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Winston Churchill

Great Leaders In HIstory


Alvaro Dario, Maria Fernanda and Sofia

A Leader
A leader is that person who knows how to handle things in good
times and bad, a leader knows how to put his mind on the
objectives and always make the things he think are the best.

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill…
● Was born on November 30, 1874, in
the Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire,
● Died on January 24, 1965, in
● Who was the Prime Minister of
England during the WW2, was an
statesman, orator and autor.
● Whose parents were Randolph
Churchill and Jennie Jeroma.
● in full Sir Winston Leonard Spencer
What did he

1940 1953

Nobel Prize 1954

First election 1951
of literature
as prime last term as
Second term
minister prime
as prime
minister minister
He participated in the design of the Allied victory
Avoided the Nazi strategy, he warned of the risk that weighed on the
expansion mainly
01 the Spanish union to 03 territories liberated by the Soviet army and of what could
happen to the countries of Eastern Europe, what he called
the Nazis. the "iron curtain".

Gave the most famous speech of

the WW2, which name is Blood,
02 toil, tears and sweat, which
The CarloMagno prize was
meaning is to recognize the hard
work on difficult situations. awarded to him, which is given
04 to those who fight for the peace
and union of Europe.
03 influence
in history
People remember him as..
Churchill is best
remembered for The man who ensured that
successfully leading Britain Britain and its Empire could
through World War Two. He – and did – “stand alone”
was famous for his inspiring against Hitler's Germany
speeches, and for his refusal
to give in.

The most famous Prime The greatness Briton of all

Minister of England time
Thank you for
your attention

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