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It is the one-way dissemination of
information through a media channel. It
assumes that one party has an unlimited
amount of information (usually through
some kind of expertise) and can act as
the “information services provider” while
the other party acts as the “information
services consumer” (Bordewijk and
Kaam, 1986)
• Examples of this type of
communication include radio and
traditional television programs
such as the news.
 It is widely held but fixed and
oversimplified image or idea of a
particular type of person or thing.
 It represents the opinions among
members of a specific group about
other groups.
 These opinions are often based on
tradition and are resistant to
 Example of this is “gender
stereotypes” and “racial and
Common stereotypes

• Racial and Racism

• Gender Stereotypes
• Group of Individuals
Racial and racism
 Racial means “relating to race”,
refers to the differences of a race.
 Racism, however refers to prejudice
and discrimination directed against
an individual of a different race based
on the belief that one’s own race is
superior, is clear different from the
word “racial”.
Racial and racism
 Stereotypes also exist about races and
• All white Americans are obese, lazy and
dim-witted. Homer Simpson of the TV
series The Simpsons is the personification
of this stereotype.
• Italian or French people are the best
Racial and racism
• All Jews are greedy.
• All Arabs are terrorist.
• Filipinos are all hospitable.
• All Asians are good at math. All Asians
like to eat rice and drive slow.
• All Irish people are drunks and eat
Gender Stereotypes
These are stereotypes about men and
women, such as:
• Men are strong; women are emotional.
• Girls are organized; guys are messy
and unclean.
• Feminine man is gay; masculine
woman is a lesbian.
Gender roles
 This gives a generalized idea about
gender roles.
 Example will be in t.v. ads wherein
woman always plays the role as a wife
submissive to her husband.
 In magazine covers, you can also see
gender stereotypes.
Group of Individuals
These are stereotypes about groups
of individuals such as:
• Goths wear black clothes, black
makeup, are depressed and hated by
• All blonds are unintelligent.
• All teenagers are rebels.
• Only anorexic women can become
Group of Individuals
• All politicians are corrupt and
• All librarians are women who are old,
wear glasses, tie high a bun, and have
a perpetual frown face.
• The elderly have health issues and
behave like children.

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