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Thesis Analyze

Proposal Implement



Group – 1
“If a child can’t learn the way we
teach, maybe we should teach
the way they learn.”

- Ignacio Estrada
Chapter I
The Problem and
its Background
The Effects of Teaching Style on the
Academic Performance of
Grade – 9 Students in
Liceo de Victoria
School Year 2017 – 2018
This study will reveal the different
variables and its effect with the student’s
academic performance. This study seeks to
find out if the teaching style can affect the
academic performance of the respondents.
Theoretical Framework
There are many different approaches and theories on
teaching style. Most agree that for all pupils to have an
equal experience in education, teachers must adapt their
teaching styles so that everyone benefits within the
R.C Mishra (2007) has a different theory of teaching
styles. She argues that there are three styles of teaching;
the discipline centered, instructor centered and the
student centered, although there are many more different
teaching styles and theories suggested by the different
Discipline centered
This style of teaching is very structed, not allowing
for flexibility for what is taught and when it is taught.
This style of teaching may be completely centered
around the national curriculum, without deviating from
it. This style of teaching is as ineffective as it is
unpractical, as teaching must allow for flexibility to
ensure that all pupils are learning and achieving in
Instructor centered
This style of teaching focuses on the teacher as being the
main source of knowledge for pupils. Everything that pupils
learn may come from the teacher, without obtaining knowledge
and information from other sources. Much like discipline
centered style of teaching, the instructor centered style is very
limited and does not help learners develop, as pupils do not
have to seek ways finding out information themselves, but
simply ask the teacher. It is also very limited as the teacher
cannot be expected to be able to answer all of the questions the
pupil may have, and may have limited knowledge in certain areas
of the curriculum.
Learner centered
This style is the students centered style of teaching. This style
is much more learner centered and is very much focused on the
cognitive development of students. Through this teaching style,
pupils are encouraged to learn through inquiry, and develop their
own thinking skills knowledge and solve problems. Unlike the
other two style suggested by Mishra, the student centered style
of teaching also focuses more on the needs of the individual
learners. This style of teaching allows for pupils learn in different
ways as the teacher adapts their teaching style to suite all
learners, of all abilities.
However, the three teaching styles
suggested by Mishra are limited as they do
not consider the variations between
different classrooms and schools. There are
many different teaching styles, all of which
must be focused on what best suites the
learner. (Association of Teachers and
Lecture, 2011)
In comparison, authoritative style of
teaching is actually the same as the
disciplined centered and instructor centered
the only difference of these two style is how
it works inside the classroom but the
primary source of knowledge is only the
teacher and the authority is on-hand of her.
The learner centered is more about
hybrid style. Because in this style of
teaching the students find their own way to
learn one thing and develops critical
thinking while the meaning of hybrid is
learning through use of technology and
seeking to learn another thing from their
own technique.
Conceptual Framework
Independent Variables Dependent Variable

I. Respondents’ Profile
A. Gender
General Average of
II. Teaching Style: Grade– 9 Students in Liceo
A. Authoritative Style de Victoria School Year
B. Hybrid Style 2017 - 2018
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to identify those teaching styles that affect
the academic performance of the Grade 9 students in Liceo
de Victoria, S.Y. 2017-2018.

Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age; and
2.2 Gender?
2. What is the different teaching style of the
2.1 Authoritative Style; and
2.2 Hybrid Style?
3. What is the achievement of the respondents’
in their academic performance?
4. Is the profile of the respondents’ and
teaching style of the teacher has an effect
on their academic performance?

The hypothesis to be tested is stated as:

Respondents’ profile and teaching style
variables are not significantly related to the
students’ academic performance.
Significance of the Study
The significant of this study is to be of
assistance to the present and future:

Students. This study may help them in

discovering what teaching styles are
they more attracted to listen
Teachers. This study may help them to know which
teaching style is the best for their class according to their
needs. The result will serve as an evaluation of their skill in
teaching as to test whether their teaching style is good or
not. This may also help them realize their effective and
ineffective methods and strategies in teaching. They will
be aware of their personality and teaching style towards
to their work because of the students’ perceptions.
Information that they could acquire from the students
could help them to improve themselves to be better
educators and to grow personally and professionally.
Parents. This study may informed them that
the teaching style has an effect to the
students’ performances in their school.
Future Researchers. This study may inspire them
to conduct this research to other respondents in
order to prove or disprove its findings. This may
also serve as a reference and as a guide for them in
doing their research paper.
Scope and Limitation
This study will focus on the two (2) teaching style of
the teacher which are the hybrid style and authoritative
style. The researcher conducted a study in Liceo de
Victoria, situated in the municipality of Victoria, Laguna of
CALABARZON Region IV-A. This study focused on
determining which teaching style is more effective for the
thirty – four (34) students of Grade 9– Our Lady of the
Most Holy Rosary and thirty – four (34) students of Grade
9 – Our Lady of Guadalupe a total of (68) sixty – eight
students from Grade 9.
Chapter III
Research Methodology
This chapter involves the methods to
be used in the present study, the
respondents of the study, the
instruments to be used, the procedure in
gathering the data and the statistical
treatment that will be used.
Research Design
The researcher will use descriptive survey method of
research because as defined by Rey James (2008),
descriptive method of research is used to obtain
information concerning the current status of the
phenomena to describe what exist with respect to variable
or condition in a situation. The method involves range from
the survey which will be described the correlation study
that investigates the relationship between two variables
and developmental studies that seeks to determine
change over time which is applicable to the study.
To summarize this all, a descriptive
study determines and reports the way
things are.
Population and Sampling
The researchers formulated the title of the study as
first step, which is then submitted to the research
adviser for approval. Writing research proposal
followed after the proposal of the title. It will be
submitted and presented for oral defense. Important
suggestions and comments of panel experts will be
noted to serve as guide in the study.
The researcher use the cluster sampling technique in
choosing their respondents. All information will be
gathered through questionnaires to be distributed to
thirty – four (34) students of Grade- 9 Our Lady of the
Most Holy Rosary and thirty – four (34) students of
Grade- 9 Our Lady of Guadalupe at Liceo de Victoria a
total of sixty-eight (68) Grade 9 students that will
serve as an evaluators to identify the effects of
teaching style on their academic performance.
Research Instrument
Data will be gathered through researcher-made
questionnaire. The instrument that will be used is will
be checked and verified by the experts or the panel, if
the researcher has nothing to change in their
questionnaire it will be printed out and if there is an
error or something wrong to the questionnaire the
researcher will provide a new copy of their instrument.
The items in the questionnaires were coded with corresponding
descriptive remarks and a 5 point rating scales as 1 being the lowest
and 5 the highest, will be provided for the students’ answers.

The questionnaire will use a Likert-scale test based on the following

Scale Description
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Moderately Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
Statistical Treatment
The analysis and interpretation of data will be through
frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard
deviation will be utilized to describe the information about
the profile of the respondents as well as their perceptions
on the teaching style of their teachers. In determining the
relationship of the dependent variable to the independent
variable, the Pearson Product Moment-Correlation (r) will
be employed.
Group 1
Presented By:
Taize, Kent B.
Morales, Ghenine A.
Espiritu, Lucelle M.
Manalang, Ma.Bernadette C.
Desiderio, Wenn Angelo R.
Fernandez, Nico C.
Casbadillo, Dave Ernie B.
Kampitan, Rodson S.
Santos, Chris John S.
March 2018

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