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• The First World War, previously called the Great War,
FIRST WORLD was a war-centered confrontation in Europe that began
WAR on July 28, 1914, and ended on November 11, 1918,
when Germany accepted the terms of the armistice.
• 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated.

WHAT • 1914 Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia,

IMPORTANT beginning World War I.

EVENTS WERE • 1914 Beginnings of the arms race.

THERE IN THE • 1917 Austria-Hungary invades Russia.

FIRST WORLD • 1929 Market crash in New York.
WAR? • Etc.
N OF •On June 28, 1914, at approximately 11 am, Francisco Fernando and his

ARCHDUKE wife were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, in Sarajevo, capital of the

Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia-Herzegovina. This was one of the
FRANCIS triggers for the First World War.

WAR ON •On July 28, 1914, the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on the

SERBIA, kingdom of Serbia, an act that plunged Europe, due to the prevailing
system of alliances, into the "third part of the Balkan wars", which soon
BEGINNING became the First World War.

•From 1897 to 1914, a naval arms race
between the United Kingdom and
Germany took place. British concern
about rapid increase in German naval
power resulted in a costly building
competition of Dreadnought-class ships.
This tense arms race lasted until 1914,
when the war broke out.

•Initially the Russian Empire won some

victories over Austria-Hungary and invaded East
Prussia in the first weeks of August. Then, he
was defeated at the Battle of Tannenberg by the
Germans in late August. In September 1914, the
German army began the invasion of Zarato in
Poland (part of the Russian Empire): on October
9, it crossed the Vistula in the direction of
Warsaw, but was defeated by the Russian army
in this city.
MARKET •On October 29, 1929, "Black Tuesday" hit Wall Street as investors
traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a
CRASH IN NEW single day. Billions of dollars were lost, wiping out thousands of

YORK investors. The next day, the panic selling reached its peak with some
stocks having no buyers at any price.
NEW •At the end of the war, a new territorial order was established that
TERRITORIAL resulted in the dismemberment of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the
establishment of other states such as Austria and Czechoslovakia. The
ORDER Ottoman Empire was also divided, by prior agreement, between France,
the United Kingdom, and Russia.
•The economies of the countries affected by the war were going through
ECONOMIC a major crisis, however, they had to face the debts they had with the
CONSEQUENCES suppliers of raw materials. This situation generated a great famine and
difficulties for the reconstruction of the affected areas.
DISAPPEARANC •At the end of the war the following empires disintegrated: the Russian
Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the German Empire and the
E OF EMPIRES Ottoman Empire.
•In 1919 the Peace Conference was held in Paris in order to guarantee
world peace. As a result, several treaties emerged, among which the
PEACE Versailles Treaty, signed on June 28, 1919, stands out, from which the

CONFERENCE League of Nations emerged.

•This treaty was the document that ended the First World War and was
signed by the allied countries and Germany.

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