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By Zubair

Acknowledge Ms.Anam Aman

 Describe concept of Trans-Cultural Nursing
 Explain key concepts related to Trans-Cultural
 Identify the components of Cultural assessment
Cultural values give an individual a sense of
direction as well as meaning to life.
 “a discipline of study and practice focused on
comparative culture care differences and
similarities among and between cultures
 in order to assist human beings to attain and
maintain meaningful and therapeutic health care
practices that are culturally
 Is derived from a Latin word “competere”
meaning “to fit” or “to be suitable”.
(Andrews and Boyles, 1999)

 “…the complex integration of knowledge,

attitudes, and skills that enhance cross-cultural
communication and appropriate/effective
interactions with others.”
(American Academy of Nursing as cited in Andrews and Boyles, 1999, p. 8)
Campinha-Bacote (2002)
 Leininger was the founder and leader of this new, specific
cognitive specialty in nursing.

 Her pioneering work began with her theory of “cultural care

diversity and universality”

 Leininger developed and taught the first university course in

transcultural nursing in 1966 at the University of Colorado.
 Cultural Care Diversity and Universality
Theory(Madeleine Leininger )
 Purnell’s Model of Cultural Competence
 Giger and Davidhzar Transcultural Assessment
 The Cultural Bridge Model
 The ACCESS model
Leininger (2002)
 Universality:
Refers to commonalities or similarities that exist in
different cultures e.g. care and caring is universal to all
human beings.
 Diversity:
Refers to the differences or variations that can be found
both between and among different cultures e.g. expressions
of care and caring differs from culture to culture.

Leininger (2002)
 Culturally Congruent Care:
Refers to the cognitively based assistive,
supportive, facilitative, or enabling acts or
decisions found in the cultural values,
beliefs, and practices of an individual or group in
order for the nurse to provide meaningful,
beneficial, satisfying care that leads to health and
 World View:
Refers to the way in which
people of a culture look at their
particular surroundings or
universe to form certain values
about their lives.
 Culture Care Preservation or
Is used to enable people of a particular
culture to retain or preserve relevant
care values so that they can maintain
their wellbeing, recover from illness,
or face handicaps and/or death.
 Accommodation and
Involves actions and decisions
that help the people in a culture
adapt to or negotiate with others
for a beneficial or satisfying
health outcome with
professional care providers.
 Repatterning or Restructuring:
Is used to help clients change or
modify their health care patterns to
provide a life way more beneficial
or healthier while still respecting
their cultural patterns and beliefs.
Nursing Assessment

Culturally Unique Communication



Biological Environmental Social

Variations Control Organization

Giger & Davidhizar, (2002)

Assessment Communication

Safety ACCESS Negotiation
& Compromise

Sensitivity Rapport and Narayanasamy, 2002
 Any question
 Summary
Andrews, M. M., & Boyles, J. S. (1999). Transcultural concepts in nursing care.
(3rd ed.). Lippincott: Philadelphia.
Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). The process of cultural competence in the delivery of
healthcare services: A model of care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing,
13, 181-184.
Giger, J. N., & Davidhizar, R. E. (1995). Transcultural Nursing: Assessment and Intervention. (2nd ed.). Mosby:
Giger, J. N., & Davidhizar, R. (2002). Culturally competent care: Emphasis on
understanding the people of Afghanistan, Afghanistan Americans, and
Islamic culture and religion. International Nursing Reviews, 49, 79-86.
Leininger, M. M. (1991). Culture care diversity and universality: A theory of nursing. National League for Nursing
Press: New York.
Leininger, M. (2002). Culture Care Theory: A major contribution to advance
transcultural nursing knowledge and practices. Journal of Transcultural
Nursing, 13, 189-192.
Leuning, C. J., Swiggum, P. D., Wiegert, H. M. B., Mccullough-Zander, K. (2002).
Proposed standards for transcultural nursing. Journal of Transcultural
Nursing, 13, 40-46.
Narayanasamy, A. (2002). The ACCESS model: transcultural nursing practice
framework. British Journal of Nursing 11(9), 643 – 655.
Purnell, L. (2000). A description of the Purnell model for cultural competence.
Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 11, 40-46.
Ranzijn, R., McConnochie, K., & Nolan, W. (2007). Mapping the Development of
Cultural Competence. Retrieved from
Shen, Z. (2004). Cultural Competence Models in Nursing: A selected annotated bibliography. Journal of
Transcultural Nursing, 15, 317-322. 
Suh, E. E. (2004). The model of cultural competence through an evolutionary
concept analysis. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 15(2), 93-102
West E.A. (1993). The cultural bridge model. Nursing Outlook 41, 229-234.
Xu, Y. (2007). Applying a conceptual framework of cultural competence to a
proposed online nurse educator program. Home Health Care
Management Practice 19 (4), 319-323

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