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N e w Te c h n o l o g y i n
warehouse management

“ Te a m T h a n h
Lecturers:Le Thi Thanh Ngan

Tr a n T h i T h a n h X u a n
M S S V 1 9 5 0 1 3 4 6 7 04 D u o n g N g o c P h u o n g Tr i n h
M S S V 1 9 5 0 1 3 4 2 4
Do Hong Quan
M S S V 1 9 5 0 1 3 3 3 2 05 Nghiem Cong Phieu
M S S V 1 9 5 0 1 3 3 1 0

N g u y e n T h i Ye n N h i
M S S V 1 9 5 0 11 3 2 8 06 P h a m T r i Ta i
M S S V 1 9 5 0 1 3 6 0 5

01 Saigon, 21/06/202
01 Warehouse Management

02 Internet of Things (IoT)

03 Robot and Automation

04 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)

Automated Storage and
05 Retrieval Systems (AS/RS)

06 Artificial Intelligence
07 Blockchain

01 What is Warehouse

Warehouse management encompasses the principles and processes

involved in running the day-to-day operations of a warehouse,
includes receiving and organizing warehouse space, scheduling
labor, managing inventory and fulfilling orders. Effective warehouse
management involves optimizing and integrating each of those
processes to ensure all aspects of a warehouse operation work
together to increase productivity and keep costs low.
Benefits of Warehouse Management

Namely fast Ripple out to the entire supply chain.

The benefits of
good warehouse

High-quality service at low cost. Strengthening relationships

with suppliers as well as
W h a t i s a Wa re h o u s e M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m ?

Share data with other ERP Create step by step

Leverage data and automation to modules or standalone software directions to guide users
conduct demand analyses, forecast products, such as accounting through daily processes -
sales and create efficient daily software and transportation such as receiving, picking
operating plans. management solutions, to increase and packing orders -using
the efficiency of business predefined rules.

Monitor and report productivity to

Provide real-time insight offer a deeper understanding of how
into inventory location and efficiently your warehouse is
quantity operating and where you can make
improvements to warehouse
geography and optimize space.
Warehouse Management Processes
Internet of Things
IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical
and digital machines, objects, animals or people.

They are provided with UIDs and the ability to transfer data
over a network.
A typical IoT system works through real-time data collection and exchange.
Has three components:

1. Smart device

2. IoT Applications

3. Graphical User Interface

 IoTs has a impact on lives and works, make life healthier, more productive, and more comfortable.
Why is IoT important ?

• Helps people live and work smarter.

• Provides businesses with a real-time look.

• Enables companies to automate processes and reduce labor costs.

• Cuts down on waste and improves service delivery.

 IoT is one of the most important technologies.

03 Robotis and

Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science

That deals with the design, construction, operation, and use of robots.

In contrast, Automation is a set of operations that can be performed autonomously with

minimal or no human assistance.
Warehouse Technology – Robotics & Automation

The warehouse is an environment where automation equipment can

be optimally used.

They can take over repetitive tasks from humans and achieve a more
consistent, efficient, and accurate warehouse operation.

It can also improve employee engagement and retention rates as the

repetitive and dull tasks are transferred to the robots.
04 Automatic Guided Vihicle
 The first AGV was invented by Berrett Electronics in 1953
 Definition: is a portable robot that follows along marked long lines or
wires on the floor, or uses radio waves, vision cameras, magnets, or lasers
for navigation
 Orther names: LGV, SGv.FTS,…
 Manufacturers: JBT Copperation, Daifuku Web,…

Modern technology allows the vehicle make
decisions on its own.
How to AGV used ?

AGVs are used in a variety of areas to support processing and handling throughout a facility:

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Types of AGVs Tugger AGVs – Powered units pulling a series of non-
motorized trailers that each carries a load.
 Automated carts - The simplest kind of AGV with
minimal features for lowest cost implementation.

Automated forklift AGVs - An existing forklift truck whose

controls have been converted to allow unmanned operation.
Unit load AGVs –
Individual vehicles that
transport loads (typically
pallets, bins, carts or
bundles) on forks or on the
AGV’s deck. Roll-handling
AGVs specifically handle
heavy rolls of steel or paper.
AGVs provide a variety of benefits:

Fewer Reduced
restrictions operating costs Scalability

Flexibility Reduction in
product damage
Automatic Scheduling
line balancing

maintenance Repeatability
Cost control Safety

AGVs provide automated material movement for a variety of industries including:

 Automotive, Beverage, Chemicals, Commercial printing, Food, Hospital, Manufacturing, Newspaper, Paper, Pharmaceutical,
Plastics, Warehousing and distribution….
05 Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems
 AS/RS systems are designed for automated storage and retrieval of parts and items in manufacturing, distribution, retail, wholesale and
institutions. They first originated in the 1960s.

 Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS) weren't appreciated because its high of cost. But as AS/RS technology has rapidly
advanced over the years, new options provide a wide variety of size, speed, cost, and flexibility, and has caused the rate of system adoption

(ASRS are also used in libraries

allowing for greater safety when
(ASRS with input on ground level) consulting and retrieving books.)
How does it work ?

The process of importing goods and exporting goods in the warehouse automatically

 Maximize the storage space available in existing structures, avoiding outdoor storage and
 Reduce total construction area by up to 50% compared to conventional warehouse
 40% reduction in energy costs in a cool environment
 Reduce labor costs and product damage
 Increase inventory accuracy and customer service
(A warehouse with automated storage)


- More efficient use of floor space

- Ability to reclaim unused vertical space
- Increased inventory storage density
Uses & Applications
- Improved ergonomics and safety, resulting in fewer accidents
- Increased throughput
- Goods-to-Person for Order Picking and Packing
- Reduced labor costs
- Staging Orders for Shipping
- Fewer labor constraints due to labor shortages
- Managing Buffer Storage
- Often modular design for maximum flexibility
- Storage and Point of Use Storage
- Increased order picking accuracy
- Improved product security for premium inventory
ypes of Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems (AS/RS)

Automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) come in two main varieties: Unit-Load AS/RS and Mini-Load AS/RS.
Between these two main buckets, there are six primary types of AS/RS systems:
Vertical Lift Module (VLM) AS/RS

Shuttle- and Bot-based AS/RS

Unit-Load AS/RS Cranes Mini-Load AS/RS Cranes

(Fixed-Aisle & Moveable Aisle)

Carousel-based AS/RS Micro-Load (Stocker)

(Vertical, Horizontal, and Robotic)

06 Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence ?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that aims to make machines Andrew Ng, founder
and lead of the Google said: “If a typical person can do a mental task with less than one second of thought, we
can probably automate it using AI either now or in the near future.”
The Value of Artificial Intelligence in the Warehouse

Artificial Intelligence generates value in the warehouse through various sub-technologies: machine learning, natural
language processing, robotics, and computer vision.

Natural language processing makes voice-picking possible

so that workers can operate hands-free and more safely.
Machine learning uses algorithms to “learn from experience” and make
practical decisions for the warehouse. Using data gathered from sensors, it
notices patterns and suggests actions such as faster replenishment of nearly
out-of-stock items, shorter walking routes, and better inventory positioning.
The Value of Artificial Intelligence in the Warehouse

Smart glasses are equipped with cameras that use computer

vision to automatically recognize barcodes. Also using computer
vision, cameras placed around the warehouse enable end-to-end
product tracking.

Robotics lends AI a physical presence, spatial awareness, and movement in the real
world. AI robots’ capabilities can vary from tasks such as loading or unloading a
pallet, moving cargo around the warehouse, and/or performing picking operations.
07 Blockchain

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that exchanges record transactions between parties in a secure way. To
put it more simply: it is blocks of data that are chained, hence the term Blockchain, which are shared by all computers
in a network, thus making them accessible to relevant parties.

Blockchain brings three main features – Accessibility, Security, and Accountability being shared by all parties, makes
data accessible for everyone involved
Blockchain’s Role in the Warehouse
Excellence in logistics is achieved by seamless collaboration
between every stakeholder in the supply chain, including the
Blockchain will link relevant parties on the same data platform while
guaranteeing data security and easy communications.
When paired with IoT (Internet of Things), new data can be automatically updated in this unified ledger.
Also, Smart Contracts, which are self-executing contracts with terms of agreement between two parties
automate verifications and payment

D O Y O U H AV E A N Y Q U E S T I O N ?

H C M c i t y, 2 1 / 0 6 / 2
% đóng góp của nhiệm vụ
STT Họ tên MSSV Nhiệm vụ Đánh giá kết quả nhiệm vụ
vào tổng thể bài làm

Nội dung phần mở đầu, thuyết

1 Dương Ngọc Phương Trinh 195013424  100% T

Nội dung phần 2&3, thuyết

2 Phạm Trí Tài 195013605  100% T

Nội dung phần 4&5, thuyết

3 Nguyễn Thị Yến Nhi 195011328  100% T

Nội dung phần 6&7, thuyết

4 Nghiêm Công Phiêu 195013310  100% T

Gộp tất cả nội dung, chỉnh sửa

5 Đỗ Hồng Quân 195013332  100% T
& làm slide 

Gộp tất cả nội dung, chỉnh sửa

6 Trần Thị Thanh Xuân 195013467  100% T
& làm slide 

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