Lecture 1

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Subject Plan for Pakistan Studies

• Subject Status: Compulsory

• Course Code: SSH-302
• Credit Hours: 2 (2-0)
• 3 Quizzes + 3 Assignments + Mid Term + Final Term
• 5+3+12+20=40 Marks
• Course Completion Duration: 16 Weeks

• We should love our beloved country in accordance with a

golden Arabic saying

َ َ ُ
‫حُب الوط َِن مِن ِاالی مَان‬
“Love with country is part of faith.”
Similarly at the time of migration to Madina the Holy Prophet
(saw) addressed Makkah with these words;
• ‫عن ابن عباس رضی ہللا عنہ قال قال رسول ہللا صلی ہللا علیہ و‬
‫ٓالہ وسلم لمکۃ ما اطیب من بلد و احبک الی ولو ال اَنَّ قومی‬
)‫ ابواب المناقب‬،‫نک ما سکنت غیرک (جامع ترمذی‬ َ ‫اخرجونی ِم‬

“Ibne Abbass narrates, the Holy Prophet (saw)

addressed to Makkah, how sacred and liking city
you are, if my countrymen did not took away me
from here, I shall never shift to any- where.”
Aim and objectives of teaching Pakistan
Studies is to equip the students with
history, knowledge and efforts made by
our elders in making of Pakistan.
As it is the saying of the Prophet
Muhammad (saw):
• ‫ش‬ ‫ش‬
‫من لم ی کر ال اس لم ی کر ہللا‬

“Whoever is not thankful to

the people, is not grateful
to Allah also.”
Aim and objectives of teaching Pakistan
Studies is to equip the students with
history, knowledge and efforts made by
our elders in making of Pakistan.
Islamic Ideology

It is an ideology through which a society is formed in accordance with the

teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

A religion is a set of beliefs that is held by a group of

people. There are many different religions, each with a
different set of beliefs. The beliefs are about the world
and the people in it, about how they came into being, and
what their purpose is. These beliefs are often linked to 
supernatural beings such as God, a number of gods or 
Ideology of Pakistan

• Pakistan’s ideology is based on ideals of the Islamic system. It was a

reaction to the Hindu and British explorations of the Muslims of the
sub-continent. It was a revolt against the prevailing system of India
where the Hindu Nationalism was being imposed on the Muslims and
their culture. It contained a strategy to save the Muslim culture from
total elimination. The creation of Pakistan was unique to the sense that
it was based on an ideology which sought its roots from the religion of
• The famous slogan
“‫” پ اکست ان کا م طلب ک ی ا ۔۔۔۔ ال الہ اال ہللا‬
became the core of the freedom movement and the basis of Pakistan.

Society is the term to describe human beings together. It

does not refer to everything everybody thinks or does, but
only to those things that everybody acts upon - or refuses
to do.
In other words, society is the values, beliefs and interests
that the majority of people within a certain country have.
In other words, society is the majority opinion and the
"norm" within a certain region.

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