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Rising Sea Levels and the Effect on the US Coastline

• PhD. Djo Dohen

• Student: Kanbolot kyzy Mahabat
The coastline of the United States (US) is retreating from the ocean at an alarming
rate – and this is predicted to increase.
In this topic we are going to discusses the causes and effects of sea level rise in the
US .
The three main causes of sea level rise are understood to be:•

Expansion of the oceans caused by water in our seas heating up•

Melting ice sheets in polar regions•
Melting glaciers in high altitudes.

All of these factors have been increasing rapidly due to global warming and
constitute a significant aspect of the critical problem of climate change
Effects of Sea Level Rise and Climate.
The effects of sea level rise include higher risks of flooding and loss of life; declines in water
quality, which has an impact on agriculture and local ecosystems; erosion of coastal areas; and
inundation of low altitude coastal areas from the sea. These effects are detrimental to human and
animal life, and local habitats.
In the US, this may result in widespread displacement as large cities such as New York City and
Miami will no longer be able to support such high populations (without dramatic and costly
measures put in place). Tourism – which provides many jobs and in some coastal areas makes up
almost the entire economy – will be significantly affected.
• How Can We Respond to Rising Sea Levels and Climate Change?
• One of the most important things we can do to combat rising sea levels and
climate change is to drastically reduce global warming. This is the leading cause
of climate change and the main factor contributing to sea level rise. Embracing
clean technologies is part of the solution to tackle global warming. The US is a
world-leader in innovation, with companies such as BHE Renewables, Next Era
Energy, Cyprus Creek Renewables and Avangrid Renewables developing
effective means of reducing our use of fossil fuels and bringing them to the
market.Recording, analyzing and reporting the latest data – as the VIMS
researchers show – is also crucial to helping us protect coastal areas from the
effects of sea level rise.
• Is it possible to "cure" the planet? The world's oceans absorb most of the excess
heat generated by the greenhouse effect, but they respond very slowly to climate
change. This means that even if humanity completely switches to alternative
energy sources and stops cutting down forests, carbon dioxide emissions that have
already entered the atmosphere will continue to heat the oceans.I think that we
will not be able to return the climate to its original state and we will have to adapt.
Thank you for your attention

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