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Measurement, Assessment & Evaluation


Definition Of Measurement , Assessment and

Measurement Process Involves Four Steps
Considerations When Taking Measurements
Objective of Measurements
Steps Involved In Making An Evaluation
The Purposes Of Evaluation
Types Of Evaluation
Definition Of Norms And Its Types
Reliability And Validity

 According to Norman E Ground

“Measurement is the process of
obtaining a numarical description of the
degree to which an individual possesses a
particular characteristic.” 
 According to Ebel & Frisbie (1991):
“Measurement is the process of
assigning numbers to individuals or their
characteristics according to specified rules.”

 According to Murry Print (1993):

“Assessment involves the
interpretation of measurement data .It
makes sense of the data collected on
student performance.”
 According to Dictionary of
Education (1989):
“Assessment is the process
whereby one attempts to measure the
quality and quantity of learning and
teaching using various assessment
 “A systematic process of
determining what the actual
outcomes are but it also involves
judgment of desirability of whatever
outcomes are demonstrated.”
(Travers, 1955)
 “ The process of delineating,
obtaining and providing useful
information for judging decision
alternatives” (Stufflebeam et al
?How can we measure anything
?Is it Test

ECG machine
?What is Test

Test is an instrument or“

activity and systematic
procedure for measuring a
”.sample of behavior

How well does the(

.)individual perform
Measurement Process
Involves Four Steps

.Define the characteristics that you want to measure .1

Select the appropriate test. This may also mean to select the .2
.appropriate testing instrument
Administer the test. If an instrument is involved in the .3
.testing, this also means to use the instrument correctly
.Collect and record the measurement from the test .4
Considerations When
Taking Measurements
Remember that you are measuring a characteristic of the.1
person—you are not measuring the person themselves; thus,
.make no judgments about the person
.Make no comical remarks regarding the collected data.2
.Have a high ethical standards when collecting the data.3
Be professional.4
Types of Measurements

Objective measurements

An objective measurement is one that cannot be

interpreted differently because of numerical
Subjective measurements

A subjective measurement is one that can possibly be

interpreted differently.
The Purposes of Evaluation
According to Oguniyi (1984)
 To determine the relative effectiveness of the programme in
terms of students’ behavioural output;
 To make reliable decisions about educational planning;
 To identify studaents’ growth or lack of growth in acquiring
desirable knowledge, skills, attitudes and societal values;
 To help teachers determine the effectiveness of their teaching
techniques and learning materials;
 To help motivate students
 To identify problems
 To predict the general trend in the development of the teaching-
learning process;
Types Of Evalaution

Formative evaluation

Summative evaluation
Steps Involved in Making an

Define the objective or the purpose of the test.

Measure the performance or administer the test.
Find or develop a standard.
Compare a person’s performance on the test to a
Make the evaluation then discuss and distribute
the results in the most appropriate manner.
Advantages of Formative Evaluation

Formative evaluation enables the teacher to: 

 Draw more reliable inference about his students than an external
assessor, although he may not be as objective as the latter;
 Identify the levels of cognitive process of his students;
 Choose the most suitable teaching techniques and materials;
 Determine the feasibility of a programme within the classroom
 Determine areas needing modifications or improvement in the
teaching-learning process; and
 Determine to a great extent the outcome of summative
evaluation. (ogunniyi, 1984)
Advantages of Summative
Its existence (learners will need to be aware of it from the start) provides .1
.motivation and helps create an appropriate learning environment
Positive results give the trainees a boost in confidence and can act as a .2
.springboard into subsequent behaviour change back in the workplace
Trainers can identify those areas where results are consistently lower and .3
can then consider alternative delivery methods – helping to develop the
.training for future events
The results provide a measurable way of determining the success of the .4
.training programme, directly comparable from one intake to the next
Formative vs Summative

Formative <---------------------------------> summative

Informal <------------------------------------> formal

Continuous <--------------------------------------> final

Process <-------------------------------------> product


Norms refers to information regarding the group

performance of a particular reference on a
particular measure for which a person can be
compared to.
Norms mean standardized score. Scores on
psychological test are most commonly interpreted
by reference to norm that represents the test
performance on standardization sample. Norms
always represent the best performance.
Purpose of Norms
:Basically there are two purposes of norms 
Norms indicate the individual’s relative standing in .1
the normative sample and thus permit evaluation of
.his/her performance in refer to other persons
Norms provide compared measures that permitted a .2
direct comparison of the individual performance on
.difference test
Types of Norms

Local norm: norms based on a relatively small group .1•

of subjects. Ex: pull-up norms for 7th grade boys at one
2. State norms: norms that are representative of all
similar subjects in the state. Ex: fitness norms for 7th
grade boys.
3. National norms: norms that are representative of all
similar subjects in the united states. Ex: fitness norms for
7th grade girls.
Reliability and Validity

Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool

.produces stable and consistent results

Validity refers to how well a test measures what it is purported to

Types of Reliability
Types of Validity

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