

was observable among which; a) being powerless, they become
powerful; b) being persecuted, they become persecutors. We have a
long list of abuses since then especially during the Dark Ages of the

 When Christianity was embraced by the Greeks and Romans, it

became a religion of the mind. It became and academic subject
devoid of compassion and mercy.
Ecumenism- is a movement or
tendency toward worldwide Christian
ecumenical unity or cooperation. The
movement seeks to recover the
apostolic sense of the early church for
unity in diversity, and it confronts the
frustrations, difficulties, and ironies of
the modern pluralistic world.

Today, ecumenism is not only exclusive among Christian churches but it

extends towards other religions through the principles of “unity in
diversity” and “many paths yet only one destiny.” Ecumenism simply
means that no religion possesses the whole truth as Gandhi reiterates.

Activity 2.1. Picture Analysis

Objective: Compare and contrast the cultural and religious influences to

our society.
1. Analyze the picture and answer the following
2. Use a separate sheet of paper for your

Critical Thinking Questions:

1. What did you feel upon seeing the pictures?
2. Does it mean that there are only negative
effects of culture and religion? Elaborate your
3. Based from your own experience, think of
the positive effects of culture and religion.

• Culture – is the whole way of life. It is ‘ordinary” according to

Raymond Williams which means all we do from sunrise to sunset is
part of our culture.

• New Normal Culture-is a deviation from the “normal” way of life to

the “not normal” due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is more of
awareness and prevention against the pandemic which includes
social distancing, wearing masks and washing of hands or using
alcohol to avoid the virus.
• Ecumenism- is a movement or tendency toward worldwide Christian
unity or cooperation

• Renewal - Second Vatican Council, also called Vatican II, (1962–65),

21st ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church, announced by
Pope John XXIII on January 25, 1959, as a means of spiritual renewal
for the church and as an occasion for Christians separated from Rome
to join in a search for Christian unity.

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate
sheet of paper.

_____1. It is referred to as “ordinary way of life” in its broadest sense. It is

the way how we wake up in the morning, fold our bed, brush our teeth,
take a bath and pray before and after meals, the way we dress for work,
the way we mingle with friends, etc. It is the way we do or act in our
everyday life from morning to sunrise. What is this?

A. Society B. Culture C. Politics D. Science

_____2. Within Christianity there are a lot of divisions among
themselves. History is a witness to the numerous wars brought by
religion. Towards the middle of the 20 century a movement was formed

by both Catholic and their Protestant counterparts to heed to the

original gospel message of Unity, Holiness, Universality and Apostolic.
What movement is this?

A. New Age Movement B. Ecumenism C. Renewal D. Activism

_____3. “Culture is adaptive, “is one of the characteristics of culture.
One of the statements does not reflect this characteristic. Which
statement are we referring to?

A. is genetically structured in man’s biological component

B. can be accumulated throughout the lifetime of a person
C. is diverse, and we should adjust to other culture
D. is never stagnant and keep on changing due to new social
experiences of people
____4. There is a symbiotic relationship between these three (3)
concepts; geography, culture and religion. Which statement reflects this
kind of relationship?

A. Religion influenced culture and geography.

B. Culture influenced religion and geography
C. Geography influenced culture and religion.
D. All of the above
____5. Amidst our modern lifestyles and technology, a Filipino
superstition that attributes its illness to the greeting of a stranger still
prevails. This belief is called ________.

A. Filipinos are polytheistic.

B. Filipinos are monotheistic?
C. Filipinos are animistic?
D. Filipinos are polytheistic, monotheistic and animistic?
____6. The Western and Eastern religions have different mindset in
terms of worldview, beliefs and philosophy in life. Which statement does
not reflect the difference between the two?

A. Western religions are linear while Eastern religions are cyclical.

B. Western religion separates religion and philosophy while Eastern
religion treats religion and philosophy as one.
C. Eastern religion believes in Incarnation while Eastern religion
believes in Re-incarnation.
D. all of the above.
____7. Identify which group of religions traces their history from Abraham?
A. Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism
B. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism
C. Judaism, Christianity, Islam
D. Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism

____8. A certain guy approached you and asked this question, how can I be
saved? What will be your best answer?
A. You should be a member of any of the religions?
B. Don’t worry about salvation, just enjoy life and be happy?
C. Go to Quiapo and your prayers will be answered?
D. You should go beyond religions in believing God.
____9. What characteristic of culture applies when Filipinos adapted and
embraced the Christian religion from the Spaniards?
A. Culture can be shared and learned
B. Culture is transmitted from generation to another
C. Culture is adaptive and integrated.
D. All of the above.

____10. Find out which phrases below is not an element of religion?

A. Belief in supernatural powers
B. Belief in the holy or sacred?
C. Curing the sick
D. Mode of worship

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