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Frequency response methods

Prof. Muhammad Abid

Basic Tools for analysis and design

Bode diagrams

Polar plots

Nyquist plots
Nyquist stability
Stability of a closed-loop system from its
open-loop frequency response and open-
loop poles

Relative stability of a stable system and the degree of instability of an

unstable system. How to improve the stability.
Useful for systems with pure time delay
If we take a complex number on the s-plane and substitute it into a
function, F(s), another complex number results. This process is called
𝑠 +1 2+ 𝑗 1+1
𝑠=2+ 𝑗 1, 𝐹 ( 𝑠) = , 𝐹 ( 2+ 𝑗 1 )=2− 𝑗 1 𝐹 ( 2+ 𝑗 1 )=
𝑠 −1 2+ 𝑗 1 −1
𝑗𝜔 𝑠 − plane ℑ 𝐹 ( 𝑠 ) − plane 3 + 𝑗 1 × 1− 𝑗 1
2+ 𝑗 1 1+ 𝑗 1 1− 𝑗 1

𝜎 4− 𝑗 2
ℜ ¿
2− 𝑗1 2
Mapping function
¿2− 𝑗1
Mapping contours

For a given continuous closed path in the s-plane, which does not go through
any singular points, there corresponds a closed curve in the F(s) plane.
Clockwise direction for mapping the points on contour A, contour B
maps in a clockwise direction if F(s) has just zeros or has just poles that
are not encircled by the contour.
If the contour in the s plane encloses the pole of F(s), there is one
encirclement of the origin of the F(s) plane by the locus of F(s) in the
counterclockwise direction.
If the contour in the s plane encloses the zero of F(s), there is one
encirclement of the origin of the F(s) plane by the locus of F(s) in the
clockwise direction.
If the contour in the s plane encloses both the zero and the pole or if the
contour encloses neither the zero nor the pole, then there is no
encirclement of the origin of the F(s) plane by the locus of F(s).
The total number N of clockwise encirclements of the origin of the F(s)
plane, as a representative point s traces out the entire contour in the
clockwise direction, is equal to Z-P.

Number of zeros of F(s)

Number of clockwise
𝑁 =𝑍 − 𝑃 Number of poles of F(s)

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