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Healthy lifestyle

What is a “healthy lifestyle”?

For one person, that may mean walking a mile
five times a week, eating fast food once a
week, and spending virtual time with loved
ones every other day. For someone else, a
healthy lifestyle may be training and running
two marathons a year, following a diet, and
never having a sip of alcohol. A healthy
lifestyle simply means doing things that make
you happy and feel good. You get to decide
what your healthy lifestyle looks like.
The healthy lifestyle can help you feel better. Even better, you don’t have to
overhaul your entire life overnight. It’s pretty easy to make a couple of small
changes that can steer you in the direction of improved well-being. Scientists
compare our bodies to machines that need a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fats,
vitamins, minerals and water to maintain proper functioning. Equally important are
physical activity and regular exercise. Unbalance and your health will suffer.
Benefits of the healthy lifestyle
• a strong immune system to prevent and fight
• a lower risk of certain types of cancers;
• lower blood pressure;
• a healthy weight;
• more energy;
• essential nutrients to support tissue growth;
• it can be good for the environment.
• What is the healthy lifestyle for you?
• What did scientists call the human body?
• What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle?
Thank you for attention!

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