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Sales Forecasting (short and long term), Predictive

Analytics, and Business Intelligence Solutions
By Aashish Rana
Manish Tyagi

 Developed a comprehensive interactive what-

if 10-year industry sales forecast model
applying business cycle scenarios,
macro/micro economic drivers, and age
cohort forecasting, buyer segmentation and
market share analysis, cannibalization
analysis, and presentation to C-Suite.

 Honda R&D Americas, Inc., (HRA) is an integral

part of Honda, a Fortune Global 45 Company.
HRA focuses on researching, designing, and
developing products that will challenge the
way the world thinks and, ultimately, create a
better, smarter, greener tomorrow for
everyone. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. is a Japanese
public multinational corporation primarily
known as a manufacturer of automobiles,
motorcycles and power equipment.
To be continued…
 Honda has been the world’s largest motorcycle
manufacturer since 1959 as well as the world’s
largest manufacturer of internal combustion
engines measured by volume, producing more
than 14 million internal combustion engines
each year. Since 1986, Honda has been
involved with artificial intelligence/robotics
research and also ventured into aerospace with
the establishment of GE Honda Aero Engines in
2004 and the Honda HA-420 HondaJet, which
began production in 2012.

 HRA had commissioned a nationally-

recognized consultant to produce a sales
forecast and not satisfied with the results,
methodology, and the lack of advanced
predictive analytics.

 HRA saw Competitive Analytics present an

interactive forecasting model at the motorcycle
industry premier annual conference and hired
Competitive Analytics quickly thereafter.
Competitive Analytics developed a
comprehensive interactive what-if 10-year
industry sales forecast model applying business
cycle scenarios, macro/micro economic drivers,
and age cohort forecasting, buyer segmentation
and market share analysis, cannibalization
analysis, and presentation to C-Suite.

 Delivering 10-year forecast

Thank you

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