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_____1. All the sentences are real life except one. Which one is not real life?

A. Drink milk every day to make bones strong.

B. Darwin saves money in a piggy bank to buy his dream bicycle.
C. To get a perfect score on the test, Nikka uses superpowers to read the teacher’s
D. In order to grow more plants in the garden, look after and water them every day.
_____2. All the sentences do not happen in real life EXCEPTt one. Which one?
A. The fairies rode on a moonbeam to rescue the typhoon victims.
B. The kapres appeared at night to frighten the village people
C. The albularyo heals sick people with herbal medicines and the blood of animals.
D. The baby girl talked the rain to stop and climbed to the rooftop of the house.
_____3. I am amazed by the sun’s heat because________. Which is your most reasonable
answer that will complete the sentence?
A. It can burn skin. C. It can cause heat stroke.
B. It can make a rainbow. D. It burns my face when I go on outings.

_____4. I find it impossible to breathe underwater because ________. Which is your most reasonable
answer that will complete the sentence?
A. I don’t have gills. C. No oxygen tank.
B.I don’t have tentacles. D. I’m not a fish.
_____5. Which of the following shows a real scenario during typhoon Ulysses?
A. The boys are swimming happily in the streets.
B. Many people are having a picnic on top of their houses.
C. Streets are flooded everywhere.
D. Farmlands are eroded.
_____6. Which of the following shows a real scenario inside a classroom?
A. books and erasers flying around
B. teacher talking in front of the class
C. chairs and tables laughing around
D. learners playing patintero during recess time
_____7. Which statement below does not shows make-believe?
A. man sitting on the moon
B. woman with lots of money
C. A baby talking at the age of one month
D. A 7-year-old boy flying an airplane
_____8. Which of the following statements below is a hyperbole?
A. He runs faster than the wind. C. The swimmer was drowned.
B. The teacher fails the test. D. The gardener has no plants.
_____9. Which of the following statements is an irony?
A. My world turned upside down. C. Your eyes are light.
B. The doctor died of pneumonia. D. The heat of my body can produce fire.
_____10. The chicken ate a whole cat. What figurative language is used in the statement?
A. Irony B. Hyperbole C. Simile D. Personification
_____11. The sun greeted the whole city with a big smile. What figurative language is used in the
A. Irony B. Hyperbole C. Simile D. Personification
_____12. Which statement expresses exaggeration?
A. A woman driving at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour
B. A baby walking at 12 months
C. An old man crossing the street.
D. A senior citizen of 100 years of age.

_____13. All the following statements are hyperbole except on. Which one?
A. I have mountains of dishes to wash.
B. The waves reached up to the mountain.
C. You are an angel sent from heaven.
D. The airplane looks like a giant bird.
_____14. Which statement below is an irony?
A. Your voice is as sweet as candy.
B. Mark is a walking videoke.
C. My mother’s explanation about my lessons is as clear as mud.
D. I have tons of homework to answer
_____15. Many pupils turned down the invitation to the Milo Fun Run. What does the
underlined word mean?
A. refused B. accepted C. went down D. ignored
_____16. Her place is neat and clean. Everything is in apple-pie order. What does the
underlined word mean?
A. organized b. apples are in good order c. in good order D Both a and c
_____17. Which statement is true about visual media?
A. Visual media cannot help students retain concepts and ideas.
B. Web pages and blogs are not online sources.
C. Facebook is an example of visual media.
D. Visual media are not used as learning aids.
_____18. Which word is not included as visual media?
A. pictures B. images C. graphic organizers D. blackboard
_____19. Which statement is incorrect about visual media?
A. Youtube allows videos on its platform.
B. Internet users prefer to watch videos.
C. Peer-reviewed journals and forums are online sources.
D. Instagram is an example of an online source.
_____20. What is the most common example of visual media?
A. Facebook B. Instagram C. blog D. You tube
_____21. What form is depicted in the film “PROBINSIYANO”?
A. Comedy B. Drama C. Action D. Adventure
_____22. Which film is an example of a drama?
A. Halloween B. Men in Black C. Avatar D. Titanic
_____23. What element refers to the positioning and movement of the actor in the film?
A. setting B. blocking C. Characterization D. Set- up
_____24. Which element refers to the development and portrayal of the personality through
thought and action?
A. setting B. blocking C. characterization D. set- up
_____25. What convention or device is used in the film “Get out, the house is on fire!”?
A. set up B Dialog C. acting D. blocking
_____26. They are filming near the ocean, what convention or device is used in the film?
A. Setting B Dialog C. acting D. blocking
_____27. Which is included in describing and analyzing pictures?
A. age and gender B. race and nationality C. attitude and behavior D. None
_____28. What term is not used to analyze the setting of a picture?
A. rural only B. urban only C. affluent or poor d. farming community
_____29. Which materials are considered digital?
A. Newspapers, photographs, maps
B. electronic images, e-book, tape recordings
C. web servers, desktop, computers, digital cameras
D. posters, billboards, bulletins

_____30. What is the most common visual media being used by online marketers today?
A. Images B. Videos C. Infographics D. google meets
_____31. Mario planted vegetables in their backyard yesterday. What is the tense of the underlined
A. present B. Past C. future D. progressive
_____32. Sarah ____ (sing) sweetly in their class presentation today. What should be the correct
form of the verb in the parenthesis to complete the sentence?
A. Sings B. will sing C. sang D. singing
_____33. Anna or Allan _____ (am) going to visit his or her grandma in the province soon.
Which form of the verb should be written in the blank?
A. was B. is C. are D. were
_____34. Many victims of typhoon Ulysses (shout) for help and rescue. Which word will make the
statement meaningful?
A. will shout B. shouted C. shouts D .shouting
_____35. Which of the statements below has a correct subject-verb agreement?
A. Cagayan and Isabela were flooded due to the release of water from the Magat Dam.
B. During the flood in Marikina City, everyone shouts to be rescued immediately.
C. They talk so loud when they discuss pandemic issues.
D. The President discusses the administrative concerns during the meeting.
_____36. My sister always monitors the blood pressure of my mother. What is the time of the
underlined word?
A. Present B. past C. future D. present progressive
_____37. The news reporter ______the news clearly every morning. Which form of the verb will
complete the statement?
A. Delivering B. delivered C. delivers D. will deliver

_____38. The rescue team ___ in the river amidst the danger they will encounter. Which word
best complete the statement?
A. Swim B. swam C. swims D. swimming
I View and I Read
We, the Grade 6 class went to see the movie last Saturday. We got permission
slips signed before we go. We watched a movie that told the story from a book we read. We
love it when movies were made from books.
We got to the movie early so we can buy popcorn. Some of us bought curls and
fries, too. We all enjoyed watching the movie.
When we returned to school, we talked about things that we were in the movie
and the book. We all agreed that we like the book better. Books let you picture out the
characters in any way you want to picture them. It was fun to compare the movie to the
_____39. What is the story about?
A. singing a song C. playing in the park
B. watching a movie D. swimming on the beach
_____40. Who watched the movie?
A. The children B. the grade 6 class C. the barks D. all pupils
_____41. Where did the students go?
A. To school B to a field trip C. to a movie D to a program
I View and I Read
We, the Grade 6 class went to see the movie last Saturday. We got permission
slips signed before we go. We watched a movie that told the story from a book we read. We
love it when movies were made from books.
We got to the movie early so we can buy popcorn. Some of us bought curls and
fries, too. We all enjoyed watching the movie.
When we returned to school, we talked about things that we were in the movie
and the book. We all agreed that we like the book better. Books let you picture out the
characters in any way you want to picture them. It was fun to compare the movie to the
_____42. What did the students need to do before going to the movie?
A. Shop for a dress B. Eat their snack C. buy popcorn D. go to the mall
_____43. When did the students watch a movie?
B. After class B. on a Saturday C. In the afternoon D. During vacation 
_____44. Why are books better than movies?
A. Movies are very expensive.
B. You can picture characters by reading books.
C. Books are our friends.
D. We can’t watch movies always like a book.
_____45. What strategy can assist you in making meaning from a text or from a TV that goes far beyond
your personal experience?
A. Watching B. reading C. making connections D. writing 
_____46. What are the larger connections that a reader brings to a reading situation?
A. Text-to-self B. text-to-text C. text to world D. A and B 
_____47. Barangay officials strictly prohibit residents to go out of their homes during the Enhanced
Community Quarantine.? How can you connect to the given situation?
A. Text-to-self B. text-to-text C. text to world D. A and B
_____48. Which of the given situation below can you not connect at your age?
A. Distance Learning is the Alternative Delivery Mode for learning through modules and online.
B. Typhoon Rolly and Ulysses flooded most areas in Catanduanes, Albay, NCR, Cagayan, Isabela, and
the rest of Central Luzon.
C. OFW is being affected due to COVID-19.
D. Drug addiction controls the future of the millennials. 
_____49. From the text, you read “I View and I Read, She read from the news that there is an increased
number of individuals tested positive for COVID-19. What is the best connection in your life?
A. Text-to-self B. text-to-text C. text to-world D. text- to community
50. Nikka read from the news that there is an increasing number of individuals who tested positive for
COVID-19. How did she connect to the situation?
A. Text-to-self B. text-to-text C. text to world D. text-to-community

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