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Reproduction in Human beings
The reproductive organs of human beings are-
Testis in male & Ovary in female

In males ,sexual maturity is attained at the age of 13-14

In females ,the age of sexual maturity is 10-12 years

Puberty- It is the age at which the sex hormones or

gametes begin to be produced and the boy/girl becomes
sexually mature.
Changes during puberty
Common to boys and girls-
1 Thick hair growth in armpits and genital area between
2 Thinner hair on legs, arms and face
3 Oily skin and appearance of pimples

• In Girls-
1 Breast size begins to increase
2 Darkening of nipple skin
3 Start of menstruation
Puberty changes
Changes during puberty
In Boys-
1 Thick facial hair growth
2 Voice begins to crack
3 Penis occasionally begins to become enlarged and
Male reproductive system
It has parts which produce germ cells and other parts
which deliver germ cells to the site of fertilisation

1 Testes (Testis singular)- oval shaped primary reproductive

- A pair of testis lie in a small sac-like muscular
structure outside the abdominal cavity called scrotum.
- Testis produce sperm
& male sex hormone (Testosterone). - The scrotum
provides the optimal temperature for formation of sperms
(2-3⁰C lower than body temperature)
Male reproductive system
Male reproductive system
2 Epididymis- Coiled-tube like structure ,attached to testis
and is storehouse of sperms.
Sperms become mature & develop motility
inside it.

3 Vas deferens- Sperms are caried by a long tube called

vas deferens/sperm duct, to organs called seminal
vesicles, where the sperms are nourished and stored

4 Urethra- Common duct for passage of urine and

spermatic fluid. It caries sperms to an organ called
penis,which opens to outside through male genital pore
Male reproductive system
5 Penis- External male genital organ. Copulatory organ
with thick muscular walls

Accessory Glands-
Seminal vesicles : A pair of thin walled
muscular elongated sac which secrete fluid for
nourishment of sperms

Prostate glands : Produce a fluid which is released in

urethra along with secretion of seminal vesicle.
Male reproductive system

Semen- The secretion of accessory glands

together with sperms.

Sperms- Tiny bodies ,having mainly

genetic material and a long tail which help
them to move towards the female germ cell.

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