Article of The Week - Macy Smith

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Lack of Planning Time

for Teachers
Macy Smith
“Students aren’t the only ones who need more time
to learn; teachers also need more and better time
for learning and for planning.”
Why is this important?
- A group of teachers from Wisconsin have said that having more planning time would have the
greatest positive impact on their ability to help students learn & realize their potential.
- Other teachers ranked planning time during the day as the most important factor that would
help them with their teaching.
- Teachers have also listed the lack of planning time as a reason for leaving the profession and a
barrier for success.

- Planning time ranges from 12 to 80 minutes for elementary teacher and 30 to 96 minutes for
secondary teachers.
- Typical elementary teachers in the US spend about 32 hours a week with students and are paid
to work 38. Many teachers work outside their contract hours to get all their planning done. It
equivalates to around 52 hour per week.
- Other countries with higher-performing students give teachers more planning time within their
contracted hours.
Collaborative vs Individual Planning
Teachers need both types of planning time. Individual Planning time to focus on things within
their own classroom and collaborative planning time with their colleagues who teach the same
grade level or subject. Individual planning time is needed every day to help prepare for upcoming
lessons, review student work, and have time to reach out to parents. Collaborative planning time
is something that occurs once or twice a week. This allows for teachers to come together to
discuss upcoming work and provide advice/support for one another.
What can we do about it?
The article suggested:

- Shorter days for students (late start on Wednesdays, etc.)

- Work days embedded within the school year
- Increased staffing (More PE, music, art, and science teachers)

Unfortunately more evidence is needed to build a stronger case. All of the options above will cost
school districts mone. There are studies and research that can be done, but it will be no easy task.

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