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What is Staffing?
-According to Koontz and O’Donnell:
“The managerial function of staffing involves manuring the organizational structure
through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the
roles designed into the structure.”

Staffing is defined as,”Filling and keeping filled, positions in the organizational

structure. This is done by identifying work-force requirements, inventorying the people
available, recruiting, selecting, placing, promotion, appraising, planning the careers,
compensating, training, developing existing staff or new recruits, so that they can accomplish
their task effectively and efficiently.”
Importance of staffing
1. Staffing helps in discovering and obtaining component and personnel for various jobs.
2. It helps to improve the quantity and quality of the output by putting the right person on
the right job.
3. It helps to improve job satisfaction of employees.
4. It facilitates higher productive performance by appointing right man for right job.
5. It reduces the cost of personnel by avoiding wastage of human resources.
6. It facilitates growth and diversification of business.
7. It provides continuous survival and growth of the business through development of
1. Development of staffing plan
 What is a staffing plan?
-a staffing plan is a series of steps that are taken to confirm that an organization has two
very important things determined: 1) the exact number of roles and positions within the
company and 2) workers with the right skill sets filling these positions. Depending on the
needs and size of the business, employees will be grouped by classification and/or

 How to create a staffing plan?

1. Generate comprehensive job descriptions and lists of requirements
-most times, job descriptions and their lists of requirements are written by the HR
managers, but when creating a new one, the task should only begin in one fashion-by having
a conversation with the position’s corresponding manager.
-it will also inform their list of requirements, which should include these details:
-minimum prior experience required
-education history
-prior work history

2. Curate a current assessment of current employees

-in many situations, the perfect candidate for the position is one that is already working for
the company.

3. Analyze turnover and business trends

2. Development of policies to encourage
multiculturalism at work
 Every organization has policies to ensure fairness and continuity within the organization.
One of the jobs of HRM is to develop the verbiage surrounding these policies.

 Multiculturalism has effects on policies and procedures within organizations.

Organizations have to develop policies that accommodate a diverse work force and that
reflect the need to respect that diversity.

 Multiculturalism brings together a diverse set of cultures and ethnic backgrounds in the
work environment. whether people are from various socio-ethnic backgrounds or different
countries, employers should seek a diverse business culture because it offers many
advantages. As a business owner, consider how you can incorporate more diversity and
multiculturalism into your recruiting efforts and management style.
The advantages of multiculturalism in the workplace
1. More ideas and more creativity
-encouraging employees to provide input or feedback during meetings empowers them
to be part of the process and develops an engaged workforce.
2. Builds respect among employees
-the resulting communication leads to respect among employees who have a better
understanding of appropriate interactions and an appreciation of their co-workers and the
viewpoints they bring to the team.
3. Improves customer services
-having a multicultural workforce shows a different face to the public. Customers have a
chance to speak with someone who knows their native tongue or understands certain
4. Enhances work environment
-embracing multicultural concepts at work helps people feel appreciated for who they
are and the unique skills they offer. Many of those skills might have nothing to do with
cultural background, but the fact that diversity is embraced let employees know they are
valued. Valued employees tend to be happier and happier employees tend to be more

5. Where multiculturalism goes wrong

-cultural barriers can get in the way of a truly integrated, multicultural workforce. You
can overcome these by maintaining clear diversity policies and explaining what is, and what
is not, acceptable behavior. Set protocol for dealing with problems. Take the time to build
employee diversity skills to improve understanding and awareness to reap the benefits
3. Recruitment
4. Selection

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