Research Problem 1

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Research Problem.

This is considered the heart of any research

project. Without a focused research problem, there is no research to
speak of.
Factors to consider in the choice oa a Research problem:

• Novel. When considering a research topic, you have to focus on one

which has not been investigated before.
• Relevant. The results of the study on a given problem should be of
practical value to you and significant to others in the field.
• Interesting. As the researcher, you have to consider our interest in the
choice of a research problem. Interest counts a lot in the conduct of a
• Feasible. This means that a problem you are goind to work on can be
completed without undue amount of time, money or effort.
• Researchable. This means that the data can be collected to answer the
problem that you posed.
Writing the Title of the Study.
• A good title is clear and specific. As the content of
the study are clearly shown in it. A good title implies
the research will focus on difference, effects, or
association between and among variables to be
investigated. Finally, a good title is clear and concise,
meaning that a good title must be composed of not
more than 15 substantive words, excluding functions
words such as articles, conjunctions and
Types of Research Problems:
• Descriptive research problem.
This problem typically ask “ What is” and suggests a survey research design.

– * What is the prevalent organizational culture of Mindanao University of Science
and Techniology as assessed by the department chairs, faculty members, non-
teaching personnel and students?
– * What is the dominant leadership styles of local executives of Gusa, Cagayan de
oro as perceived by themselves and their constituents?
– * What are the reading comprehension level of TCM and Tle students of USTP?
• Relationship research question.
This type ask “What is the relationship between two or more variables or factors
under study”, and implies the used of Correlational research design.

– * Is their significant association between the performance in the licensure
examination for Teachers and their grade point average in general and
professional education subjects?
– * Is their significant relationship between jo stressors and coping strategies of
nurses in the Intensive care units in hospitals?
– * How significant is the relationship between job performance of nursing interns
and their level of achievement in the the various professional nursing subjects?
• Difference research design.
This typically asks “ Is their a difference between or among the
respondents in relation to a characteristic or factors under study”.
This type of questions is often used when a researcher is after
comparing two or three observations.

– * How do male and female BSN graduates compare in their performance
in the PNLE?
– * How do education graduates from private and state universities compare
in their performance in the LET?
– * How significant is the difference between the performance of nurses in
the private and government hospitals?

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