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Conflicts in our lives

By students: Kassym Ubaidolla, Alikhan Mukashev, Sherali Omirzakov


• We all experience conflict on a daily basis, and it's one of the few
things we can count on. It can take many different forms, such as
interpersonal encounters, family conflicts, and workplace conflicts.
• While we may disagree with another person, a conflict is a more
serious form of disagreement (Dubois,2007).
Why does conflict occur in our lives?
• Lack of communication - common problem that can lead to large levels of conflict. When
we make assumptions, the conclusions we come to may be far more unfavorable than the
facts themselves.
• Lack of leadership – Positive interactions with others are a necessary component of
effective leadership, as are taking the lead when it comes to enforcing rules and not just
issuing instructions.
• Lack of role division - If two people see each other’s roles differently, expectations can lead
to high levels of conflict
• Value conflicts - Sometimes our inner belief systems vary much from another person’s that
it is difficult to reach a conclusion satisfactory to both. It is like jumping on a horse and
riding off in all directions
• Resistance to change - Without a catalyst, our comfort level is often at the “leave things as
they are” stage. Changing something is hard.
How Do People Respond to Conflict?
• Some people grow enraged or violent in various
• Some individuals withdraw and try to avoid any
conflict. This can lead to unsolved issues because
they don’t want to talk about it.
• Some will deny that any conflict exists and insist
that everything is normal as usual.
How Can Conflicts Best Be Managed?
• Choosing Your Battles Carefully
• Remain Calm
• Listen , Listen, Listen
• Avoid Accusations
• Compromise
• Don’t Drag the Conflict Out
• Don’t Avoid Conflict Because of Fears
• Agree On Some Rules For Conflict Management
How The Past Can Affect Conflict?
• As humans, we tend to hold on to old grudges. We can carry the
baggage of old hurts around with us for years, and the problems of
the past can destroy any current happiness.
• One strategy for dealing with dwelling on the past is forgiveness. In
addition to repairing the connection, forgiving the other person can
relieve a great deal of our personal stress.
• Therefore, it is better to forget what happened in the past and
concentrate on your present
• Individual variations can be viewed as either the spice of life or as
bothersome and perplexing.
• The outcomes are more effective, rewarding, and workable than
maintaining the status quo when conflicts are channeled into creative
problem solving.
• Consider the needs, desires, and thoughts of the other person.
• To the benefit of all those concerned, find constructive, polite
solutions to resolve the matter.
• Dubois, M. (n.d.). Managing Conflict In Everyday Life.
• ‌ Billikopf, G., Conflict Management Skills. Regents of the University
of California. 2001 http://www.cnr.berkeley. edu/ucce50/ag-
• Allen, R., et. al. Parents Forever. University of Minnesota.
• How to Handle Conflict in our Everyday Lives – CAIDC. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2022, from

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