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Exploring the Relationship between

Video Games and Academic

Performance of Grade-10 Students
Group 2:
Torres, Jose Constantine
Balmes, Tim Windell
Cleofe, Danielle Ann
Delos Reyes, Margaret Rose
Fraile, Glaiza
Geba, Leonel
Landicho, Arhistle

G10-Galileo Galilei

This research is conducted to classify the relationship of Video

Games and Academic Performance specifically during online

classes. Online Games and Academics don't always go along with
each other, which is why the aim of this study is to distinguish the
results of gaming during classes. It is also meant to teach students
the potential result of their choices about whether to prioritize
when it comes to Video Games and Academics. Video Gaming
benefits the pupil, but it also has an impact to the student. The
results of the study would be very helpful for young people not to
get out of the way when it comes to academia and to focus on how
better things can be done.
Objectives of the Study
This study aims to determine the
percentage of students that can execute
their designated tasks without any
difficulties while playing video games as a
hobby. Specifically it seeks; To determine
the current Academic Performance, To
determine the grades, To see the growth
in Academic Performance, How often
students play Video Games, Daily Time of
Gameplay,To Evaluate the relationship of
Video Games and Academic Performance,
Lastly to enhance Strategic/Mental Skills.

• Research Design
The researchers used mixed method, both Qualitative and Quantitative. Numbers and Statistics are
discussed by Quantitative research, hence terms and concepts are addressed by Qualitative research. To gather
information and knowledge both are essentialls. The researches will determine the postive and negative
contributed of gaming to academics.

• Informants
Participants in this study will be all genders from Grade 10 LPU-BATANGAS students. The research
interview will be conducted by certain Grade-10 students who have some qualities that will satisfy the needs of

A semi-constructed questionnaire will be used to gather data for this study. The questionnaire consists of
11 questions divided into two parts, one which focuses on the students preferences over gaming and studying,
hence the other part focuses on its effects and issues personally and academically. For the first part, 3 questions
willl be about their priority whether its gaming or studying, and 3 questions for how much time do students
spend on gaming, also on how much effort they put into their study. Lastly, the second part will be composed
of 5 questions about how much of an impact does gaming do to the students academic performance.
Thank you!

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