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• To compare people, situations, things, actions;

• e.g. I’m busier than 5 years ago.

• e.g. People walk more quickly than in the past.

1syllable End in -y 2 or more syllables

adj + -er adj + -ier More + adj

Old -> older Easy -> easier Important - > more important

Safe - > safer Heavy -> heavier Expensive -> more expensive

Cheap -> cheaper Pretty ->prettier Dangerous -> more dangerous

Relaxed -> more relaxed


Good -> better

Bad -> worse

Far -> further

To compare 2 people, things etc.:
• 1. Comparative adjectives

e.g. People are more impatient today than in the past.

•2. Less + adj
e.g. I’m less relaxed this year than I was last year.

•3. (Not) as + adj + as

e.g. The service in this restaurant isn’t as good as it was.
• Superlatives + in + places or Pr.Perfect

e.g. Paris is the most romantic city I’ve visited.

New York is the busiest place in the USA.

1syllable End in -ly Irregular

Adv + -er More + adv

Fast -> faster Quickly -> more quickly Well -> better

Hard - > harder Badly -> worse

To compare 2 actions:
• 1. Comparative adverbs

e.g. People read faster than in the past.

2. Less + adv

e.g. He speaks Italian, but less fluently than me.

3. (Not) as + adv + as

e.g. She doesn’t drive as fast as her brother.

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