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Lesson 1


Similar to the use of other developing countries, industries in the Philip. of globalization.
Although condominiums come with advantages, they may also pines have devoted
resources to high-rise buildings for residences-condominiums. Condominiums represent
a cosmopolitan lifestyle that reflects the effects prove to be problematic.
Answer the following questions. Write your answers in the box
1) Are you in favor of establishing more condominiums to address the growing
population of the country?
2) What are the positive effects of condo living?
3) What problems could be brought about when there are too many condominiums in
the country?
The position paper is devoted to a discussion of one side of an issue. While other
essays are devoted to presenting information, the position paper tackles one significant
issue of a community on which the author takes a stand. What makes the position paper
challenging is that since the work aims at convincing readers to take the author's
position, credible evidence needs to be presented.
The position paper has several parts that are different from the other essays you have
previously encountered. Specifically, the position paper has essential parts such as the
issue, the argumentative thesis, the claims, and the evidence.
The issue of the position paper is similar to the topic sentence. It is the central concept
up for contention. Specifically, an issue would have supporters for both negative and
positive sides and the author chooses one for the position.
Topic – Dress Code
Issue – Implementing a dress code in school
The abovementioned example shows the differences between a topic and
an issue. While the topic is broad and can be explored from different
persectives, the issue compels readers to take a stand.
focus 1
Task 1:
From the following list of topics, thing of issues that can be the subject of a position

Recyclable bags
Tablets and smartphones
Freedom of information
Local tourism
An issue is developed into an argumentative thesis that states the stand of
the author on the issue.
The establishment of condominiums near universities should be prohibited
because of the risks it poses to public safety and the environment.
Claims - These are statements that support the author's stand. In the
previous example, the author cites risks to public safety and the
environment as points that strengthen his/her stand.

Evidence - These are proofs to strengthen the author's claims.

1) Evidence from surveys, library research, and experiments.
2) Evidence from informant interviews (those who have direct experience
related to the problem/issue).
3) Evidence from expert interviews.
Focus 2
Task 2:

1) Issue: Implementing K to 12 education system in the Philippines

Stand: Against
Claims: Lack of Facilities, inadequacy of teacher training, increased expenses of
Thesis Statement: _______________________________________
2) Issue: Political dynasties
Stand: Against
Claims: Monopolized power in public office, possibility of corruption, crowding of
democratic choice
Focus 2
Thesis Statement: _______________________________________
3) Issue: Use of social media Web sites in school
Stand: In favor
Claims: Speed in spreading news/announcements, possible venue to air concerns,
classroom applications
Thesis Statement: _______________________________________
Focus 2
Example for task 2:

Issue: Cycling to commute to work or school

Stand: In favor
Claims: Health benefits, saves money, environment-friendly
Stand: In favor
Thesis statement: Cycling as a mode of transport should be promoted since it has
several health benefits. It can help save non-renewable re. sources and can be financially
In developing a position paper, remember that there are four essential parts:
introduction, summary of counterclaims, arguments, and conclusion.
Introduction An Introduction, which identifies the issue that will be discussed and states
the author’s position on that issue.
The introduction contains background information concerning the son the (who, what,
where, when, and why), a yes or no question containing the sue, and the argumentative
Summary of counterclaims A counterclaim is the argument (or one of the arguments)
opposing your thesis statement. In your thesis paragraph, you make it clear to the
reader exactly what you plan on proving and how you plan to go about proving it.
Arguments You take a stand on a particular topic that is debatable. You present a clear
and strong statement usually at the start of your paper that asserts your position on the
Conclusion A Conclusion, restating the key points and, where applicable, suggesting
resolutions to the issue.
By Anna Mikaela Lapus
Background Information
Taft Avenue is a very busy part of Metro Manila. Because of the fast- paced living in the area, it is
possible that condominium living has been the trend for many due to the convenience it provides to
inhabitants in going to business and education districts such as Manila, Quezon City, and Makati.
The increase in condominiums around the area could also be a result of the density of people,
predominantly students, given that De La Salle University, one of the country's top universities, is
located along Taft Avenue. It is probable that most of these students would prefer con- dominium
living rather than traveling from home to school and vice versa which, for the case of some, can be
costly. In addition, not only students but also other individuals might consider it favorable to live in
an area where everything they could possibly need is easily accessible.
Focus 3
Task 3:
Write the example above, answer the following questions:
1) What is the topic of the paragraph?
2) Why are condominium units built in the area?
3) What do condominiums provide for its tenants?
Task 4:
With the following information, write a paragraph of 250-300 words that serves as background information on
the issue "Implementing a no private transport policy for two days a week along major highways in Metro
4) Eighty percent of vehicles in major highways are private modes of transport.
5) The volume of traffic is heavy from Mondays to Saturdays.
6) There are several public works projects in these major highways.
Focus 3
Example for task 4:
"Implementing a no private transport policy for two days a week along major highways in Metro
Background Information:
Metro Manila has many major highways like EDSA, Buendia, Taft Avenue, Roxas Boulevard, Quirino,
and many more. Most of the days, specifically during weekdays, those major highways get clogged
by traffic. Traffic is common to Metro Manila because of having commercial buildings, many
intersections, lots of vehicles, both private and public, and several public work projects of the DPWH
and other public sectors are on these major highways, causing increased traffic on roads. Even
though 80% of private vehicles consumes the road it does not mean that the private vehicles are the
cause of traffic. It should be prohibited since every Filipino owners use private vehicles as their mode
of transportation. There is also a law in Metro Manilla that decides every day which car can go out,
which is the coding. The last number in the car's plate number represents the day that vehicle should
not go out. Public Transport service causes traffic to since they switch lane to accommodate
passenger that commutes going to their work.
Focus 4
 The yes or no question is the issue posed as an interrogative statement. This allow readers to see both side
of the issue. It also allows you to weigh the evidence to support your claims for your essay. The argumentative
thesis is the sentence that takes a stand on the issue and includes the claims to support your stand.

With the example below, identify the yes or no question and argumentative thesis.

Yes or No Question
Is the establishment of condominium along Taft Avenue considered detrimental or beneficial?

Argumentative Thesis
The establishment of condominium units along busy areas of the city, like Taft Avenue, is beneficial to many in
terms of convenience and comfort.
Focus 4
Task 5:
Write a sample yes or no question and an argumentative thesis statement on the issue,
“Implementing a no private transport policy for two days a week along major highways in Metro

Yes or No Question:

Thesis Statement:
Focus 4
Example for task 5:

Yes or No Question:
Does it have the benefit of implementing a no- private transport ant policy for two days a
week along major Metro Manila highways?
Thesis Statement:
By implementing a no private transport policy for two days, to an area of the city like in
Metro Manila, would be a big help to lessen the traffic, the air pollution, and hassle to
many public commuters.
Ading Audencial
Alexa Mae Lachica
Francine Feliciano
Janella Paguio
Melvin Bargola
Kurt Lawrence Niñalga

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