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pattern = purpose
story, account, or event
how, when, and where
can be factual or fictional
purpose = to tell a story
To be effective, descriptions should be as vivid
as possible.
1. producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
"memories of that evening were still vivid"
To be effective, include the character/s, plot, conflict, and
Types of Narration:
1. Brief Narration/ Clipped Narration
2. Detailed Narration
involves putting the image of the subject into
appeals to the readers’ senses
purpose = readers to imagine what is being
To be effective, it has to show vivid and clear
Types of Description
1. Objective Description
2. Subjective Description
explaining the meaning of a word, term, concept,
or subject depending on the given context.
-the circumstances that form the setting for an event,
statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be
fully understood and assessed.
Types of Definition
1. Scientific Definition
2. Subjective Definition
involves the use of several examples to further
explain a concept
uses terms such as in addition, for example, in
example, also, and furthermore
purpose = make the idea clearer by providing
supporting details
Types of Examples Used in
1. Examples that Illustrate
2. Examples that Explain
3. Examples the Tell a Story
4. Examples that Describe
Involves dividing the main topic into types or
purpose = show relationship of items with others
of the same kind.
Comparison and Contrast
compares items in terms of their
similarities and contrasting them in
terms of their differences
purpose = show a deeper analysis of
the similarities and differences
It is also an extension of definition as
you try to define a term by defining
how it is like and unlike another term
Ways to Present Comparison and Contrast
1. Block Pattern
2. Alternative Pattern
Cause and Effect
points out the relationship between certain
actions, events, or situations by identifying
which among them are the reasons and
purpose = show relationship
of different phenomena
purpose = show relationship
of different phenomena
Ways to Present Cause and Effect
1. Cause to Effect
2. Effect to Cause
3. Consecutive Cause and Effect
Problem Solution
involves identification and analysis
of a problem and proposal of one or
more probable solutions to it
This is a type of argument that aims to
convince readers to believe and accept
the proposed solution to the presented
purpose = show relationship
between problem and solution
Ways to Present Problem-Solution
1. Problem to Solution
2. Problem to Cause to Solution
3. Problem to Process to Solution
Involves convincing the readers to
change their belief or opinion regarding
a particular topic, issue or situation.
To be effective,
1. Know your reader/audience.
2. Present factual evidences.
3. State some counterclaims.
Modes of Persuasion
1. Ethos
2. Logos
3. Pathos
how to become an influencer in one week
1. Choose one of the following roles/
2. Write a script of persuasion about your chosen
3. Present your script through a video presentation.
how to become an influencer in one week
1. You are running for Presidency.
2. You are pitching a product to your
3. You are a vlogger endorsing a newly released
4. You are an advocate giving a speech.
5. You are the reason. Charot.
how to become an influencer in one week
For the video:
1. A minimum of 2 minutes per video.
2. Any language can be used.
3. You can edit or use other video presentation skills
in your videos.
4. Upload your videos in the posted announcement
in our channel so that others can see your work.

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