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The definition of a Hygiene,first

aid and emergency kit,proper

Leader: Gabrielle Jade A Jarrette
Ronielyn baba
Vharry de vera
Johsheil arsenal
Christopher Bonifacio solis
Hygiene kit

• Most Hygiene Kits are travel-sized items and

packed into a ziplock bag, which is a great option
to make the Kit waterproof and easy for charities to
distribute to their clients. Our full-size Hygiene
Kits are normally packed into cinch bags, which
provide a great alternative with the drawstring top
First aid kit
• A first aid kit or medical kit is a collection of supplies and
equipment used to give immediate medical treatment, primarily
to treat injuries and other mild or moderate medical conditions.
There is a wide variation in the contents of first aid kits based on
the knowledge and experience of those putting it together, the
differing first aid requirements of the area where it may be used,
and variations in legislation or regulation in a given area.
Emergency kit

• A box or bag containing the equipment, supplies, and

medications needed to provide an initial assessment and to
manage life-threatening conditions. The kit typically
includes tools for managing the airway and breathing,
supporting circulation, providing basic or advanced life
support, inserting intravenous access, and measuring vital
Proper diet
• Consuming a healthy diet throughout the life-course helps to prevent malnutrition in all its forms
as well as a range of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and conditions. However, increased
production of processed foods, rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles have led to a shift in
dietary patterns. People are now consuming more foods high in energy, fats, free sugars and
salt/sodium, and many people do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and other dietary fibre such as
whole grains.
• The exact make-up of a diversified, balanced and healthy diet will vary depending on individual
characteristics (e.g. age, gender, lifestyle and degree of physical activity), cultural context, locally
available foods and dietary customs. However, the basic principles of what constitutes a healthy
diet remain the same.

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