Customer Journey Worksheet

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Map Your

Customer’s Journey

Map Your Customer’s Journey
Answer the questions below for each phase of the customer journey using the target audience
you developed for your selected business

Awareness When is my target most receptive?

She is starting to discover she has falling hair and dry hair

Interest How can I relate my product to my target’s needs?

Our product has been around for 9 years and has helped people with
falling hair and dry damaged hair with our Aloe Vera Shampoo which
has been a natural remedy for centuries

Desire How can I show my target my product really fits in their life?

Its readily available, easy to use and affordable

We also have very good reviews in our online store

Conversion How can I get my target to take action?

By offering discounts on paydays

Advocacy How can I make my target into an advocate?

After using our product-they notice falling hair has stopped and hair
texture has improved tremendously
Visuals by Designer, Zihan Yang © 2020 Aptly. All rights reserved.

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