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What is Creative


Creative Nonfiction
General Academic Strand | Humanities and Social Sciences
Human beings are not capable
of doing everything. However,
we are born with the great
ability to imagine almost
anything. This ability enables us
to create worlds where anything
can happen.

Our imagination and
emotions go hand in hand.
This concept can manifest
through art. An artistic
person is the one who can
use both his or her
imagination and emotion to
create things of wonder.

Art can manifest in different
forms. One of them is through
writing. When you use your
imagination and emotions to
create poems, short stories, or
scripts, you unleash the artist
within you.

Lesson 1.1

Imaginative Writing and

Other Forms of Writing

Creative Writing
General Academic Strand | Humanities and Social Sciences
Imaginative Writing

Imaginative, or creative, writing is "writing as an art" (Stegner,

n.d.). It may be literary or nonliterary, depending on its purpose.
Imaginative Writing

A literary imaginative text falls under

one of these literary genres: poetry,
fiction, drama, and creative
A nonliterary imaginative text may
come in the form of signage or

Imaginative Writing

Imaginative writing is more than

just a demand of the academic or
professional community. It is a
leisure activity that helps us to
express what is on our minds.

Imaginative Writing
The Nature of Imaginative

Poetry is the art where humans

give “rhythmic expressions to their
most intense perceptions of the
world, themselves, and the relation
of the two” (Harmon and Holman,

Imaginative Writing
The Nature of Imaginative
Fiction is “narrative writing
drawn from the imagination
rather than from history or fact”
(Harmon and Holman, 1996).

Imaginative Writing
The Nature of Imaginative Writing

Drama is a “story told in action by actors who impersonate

the characters” (Manly in Harmon and Holman, 1996).

Imaginative Writing
The Nature of Imaginative
Creative nonfiction is a genre
that uses literary styles and
techniques to create genuine
narratives on real events.

Imaginative Writing vs. Other Forms of Writing

Aside from imaginative writing, other forms of writing exist, such

as academic writing, professional writing, and technical
writing. 13
Imaginative Writing vs. Other Forms of Writing

Academic Writing

Purpose: to inform, to provide

evidence, and to persuade
Audience: everyone in the academic
Examples: theses, research, etc.

Imaginative Writing vs. Other Forms of Writing

Professional Writing

Purpose: to contact the people that

affect the business or organization
Audience: everyone in the business
Examples: emails, proposals, etc.

Imaginative Writing vs. Other Forms of Writing

Technical Writing

Purpose: to help understand a

process or a procedure
Audience: the general public
Examples: software installation
guides, recipes, manuals, etc.

The Creative Writing Process

Step 1: Generate an Idea

Come up with an idea using any of

the prewriting strategies that you
know. These strategies include
outlining, free writing, and clustering.

The Creative Writing Process

Step 2: Create a Draft

A draft is the preliminary version of

the text you are creating. It might
take some time to finish your draft,
but do not give up.

Researching before creating a draft is helpful
in developing an imaginative text. That way,
the text you are creating, though fictional, will
not be criticized for its gross inaccuracies.

The Creative Writing Process

Step 3: Revise

Revising is the act of making changes

in the draft to improve it. This
process is important for you to see if
there are problems with the text you

The Creative Writing Process

Step 4: Edit and Proofread

Proofreading is the act of checking

for errors the text might have in
terms of spelling, punctuation, etc.
Editing is the act of fixing writing
issues like sentence construction,
plot consistency, etc.

The Creative Writing Process

Step 5: Publish

Publishing is the act of making your

text ready for public distribution.
This is the ultimate goal of the
writing process.


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