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Chapter 1
Theory and Applications of Transmission Lines

Part 2: Smith Chart and Impedance Matching

Huynh Phu Minh Cuong, PhD

Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology 1
10/26/22 Cuong Huynh, Ph.D.Telecommunications Engineering DepartmentHCMUT 1
Smith Chart and Impedance Matching
 Introduction
 Smith Chart
 Smith Chart Description
 Smith Chart Characteristics
 Z-Y Smith Chart
 Smith Chart Applications
 Determining Impedance and Reflection Coefficients
 Determining VSWR
 Input Impedance of a Complex Circuit
 Input Impedance of a Terminated Transmission Line
 Impedance Matching
 Quarter-wave Transformer
 Matching with Lumped Elements
 Single-Stub Matching Networks
10/26/22 Cuong Huynh, Ph.D.Telecommunications Engineering DepartmentHCMUT 2
1. Introduction
 Many of calculations required to solve T.L. problems involve the use of
complicated equations.
 Smith Chart, developed by Phillip H. Smith in 1939, is a graphical aid
that can be very useful for solving T.L. problems.
 The Smith chart, however, is more than just a graphical technique as it
provides a useful way of visualizing transmission line phenomenon
without the need for detailed numerical calculations.
 A microwave engineer can develop a good intuition about transmission
line and impedance-matching problems by learning to think in terms of
the Smith chart.
 From a mathematical point of view, the Smith chart is simply a
representation of all possible complex impedances with respect to
coordinates defined by the reflection coefficient.
 The domain of definition of the reflection coefficient is a circle of radius
1 in the complex plane. This is also the domain of the Smith chart.
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1. Introduction

Phillip Hagar Smith (1905–1987): graduated from Tufts

College in 1928, invented the Smith Chart in 1939 while
he was working for the Bell Telephone Laboratories.

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2. Smith Chart
The initial goal of the Smith chart is to represent a reflection
coefficient and its corresponding normalized impedance by a
point, from which the conversion between them can be easily
To do so, we start from the general definition of reflection
Z  R  jX Y=1/Z=G+jB
z   j  r  jx
Z0 Z0 Z0
y   j  g  jb
Y0 Y0 Y0
Z  Z0
  Re(  )  j Im(  )
Z  Z0
z 1 1 
 z
z 1 1 
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2. Smith Chart
1 
Now we can write z  as
1 

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2. Smith Chart

 Resistance circles

 r  1
Center :  ,0  Radius :
1 r  1 r

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2. Smith Chart

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2. Smith Chart
 Reactance circles

 1 1
Center :  1,  Radius :
 x x

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2. Smith Chart
Resistance circles Unit circle
Matching point

Shorted point
Opened point

Reactance circles

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2. Smith Chart
For the constant r circles: z = r+jx  =r+i
1. The centers of all the constant r
circles are on the horizontal axis –
real part of the reflection
2. The radius of circles decreases
when r increases.
3. All constant r circles pass through
the point r =1, i = 0.
4. The normalized resistance r =  is
at the point r =1, i = 0.
For the constant x (partial) circles:
1. The centers of all the constant x
circles are on the r =1 line. The
circles with x > 0 (inductive
reactance) are above the r axis;
the circles with x < 0 (capacitive)
are below the r axis.
2. The radius of circles decreases when absolute value of x increases.
3. The normalized reactances x =  are at the point r =1, i = 0

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2. Smith Chart

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2. Smith Chart

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2. Smith Chart

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2. Smith Chart

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2. Smith Chart

Constant circle

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7.4 Smith Chart:
2. Smith

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2. Smith Chart

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2. Smith Chart

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2. Smith Chart: Y Smith Chart
1 z 1
z 1 y y 1  : Z-Smith C.
    z 1
z 1 1 y 1
1 y 1
y   : Y  Smith C.
y 1

 The Smith chart can be used with

normalized impedances or with
normalized admittances. As an
impedance chart, the Smith chart
consists of rL and xL circles, the
resistance and reactance of a
normalized load impedance zL,
 When used as an admittance chart,
the rL circles become gL circles
and the xL circles become bL
circles, where gL and bL are the
conductance and susceptance of the
normalized load admittance yL,
10/26/22 Cuong Huynh, Ph.D.Telecommunications respectively.
Engineering DepartmentHCMUT 20
3. Smith Chart Applications

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3. Smith Chart Applications

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3. Smith Chart Applications

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3. Smith Chart Applications

Given R and ZR  Find the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)

The Voltage standing Wave Ratio or VSWR is defined as

The normalized impedance at a maximum location of the standing

wave pattern is given by

This quantity is always real and ≥ 1. The VSWR is simply obtained

on the Smith chart, by reading the value of the (real) normalized
impedance, at the location dmax where  is real and positive.
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3. Smith Chart Applications

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3. Smith Chart Applications

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3. Smith Chart Applications

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3. Smith Chart Applications

A. Given , find or Given , find .

B. Given , find and .

Given and , find .

C. Find dmax and dmin (maximum and minimum locations

for the VSW pattern).

D. Find the VSWR.

E. Given , find or Given , find .

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3. Smith Chart Applications

A. Given , find

1. Normalize the impedance:

𝒁 (𝒅 ) 𝑹 𝑿
𝒛 (𝒅 )= = +𝒋 =𝒓 + 𝒋𝒙
𝒁𝟎 𝒁𝟎 𝒁𝟎

2. Find the circle of constant normalized resistance r.

3. Find the circle of constant normalized reactance x.
4. Find the interaction of the two curves indicates the reflection coefficient in the
complex plane. The chart provides directly magnitude and the phase angle of .

Example 1: Find given and

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3. Smith Chart Applications

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3. Smith Chart Applications

A. Given , find

1. Determine the complex point representing the given reflection

coefficient on the chart.
2. Read the value of normalized resistance r and the normalized
reactance x that correspond to the reflection coefficient point.
3. The normalized impedance is: 𝒛 ( 𝒅 ) =𝒓 + 𝒋𝒙
4. The actual impedance is: 𝒁 ( 𝒅 ) =𝒛 ( 𝒅 ) 𝒁 𝟎

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3. Smith Chart Applications

B. Given , find and

The magnitude of the reflection coefficient is constant along a lossless T.L.
terminated by a specific load, since:

|Γ ( 𝑑 )|=| Γ 𝐿 𝑒− 𝑗 2 𝛽 𝑑|=| Γ 𝐿|
1. Identify the load reflection coefficient and the normalized load impedance on
the Smith Chart.
2. Draw the circle of constant coefficient amplitude
3. Starting from the point representing the load, travel on the circle in the
clockwise direction by an angle .
4. The new location on the chart corresponds to location d on the T.L. Here the
value of and can be read from the chart.

Example: Find and given , and 32

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3. Smith Chart Applications

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3. Smith Chart Applications
Example 3: Find and given , and

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3. Smith Chart Applications

C. Given , find and

1. Identify the load reflection coefficient and the normalized load impedance on
the Smith Chart.
2. Draw the circle of constant coefficient amplitude
3. The circle intersects the real axis of the reflection coefficient at two points
which identify dmax (when = real positive) and dmin (when = real negative).
4. The Smith chart provides an outer graduation where the distances normalized to
the wavelength can be read directly.

Example 4: Find dmax and dmin for , and

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3. Smith Chart Applications

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3. Smith Chart Applications

D. Given , find

𝑉 𝑚𝑎𝑥 1+|Γ 𝐿|
The VSWR is defined as: 𝑉𝑆𝑊𝑅= =
𝑉 𝑚𝑖𝑛 1−|Γ 𝐿|

The normalized impedance at the maximum location of the SW pattern is given by:

1+ Γ ( 𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑥 ) 1+| Γ 𝐿|
𝑧 ( 𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑥 )= = =𝑉𝑆𝑊𝑅
1 − Γ ( 𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 ) 1−|Γ 𝐿|

This quantity is always real and greater than 1. The VSWR is simply obtained on the
Smith Chart by reading the value of real normalized impedance at the location dmax
where is real and positive.

Example 5: Find VSWR for , .

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3. Smith Chart Applications

E. Given , find

 The normalized impedance and admittance are defined as:

1+ Γ ( 𝑑 ) 1 − Γ (𝑑 )
𝑧 ( 𝑑 )= 𝑦 ( 𝑑) =
1−Γ (𝑑) 1+ Γ ( 𝑑 )

 Since: Γ 𝑑+
( 𝜆
4 ) 𝜆
=− Γ ( 𝑑 ) → 𝑧 𝑑+ = 𝑦 ( 𝑑 )
4 )
 The actual values are given by:

𝑦 𝑑+
( )
𝑍 𝑑+ =𝑍 0 𝑧 𝑑 +
4 ( ) (
𝑌 𝑑+
4 )
=𝑌 0 𝑦 𝑑 +
= ( ) 𝑍0

Example 6: Find YL given , . 38

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3. Smith Chart Applications

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2. Smith Chart: Y Smith Chart
1 z 1
z 1 y y 1  : Z-Smith C.
    z 1
z 1 1 y 1
1 y 1
y   : Y  Smith C.
y 1

 The Smith chart can be used with

normalized impedances or with
normalized admittances. As an
impedance chart, the Smith chart
consists of rL and xL circles, the
resistance and reactance of a
normalized load impedance zL,
 When used as an admittance chart,
the rL circles become gL circles
and the xL circles become bL
circles, where gL and bL are the
conductance and susceptance of the
normalized load admittance yL,
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Engineering DepartmentHCMUT 40
4. Impedance Matching
Maximum power transfer: TL is terminated by Zo

Impedance Matching Matching ZL

 Matching with Lumped Elements

 Single-Stub Matching Networks
 Using lump elements  Quarter-wave Transformer
 Using transmission lines
 ADS Smith Chart tool

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4. Impedance Matching
 The purpose of the matching
network is to eliminate reflections at
terminal MM’ for wave incident
from the source. Even though
multiple reflections may occur
between AA’ and MM’, only a
forward travelling wave exists on the

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4. Impedance Matching
A. Quarter wavelength Transformer Matching:

𝑍 0 =50 Ω

 In case of complex impedance:

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4. Impedance Matching

B. Lumped-Element Matching: choose d and YS to achieve a match at MM’.

 The input admittance at MM’ can be written as:

𝑌 𝑖𝑛=𝑌 𝑑 +𝑌 𝑠= ( 𝐺𝑑 + 𝑗 𝐵𝑑 ) + 𝑗 𝐵 𝑠

 To achieve a matched condition at MM’, it is necessary that , which translates into two
specific conditions, namely:

𝑔 𝑑 =1
𝑏 𝑠=− 𝑏𝑑 44
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4. Impedance Matching

B. Lumped-Element Matching: choose d and YS to achieve a match at MM’.

Example 9: A load impedance is

connected to a T.L. Insert a
shunt element to eliminate
reflections towards the sending
end of the line. Specify the insert
location d (in wavelengths), the
type of element and its value,
given that .

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4. Impedance Matching
C. Single Stub Matching: choose d and length of stub l to achieve a match at MM’.

Example 10: Repeat Example 9

but use a shorted stub to match
the load impedance.

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More Examples
Example 11: A 50Ω lossless line
0.6 long is terminated in a load 𝟎.𝟏𝟗𝟒 𝝀
with . At 0.3 from load, a resistor
with resistance is connected as
shown in following figure. Use the
Smith Chart to find . 𝒛 𝑳=𝟏+ 𝒋 𝟎 .𝟓
𝒚 𝑨=𝟏. 𝟑𝟕+ 𝒋 𝟎.𝟒𝟓
𝒚 𝑩=𝟑. 𝟎𝟒+ 𝒋 𝟎. 𝟒𝟓
𝒛 𝒊𝒏=𝟏.𝟗− 𝒋 𝟏 . 𝟒

𝟎.𝟑𝟗𝟒 𝝀
𝒁 𝒊𝒏=(𝟗𝟓− 𝒋 𝟕𝟎) 𝜴 47
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More Examples
Example 12: Use the Smith Chart to find of the 50Ω feedline shown in following
figure. 𝟎.𝟎𝟖𝟖 𝝀

𝒛 𝟏=𝟏+ 𝒋

𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝟏=𝟏. 𝟗𝟕+ 𝒋 𝟏. 𝟎𝟐
𝒚 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒄 =𝟑.𝟗𝟒
𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝟐=𝟏. 𝟗𝟕− 𝒋 𝟏.𝟎𝟐
𝒛 𝒊𝒏=𝟏.𝟔𝟓− 𝒋 𝟏. 𝟕𝟗
𝒛 𝟐=𝟏 − 𝒋

𝒁 𝒊𝒏=(𝟖𝟐. 𝟓− 𝒋 𝟖𝟗.𝟓) 𝜴 𝟎.𝟒𝟏𝟐 𝝀 48

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More Examples
Example 13: A 50Ω lossless line is to be matched to an antenna with using a shorted
stub. Use the Smith Chart to determine the stub length and distance between the
antenna and stub.
𝟎.𝟎𝟕𝟕 𝝀
𝒚= 𝒋 𝟎.𝟓𝟐
𝟎.𝟎𝟒𝟏 𝝀

𝒛 𝟏=𝟏. 𝟓− 𝒋 𝟎.𝟒
𝒛 𝟏=𝟏. 𝟓− 𝒋 𝟎.𝟒

𝒚=− 𝒋 𝟎.𝟓𝟐
𝟎.𝟑𝟐𝟕 𝝀49
𝒅 𝟏=𝟎.𝟏𝟎𝟒 𝝀,𝒍𝟏 =𝟎.𝟏𝟕𝟑 𝝀 𝒅 𝟐=𝟎.𝟑𝟏𝟒 𝝀,𝒍𝟐 =𝟎.𝟑𝟐𝟕 𝝀
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Homework 1: A 6-m section of 150 lossless line is driven by a source with

And . If the line, which has a relative permittivity is terminated in a load , find:
a. on the line. Note that: where .
b. The reflection coefficient at the load.
c. The input impedance.
d. The input voltage Vi and time-domain voltage vi(t).

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Homework 2: Two half-wave dipole antennas, each with impedance of 75Ω are
connected in parallel through a pair of T.L. and the combination is connected to a feed
T.L. as shown in the following figure. All lines are 50Ω lossless.
a. Calculate
b. Calculate of the feed line.

Homework 3: A 50Ω lossless line is to be matched to an antenna with using a

shorted stub. Use the Smith Chart to determine the stub length and distance between
the antenna and stub.
Homework 4: Generate a plot of as a function of strip width w from 0.05mm to
5mm for a microstrip line fabricated on a 0.7mm thick substrate with .

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Homework 5: A 50Ω lossless line of length connects a 300MHz generator with and
to a load .
a. Compute
b. Compute and .
c. Compute the time-average power delivered to the line,
d. Compute , and the time-average power delivered to the load, .
e. Compute the time-average power delivered by the generator and time-average
power dissipated by in

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Additional Homework
Homework 6: In addition to not dissipating power, a lossless line has two important
(1) It is dispersionless (vp is independent of frequency).
(2) Its characteristic impedance Z0 is real.
Sometimes it is not possible to design a T.L. such that and but it is possible to
choose the dimensions of the line and its material properties so as to satisfy the
condition (distortionless line).
Such a line is called a distortionless line because despite the fact that it is not lossless,
it nonetheless possesses the previous mentioned features of the lossless line. Show
that for a distortionless line:

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Additional Homework
Homework 7: A 300Ω lossless line is connected to a complex load composed of a
resistor Ω and an inductor with . At 10MHz, determine:
a. Reflection coefficient at load ?
b. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR).
c. Location of voltage maximum nearest the load.
d. Location of current maximum nearest the load.

Homework 8: On a 150Ω lossless line, the following observations were noted:

distance of first voltage minimum from load is 3cm, distance of first voltage
maximum from load is 9cm and VSWR=9. Find ?

Homework 9: A load with impedance Ω is to be connected to a lossless T.L. with

characteristic impedance with chosen such that the VSWR is the smallest possible.
What should be?

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Additional Homework
Homework 10: A voltage generator with

and internal impedance is is connected to a lossless T.L. The line length is 5cm and
the line is terminated in a load with impedance Ω. Determine:
a. Reflection coefficient at load ?
b. at the input of the T.L.
c. The input voltage and input current ?

Homework 11: A load is preceded by a section of T.L which itself preceded by

another section of T.L. What is the input impedance?

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Additional Homework
Homework 12: A 100MHz FM broadcast station uses a 300 T.L. between the
transmitter and a tower-mounted half-wave dipole antenna. The antenna impedance is
73. You are asked to design a quarter-wavelength transformer to match the antenna to
the line.
a. Determine the length and characteristic impedance of the quarter-wavelength
b. If the quarter-wavelength is a two-wire line with and the wires are embedded in
polystyrene with Determine the physical length of the quarter-wave section and
the radius of the two wire conductor.

Note that the characteristic parameters of T.Ls are given in the following table:

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Additional Homework
Homework 13: Consider the circuit below. A generator with is connected to a
complex of Ω through a T.L. of arbitrary length with Ω and . Using the Smith Chart,
evaluate the line for stub matching. The generator is operating at 100MHz. Find
a. The electrical length of of the T.L.
b. The normalized load impedance.
c. The closest stub location as measured from the load.
d. The length of the stub at the closest location.
e. The lumped load element value that could take the place of the stub at the nearest

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Additional Homework
Homework 14: A Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is attached to the end of a lossless,
15m long T.L. (, ) operating at 220MHz. The VNA shows an input impedance of Ω.
Using the Smith Chart:
a. Find the VSWR on the line.
b. Find the normalized, denormalized and equivalent circuit of the load impedance at
the far end of the line. The equivalent circuit must show the correct schematic
symbols (L and/or R and/or C) and the values of each symbol.
c. Find the normalized load admittance YL at the far end of the line. The length of the
stub at the closest location.
d. Find the distance in meters from the load to the first matching point.
e. What is the normalized admittance at the first match point?
f. Find the shortest stub to match the susceptance found at the first match point. Give
the length of the stub in meters.
g. If fabrication of a coaxial stub was not feasible but a lumped matching element was
necessary, draw the component schematic symbol and give its value.
h. After the matching network is connected, where do standing waves exist and where
do they not exist in this system? What is the SWR at the input to the line? 58
10/26/22 Cuong Huynh, Ph.D.Telecommunications Engineering DepartmentHCMUT 58

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