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Models of

Module 4
Mental Health status in the Philippines
Mental health Mental health Mental health
services fall short of services are specialists are fare
the demand. insufficient below the need

Prevalence of mental
Mental health has Mental health does
health conditions like
been getting low not have
Anxiety, depression
priority commensurate budget
stress and suicide
The WHO definition of
Mental Health
• The recent experiences following worldwide
impact of extreme life experiences and the
NOW COVID 19, has led to the present
recognition of Spiritual Dimension in the
articulated models of psychopathology
Biological Dimension

The Nervous System

The Immune System Consciousness
Genetics (the brain, and all of Neuronal plasticity
of the Body (orientation)
its components)

Memory Bodily Wholeness Homeostasis
Biological Dimension
• It focuses on the brain which serves as the integrative system by which
a person is directed to interact with the environment.
• Genetics and the Self
• Stress from prenatal and throughout the entire person’s life.
• Positive environment (physical activity, nutrition, range of
Early life stress:
psychological and social support) Physical, Adversity
• Neural Circuity: immune systems, cognitive processes and emotional chemical, exposure
emotional, social
Psychological Dimension
Personality (psyche apparatus)

Self ( self identity, self esteem, self worth,

Coping, Resiliency

Personality Traits and Patterns

Thought processes

Behavioral Actions
Psychological Approaches
The development of an
The individual is
individual’s personality There is evolution
basically thought of as a
goes hand in hand with throughout one’s external
unit of body and the
one’s normal physical environment.
growth and development.

The concept of
The person and the
personality is the
evolvement of the SELF:
Social Dimension
Social Systems Determinants to
Mental Health

Experiences of
Social Attributes Stigma
Social Suffering
Social Determinants for the Social Dimension
Social relationships

Social Institutions in the community

Social Determinants

Societal attitude

Social sufferings
The Self
• The self acquires cultural norms
and values of the society where
one belongs through social
institutions such as the family,
school, economy, political
(government), education,
workplace and others like
media, religious, social welfare
Spiritual Dimension
Something that can
The Spirit Within
Altered states of not be taken away
Consciousness from Man His spirit
(Victor Frankl)

Mediation, Spirituality of
contemplation, Filipinos ( way of
prayer coping)
Victor Frankl “ Man’s search for meaning: There is something from
which can not be taken away from him. The freedom to rightfully
direct his own behavior in any given circumstances.”

Carl Jung : Identified this as the spirit within a psychological reality of

the Self which becomes a powerful source of inner guidance.

Transpersonal View of psychology: an experience of Oneness with

everyone, that we are all interconnected.

Spiritual Steiner : the spiritual in the human being: An awareness of a spiritual

Dimension as world that lives in all human experiences.

distinct from Real medicine and health care can only exist when it embraces the

Spirituality human being in Body, Mind and Spirit.

Reframing Mental Health
1. Re orientation A refocus or a reminder that mental health is an integral component of
health in general.

“ There is no health without mental health”

2. Expansion of Mental Health : from the prevailing limited focus on clinically defined
mental health disorders to a broader multidimensional approach comes a
BioPSychoSocial Spiritual Framework

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