Translation Methods

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Tr an sl a t i on

M e t h o d s
1. Word For Word translation

• Translation word 2. ST: I like that clever student.

for word in this Example TT: Saya menyukai itu pintar
way, the translator products proposed by Catford (1978),
Soemarno (1993), Nababan (2003), and
3. ST: He will go to Sydney
translates the Machali (2009). tomorrow afternoon.
content of the TT: Dia akan pergi ke Sydney
1. ST: Look, little guy, you-all besok sore.
source language shouldn’t be doing that. 4. ST: Jayne gave me a pocket
into the content of TT: Lihat, kecil anak, kamu dictionary yesterday.
the target language semua harus tidak TT: Jayne memberi saya kamus
melakukan ini. saku kemarin
by looking at the
word reference. .
2. Literal Translation Example

Examples modified from Moentaha (2006) and Machali (2009).

Literal translation is found 1. ST: Hi, smart boy. You have done a perfect job.
TT: Hey, anak cerdas, kamu telah berhasil mengerjakan sebuah
between word to word pekerjaan y ang sempurna
translation and free translation.
In which the SL grammatical 2. ST: It’s raining cats and dogs.
construction are converted to TT: Hujan kucing dan anjing
their nearest TL equivalents or 3. ST: His house is in the left side.
close to the target language. TT: Rumahnya berada di sisi kiri.

Another example from the article

SL: “She comes from a dense forest on the island of Kalimantan”
TL: “Dia berasal dari hutan lebat di pulau Kalimantan”
3. Faithful Translation
1. ST : He is a broker in the
stock exchange.
TT : Dia seorang pialang di According to a model developed by the ESIT
bursa efek. (Ecole Supérieure d'Interprètes et de
Traducteurs = Higher School Interpreters
• Faithful translation will
2. ST : The local government and Translators) in Paris, there
attempt to produce the are two basic equations that must be
correct contextual meaning closed a bonded zone.
of the original usage TT : Pemerintah daerah
structure within the limits sudah menutup sebuah 1. The meaning as understood by the
of the target grammar. kawasan berikat. translator must
be the same as what the speaker means.
3. SL: “She has physical
2. The meaning understood by the
features similar to a human”
reader/hearer of
TL: “Dia memiliki ciri fisik the translation must be the same as the
yang mirip dengan manusia” meaning understood by the recipient in
the source language.
4. Semantic Translation
• Semantic translation is Example
translating less critical
social words into a third
or useful term which is 1. SL: She is a book-worm.
socially impartial but not TL: *Dia (perempuan) adalah seorang yang
suka sekali membaca
parables. Which differs
from ‘ Faithful Translation
2. SL: Dia adalah orang yang gemar belanja.
‘ only in as far as it must TL : She is a shopaholic.
take account of the
aesthetic value of the SL
6. Adaptation
• Newmark (1988) said that • Adaptation is widely used to translate
adaptation is the freest literary works (comedies, poetry,
translation method that short story,
leads to the closest narrative, etc.
equivalence of
the target language. Indeed, There is a culture transition of the
this method of translation source language (SL)
tends to maintain the source to the target language (TL) and the
language and prioritizes source text is rewritten
target readers and adapted to the target text.
6. Adaptation

One example of adaptation product is the translation of

Shakespeare's drama entitled ‘Machbeth’ adapted by the poet W.S.
Rendra. He maintained all the characters and
the plot of the original work but he adapted the dialogue
to Indonesian culture (Machali, 2000, p. 53)
For example in fables, the themes,
lines and moral values are maintained, but the characters
are adapted to local figures, such as ‘fox’ (rubah), adapted
into ‘mouse deer’ (kancil).
7. Free Translation
• Free translation is a translation
that reproduces the general meaning
of the original text in the target text
and may or may not closely follow
the form of the original text.
8. Idiomatic Translation
• Newmark (1988) idiomatic
translation reproduces messages in the
target language text with expressions
that are more natural and familiar than
the source language text. Idiomatic
translation uses the natural
grammatical forms and lexical choices
in the target
9. Communicative Translation
Newmark (1988) idiomatic translation reproduces
messages in the target language text with
expressions that are more natural and familiar than
the source language text. Idiomatic translation uses
the natural grammatical forms and lexical choices
in the target language.

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