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Six General Influences

1. Geographical

2. Geological

3. Climatic
4. Religious

5. Social
6. Historical
Pre-Historic Architecture

Savage Stage Stone Age

a. Paleolithic
b. Mesolithic
c. Neolithic

Bronze Age
Iron Age

1. Rock Cave
a. Natural Cave b. Artificial Cave

c. Hut

Maya cave site in Guatemala

Dwelling / Houses

a. Made from bark of trees or leaves

b. Made from weeds

c. Made from animal skin

PALEOLITHIC AGE ( Old Stone Age ) ( 2 Million - 8000 BC )

Paleolithic Age, also known to be the old stone

age, begins somewhere between 2 million years
ago and ends 10.000 years before our time. This
time period marks the beginning of the existence
of the ancestors of man.
PALEOLITHIC AGE ( Old Stone Age ) ( 2 Million - 8000 BC )

Mammoths - elephantine
creatures now extinct -
were hunted during this
time period and houses
were constructed out of
mammoth ribs (which
were used a roof
supports). There are also
traces of Late Paleolithic
Above: The first houses were constructed out of
people having used the
Mammoth bones and hide: this reconstruction is based limestone caves of
on evidence found in southern Russia, dated between Western Europe as
30,000 and 20,000 BC. shelters.

Above: The Azilian "alphabet" stones, some 9000 years old.

Above: The earliest art: the Discovered in the south of France, archaeologists are still
Woman from Willendorf, present debating if they are in fact writing or not. They do bear an
uncanny resemblance to scripts which were developed
day Austria, dating from 30,000 several thousands of years later. If it is writing, then it is the
BC. Late Paleolithic period. oldest on earth.

Above: Cave paintings at Lascaux, France, circa 20,000 BC. Late Paleolithic period.
This cave complex have provided some of the most important evidence yet of early
European life and habits.
MESOLITHIC AGE (c.7000-3500 BC)

The Mesolithic is the

period of middle Stone
Age, from about 10,000 -
5,000 BC years ago. It
corresponds to period of
primarily nomadic hunting
and gathering which
preceded the adoption of
Prehistoric Art - domesticated plants and
Mesolithic / Archaic animals.
(10,000 - 5,000 BC)


A Mesolithic dwelling
covered in hides.
NEOLITHIC AGE (c.4000-2000 BC)

Neolithic house

Court tombs are found

almost exclusively in the
northern half of Ireland:
in Ulster and northern
Connaught and probably
represent the oldest
Neolithic constructions.
Built mainly in upland
areas, a Court tomb
basically consisted of a
segmented stone chamber
covered by an earthen
mound, with an entrance
courtyard that almost
COURT TOMB invariably faces east
NEOLITHIC AGE ( 8000 BC - 5000 BC )

Portal tombs, or dolmens,

are found mainly in the
northern half of Ireland, but
also in the Wicklow -
Wexford - Waterford area
and around Galway Bay.
Probably originating in the
east Tyrone area, they may
have developed from court
tombs. They consist of three
or more vertical stones on
top of which is perched one
PORTAL TOMB or two huge capstones.
BRONZE AGE (c.2500-600 BC)


An example of a Bronze
Age building.
(c.600 BC - c.AD 400)


An example of a Bronze
Age building.
CHALCOLITHIC AGE ( 5.500-3.000 B.C. )
( Copper Stone Age )

The discovery of the metal has

resulted in the development of
trade between the local or remote
civilizations, and they have
established a well network of
trading centers where they had
exchanged commodities. This
caused the invention and
The Ritual Symbol development of writing which
Bronze, Old Bronze Age, second
half of 3000 B.C. Height 34 cm. they used to keep the record of
Museum of Anatolian
their inventories.
Religious Structure

- A prehistoric monument - A pre-historic tomb of
consisting of a single large standing stones usually capped
standing stone. with large horizontal slab.
C. Cromlech

- A monument of pre-historic period consisting of an

enclosure formed by a huge stone planted on the in circular
Tumuli or Borrows

-mound of earth or stones protecting a tomb chamber


LAKE DWELLING A lake dwelling is a

house or other structure
built over shallow
waters, such as a lake or
marsh, supported on
piles or artificial mounds
of earth or wood.
Prehistoric lake dwellers
lived in all continents
save Australia and
Antarctica; the most
famous of these were the
Neolithic inhabitants of
what is now the
European Alps.


Conical tent with poles as frame and bark

or animal skin.
Native American tribes made tepees (also
called wigwams) from long tree limbs and
animal hides.
The hogan is a sacred
HOGAN (Indian Primitive Way)
home for the Diné
(Navajo) people who
practice traditional
religion. Every family
-- even if they live
most of the time in a
newer home -- must
have the traditional
hogan for
ceremonies, and to
keep themselves in
Diné (Navajo) Traditional House balance.

A dry walled rough stone shelter,
circular in with a corbelled roof
dabbing a dry roughly plastered wall.

straw-hut (pagliaia), open on the top, 1997

construction of the trullo roof, 1997


Eskimo house
constructed on
snow blocks or
various materials
such as wood,
sod, poles, skins;
when of a snow,
a domed
Influences on Architectural

 General Influences

 Influences of Nature

 Influences of Man
General Influences
Needs of Man:

 1. Physical Needs

 a. Self preservation

 b. Reproduction
Self Preservation

 Food

 Shelter

 Clothing
Physical Needs
 Reproduction - for population to increase and continue existence

 Shelter - something that covers, protects, or defends as roof that shields one
from the elements and changes.
Modern man’s Shelter shall have:

 Necessities - warm, dry house with glazed doors, windows, sanitation, and permanency.

 Convenience- rooms shall be arranged economically, circulation are studied according to functions and
areas for cleanliness.

 Comforts- labor saving devices,which provide heat, ventilation, and instant communication. Furnishings are designed for comforts.
2. Emotional Need
 Emotional reactions of man have to do with the instincts stirred by the forces of
Religion and art.
3. Intellectual Needs

 Education, Science an Government

demand proper architectural setting.
Intellect or reason alone may erect a
utilitarian building; emotion will endow it
with beauty and interest.
Influences of Nature
influence the life and habits of the nation.

 Affects the habits & temperament of the people.
Influences of Nature
influence the life and habits of the nation.

 General terrain or contour of the surface of the entire country.
Influences of Man

 1. Social Condition
 permanent and cumulative -reflects the social structure of the period in which it is develop
2. Man’s Personality

 By his appearance, something is known of his

interests from the type of house in which
he/she lives.
3. Man’s Interests

 It has been pointed out that activities and

interests of man are directly for the type, which
he develops.

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