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Suggest means to present a suggestion that

is to introduce or propose an idea or a plan for

Suggest means to propose a plan. It can be

accepted or refused

Suggestions are abstract and be in from of

solutions, advice, plan, and idea
Giving Suggestion

1. Let’s…………..
2. Why don’t we………
3. We could……………
4. What about………
5. How about…………
6. I suggest that ……….
7. You might want to change…………
8. I think…………
9. I don’t think……….
Accepting Suggestion

1. Oke. Yes, let’s

2. Yes, I’d like to
3. Yes, I’d love to
4. What a good idea
5. Why not?
6. Yes, with pleasure
7. That sounds like a good idea
8. That’s a good idea
Refusing Suggestion

1. No. let’s not

2. No, I’d rather not
3. I don’t feel like it
4. I dislike your suggestion
5. What an awful/ bad idea
6. It’s a bad idea
7. No, let’s not. Let’s…….
8. I’m afraid, I can’t
9. No, I don’t think so
Example :
a. Let’s go to library

b. We could eat at home today

c. What about eating at the new place?

d. How about going to Sam’s place first?

e. I suggest that we call it a day

f. I think you should go and meet her


Formal : - S + Modal (should, ought to, could,

etc) + V + Complement
- S + Suggest + (that) + S + should + V
+ Complement

-Informal: WH question
-Eg: - What about going to the cinema

Offer means to give something pysical or abstract to

someone, which can be teken as a gift or a trade

Offer means to give help. It can be taken or refused

Offer can be in terms of food, money, solutions, friendship,

or a bargian
Offering help

1. May I……..
2. Can I ………..
3. Shall I………
4. Would you……
5. How about you………
Accepting Suggestion

1. Yes, please
2. Thank you, it is very kind of you
3. Yes, please, that would be lovely
4. Yes, please, thst would be very kind of you
5. Thank you, I appreciate your help
Declining Suggestion

1. it’s okay, I can do it myself

2. No, thank you
3. No, thanks. I don’t want another helping
4. Don’t worry, I will do it myself
5. That’s alright, I will manage on my own
a. May I give you a hand?

b. Can I help you?

c. Shall I bring you some tea?

d. How about I help you with this?

e. Would you like another piece of cake?

f. I will do wasthing, if you like

Formula :
Modal verb + Subject + Object
Eg: - Will you have with that?

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