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Present Continuous

Present Continuous

Позначає дію, що відбувається зараз, в момент

мовлення, в даний момент.
Утворення стверджувальних речень

Subject + to be + Ving
Підмет Присудок
am are
I am reading now.
He is playing the guitar at the moment.
We are speaking now.
Скорочені форми
Утворення заперечної форми

Subject + to be + not + Ving

Підмет Присудок
am is are
I am not dancing now.
My brother is not sleeping at the moment.
They are not watching TV now.
Утворення запитальної форми

To be + Subject + Ving + ?
Підмет Присудок
Am/ Is/ Are

Am I playing the piano? – No, I`m not.

Is my Mom cooking? – Yes, she is.
Are you speaking? – No, we`re reading.
Let`s practice

+ I am playing football.
- I am not playing football.
? Am I playing football? – Yes, I am.
No, I am not.
What are they doing now?
She is reading.

The boy is climbing the tree.

The children are playing

Is the girl listening to the music?
Yes, she is.

Is the man eating?

– No, he isn`t.
He is watching TV.

Are the children swimming?

– No, they aren`t. They are
Agree or disagree

They are swimming

They are riding a bike

The boy is running She is singing

Agree or disagree

He is playing computer games The girl is crying

She is writing He is reading a book

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