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Blew It

This Photo by Unknown

Author is licensed
This Photo by Unknown Author is
under CC BY-SA-NC
licensed under CC BY-SA

• 100 Balloons
• 4 Dice
• 6 Balloon Tubes

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed

under CC BY-SA-NC
Starting the Game:

1. Set up a balloon with a

2. Set up 2 dice
3. Read the rules of the game
• Playing the Game:
• 1. First, you roll the dice to get a number. Depending on the amount of
dice, you'll have bigger or smaller numbers.
• 2. Once you have your number, you're going to blow into the balloon
that many times. You can set the amount of air you're going to blow
into the balloon with each blow with your friends before starting the
game. It's important to be fair and always blow the same amount.
• 3. Once you blow into the balloon your required times, give the dice
and balloon to the person who's going next.
• 4. Keep rolling and blowing into the balloon until the balloon pops.
Whoever blew up the balloon loses.
• 5. Once someone loses, you can choose to get another balloon and
continue to play eliminating everyone that loses until there's only one
person left.
• Fun Variations:

• -” Triple roll out”

• For a fun twist and for some more tension use 3 dices instead of the normal 2, and
continuing with the rest of the regular instructions

• - “Hot potato mode”

• Don’t use any dice and simply pass it on until the balloon pops. Last player remaining wins.

• - “Opposite Day”
• The player who first blows up the balloon wins.

• - “What’s your number”

• Use one dice and assign every player with a number (all 6 players required for this mode)
every time the dice rolls out to the number of the player they must blow once. Last player
remaining wins.

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