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Ranchodlal Chotalal Institute of Technology

In fulfillment of the diploma
Computer Engineering

Under the guidance of

Mr. Nilay Patel


                                                Submitted by :-

Harsh Patel(196400307092)
Divy Patel(196400307091)
                                       Sahil Parikh(196400307079)
                                       Aaryan Patel(196400307086)

 We are introducing “STUWI”, the android-based app which is a free digital reward system in
which every student gets evaluated on academic activities, extra-curriculum activities and
positive behavior.
 Our app mainly attracts teachers, administrators and students, which they can use from any
device and earn reward points and quickly track points, for the great things that students do every
 Student motivation affects every aspect of Higher education, from attendance, to academic
performance, to extra-curricular activities. Our main aim through this app is to drive the main
audience i.e. students to participate actively in academic as well as extra-curriculum activities,
where they can willingly improve their behavior/performances. That's why we came up with
STUWI for motivating students by providing them digital reward points which they can earn and
redeem different discount and offers on selected items from selected application .The Student
Reward System (STUWI) is application based system which will use as a platform for
interaction and competition between students of same grade and program. While the main
objective of this application is to connect students of same grade and make them compete.
 Profile

 Project title:- Stuwi

 Programming Language:- Python

 Designing language:-Html , CSS

 Documentation:-MS Office 2019

 Duration:- 10 Months

 Project Guide:- Nilay Patel

 Develop By:-  Harsh Patel , Divy Patel , Sahil Parikh , Aaryan Patel
 Summary
 In the present times Student constantly needs motivation to keep up in their studies and to
perform well. So, to make it easy they need to be part of competition in from of motivation.
So STUWI focuses on such minor things so that students can keep up with their friends and
they perform extremely well in their academics. It is difficult task to compete with other
students in term of progress, so this application provides such things.
 Student motivation affects every aspect of school life, from attendance, to
 academic performance, to extra-curricular activities. Promoting the greatest student
 motivation possible is extremely important for every teacher in every universities,
 especially in today's educational climate, where universities are continuously under
 pressure to improve test scores, responsibility, and accountability, punctuality. So we are
building an application which helps students to keep up with their academics and also helps
to improve them, and they can work individually towards personal reinforces or work
together towards group reinforces.
 Project Planning
 Project planning is one of the major tasks that are performed during the development of the
project. Using project planning, the task of finding the size of the project is done and with
that total amount of time and cost required for project development is calculated.  

 Approach:- 
 The approach to develop the software system should follow some systematic way i.e.
Software Development Life Cycle. Using the upper level analysis and the environment of
the project, which lifecycle model would fit properly for this project was judged. After
deciding the proper software development lifecycle model, the development of this project
according to the model was done.
 Roles And Responsibilities
Responsibilities Roles
Requirement Gathering Harsh Patel , Divy Patel ,
Sahil Parikh , Aaryan

Analysis Divy Patel, Sahil Parikh

Design Harsh Patel

Data Dictionary Divy patel, Aryan Patel

Data Modelling Harsh Patel, Aaryan Patel.

Document Sahil Parikh, Harsh Patel,

Aryan patel, Divy Patel
 Project Scheduling
 Project Scheduling consists of identifying the tasks needed to complete the project,
determine the dependency among different tasks plan the starting and ending dates for
various tasks and determines the chain of tasks what determine the duration of
projecting scheduling we decideClick
the order in which to do the tasks.
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ID Activity Start Finish Duration

1 Project File And 01-07-2021 05-07-2021 1w

2 Requirement 09-07-2021 18-08-2021 7w
3 Decoding And 21-08-2021 11-10-2021 7w
4 Data Modelling 15-10-2021 06-11-2021 3w
ID Activity Start Finish Duration

1 Designing 01-12-2021 30-12-2021 4.5w

2 Coding And Testing 01-01-2022 24-02-2022 7.8w

3 Integration And 12-02-2022 12-03-2022 3.8w


4 System Testing 15-03-2022 05-04-2022 3w

5  Development And 21-03-2022 25-04-2022 5.4w
User Characteristics
 Admin
 Faculty
 Student

 Admin: Login, Logout, Add Teachers, Add Students, Add Class, Add Divisions, Add Subjects,
Modify/Delete Teachers, Modify/Delete Students, Modify/Delete Class, Modify/Delete Divisions,
Modify/Delete Subjects

 Faculty: Mark Attendance, Upload tasks, upload exam scheduling, and providing information regarding
other activities. 

 Student: view timetable, exam scheduling, tasks, syllabus, attendance, credit points.

    Data
No Field name Data type Size Constraint Description

1 Username Varchar2 10 Primary key To store

Admin id

2 Password Varchar2 8 Not Null To store


3 Email Varchar2 40 Foreign key To store

email id

4 contact int 10 Not null To store

Data Dictionary
No Field name Data type Size Constraint Description

To store
1 Item ID Int 10 Primary key
Admin id
To user id
2 User Id Varchar2 10 foreign
which can
key link to user
3 Item Type Varchar2 15 Not Null Type Of Item

To know the
4 Item Status int 4 Not null
status of item
if 1 then
delivered or 0
then pending
 Data Dictionary
• Student Dictionary
No Field name Data type Size Constraint Description

1 Username Varchar2 10 Primary key To store user


2 Password Varchar2 8 Not Null To store


3 Email Varchar2 40 Foreign key To store email


4 contact int 10 Not null To store

 Use-Case Diagram
 User Sequence Diagram
 Admin Sequence Diagram
 Context Diagram
 Flow Chart
 General Activity Diagram
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