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CRM Building Relationships with Doctors for Effective Marketing In Pharmaceutical Companies


Indian Pharmaceutical Market

Market Size Rs 140,000 Million Growth Rate 10% Market Leader Glaxo Wellcome
Market Share 5.8%

Competition 16000 Players Including Organized & Unorganized Market. At least 50 brands for every Molecule More than 30,000 Brands in the country





IDIC MODEL in CRM initiative by Don Peppers & Martha Rogers

Q1 a)Designing & Implementing a CRM Program for increasing your Business from: Large Private Hospitals ?

Medicines distribution Major though Doctor Prescription Identification Process:

Medical Rep maintains a list of doctors which is acquired by interviews with stockiest, retailers and from peers List Consist of Must See List (MSL), Must Visit List (MVL), The list contains Name, address, telephone no, specialty, qualification, visit timings etc.. Other source of data Membership directories of associations like Indian Medical Association, Individual specialty doctors association directories National level specialty conferences Doctor referrals

List consolidation for better mining of Data & decision making process specialty wise breakup, geographical coverage etc

Differentiation Process
Doctors are classified using ABC method as Core, Important and Others The classification is made based on the amount of business each classified doctor group generates to the company. Differentiation process is performed in following terms Sale Generated by Doctors Prescription Research by rating agencies M.Rs judgment

Interaction Process
Data collection on Doctor's hobbies, likes, dislikes, family details etc.. Individuality of doctor is to be maintained and decision on how the data collected will be used is to be decided with utmost importance Information collected is then incorporated to basic database with the following details Personal information - Birthdays, Anniversary, Family Hobbies and interests Professional interests Speciality, Journals read Ownership details Household durables, vehicles etc. Interaction can be at two levels MR.: NEW & Existing Drug Detailing & Sampling is communicated Corporate level by sending structured questionnaires and seeking further details by email communication

Customization Process

Customization involves utilizing the collected data to provided personalized service to the doctors Greeting on birthday & anniversary by simple card personally signed, phone call to wish them, gifts, bouquets etc. Request by doctor to go on National Conference can be arrange. The success of the whole CRM program depends on how well the companies can pass on the data of the doctor to its field force and train them on how to use this data All these Interactions have to be filled into the Master Data Base for future reference & learning.

Loyalty Program (Retaining)

Identify its key accounts, reward them for their custom and encourage them to increase their prescriptions. Reward Program based on classification of doctor groups. The number and level of activities would increase as the importance of doctor grows. The objective of the program has to be clearly defined in the onset and the exclusivity of the program has to be communicated to doctors to make them understand that they are the Chosen One The success of such program hinges on making the doctor covet membership to the program. Thus continuous monitoring is required to measure the returns generated from the doctor If they fall below a predefined returns limit, then the doctor can be downgraded and his privileges would be reduced

Direct Marketing
DM is a cost effective method conducted through Brand awareness campaigns, New launch mailers and contests Telemarketing and web

Call centre
Serves to 3 types of customers Doctors for drug profile, discussion & reference of cases Patients seeking counseling,. Retailers asking for pricing details, product availability


Q1 b)Designing & Implementing a CRM Program for increasing your Business from: Large Government Hospitals
Medicines distribution Major though free supplied by Hospital. Identification Key Persons: The Central Purchase Department, Doctor, The Medical Store Department Understand Purchasing Pattern: Channel Preference, Seasonal Buying. Differentiation Classification is done on Purchase Authority level. Interaction Detailing & Sampling Understand the tendering system. Customization Bulk buying Process. Loyalty Program ( Retaining) Sponsoring Blood Donation camp & Health Check Ups

Q2) Measurement of CRM programs effectiveness Quantitative Measurement Sales at Chemists shop Pre & Post CRM initiative Amount of Prescription before exposed to CRM initiative v/s after CRM initiative Prescription research done by Specialized Market Agencies Reduction in time per call & Profitability per call per customer Qualitative Measurement Customer Satisfaction Surveys for Doctors , Retailers & end users. Prescription profile of doctor exposed to CRM v/s non exposed to CRM

Q3) Importance of Internal marketing of CRM program The whole company should be on the same platform & speak the same language of the customer centric approach. Show the top managements involvement & Support. Financial Benefits associated with the success of the CRM initiative to be made clear from top to the lowest employee. Companys dependence on the all employees for success of CRM program. Awareness to employees about Costs & Time Involved.

Q4)Training of MRs for successful CRM Customer centric Focus Understanding of Companys whole CRM process Awareness on latest Pharma Research Data Social etiquettes & Personality grooming IT training for using internet database & CRM software Skills in Time management ,Joint field work, team meetings, strategy meetings, call/business planning

Q5) Systematic & Scientific Method of Classifying Doctors There is Inflow of data from 3 mediums Sale Generated by Doctors through Medical Store. Prescription Research by rating agencies M.Rs judgment Weights are assigned to these mediums Then the final rankings are found Based on all this information systematic and scientific classification of doctors as A ,B or C


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