2 - System Modelling and Transfer Function

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Control System

Mathematical Modeling
in Frequency Domain
Engr. Roselito E. Tolentino
Mathematical Modeling
• Mathematical modeling is the process of using
various mathematical structures - graphs, equations,
diagrams, scatterplots, tree diagrams, and so forth -
to represent real world situations. The model
provides an abstraction that reduces a problem to its
essential characteristics. 
• Mathematical modeling is the art of translating
problems from an application area into tractable
mathematical formulations whose theoretical and
numerical analysis provides insight, answers, and
guidance useful for the originating application.
Two types of modelling
• Time Domain - analysis of mathematical functions,
with respect to time.

• Frequency Domain - analysis of mathematical

functions or signals with respect to frequency,
rather than time.
Time Domain
• In the time domain, the signal or function's value is
known for all real numbers, for the case of
continuous time, or at various separate instants in
the case of discrete time.
RC Circuit
• Find the output input relationship of the circuit.
• Find the output input relationship of the circuit
Frequency Domain
• Frequency-domain graph shows how much of the
signal lies within each given frequency band over a
range of frequencies.
Differential Equation is Hard
• Transforms -- a mathematical conversion from one
way of thinking to another to make a problem
easier to solve
problem in solution in
original way original way
of thinking of thinking
solution inverse
transform in transform transform
way of

• Example of Transforms: Laplace Transform, Fourier Transform, z-transform,

wavelets Transform
Review of Laplace
• Laplace Transform Definition

, a complex variable f(s) is the Laplace transform of f(t).
Inverse Laplace which allow us to find the f(t) given f(s)
• The Laplace transform is an operation that transforms a function of t (i.e., A
function of time domain), defined on [0, ∞), to a function of s (i.e., Of frequency
domain) * . f(s) is the Laplace transform, or simply transform, of f(t).
• For functions of t continuous on [0, ∞), the above transformation to the frequency
domain is one-to-one. That is, different continuous functions will have different
Example 1
• Find the Laplace transform of f(t) = A
Example 2
• Find the Laplace transform of f(t) = Ae-at
Example 3
• Find the Laplace transform of f(t) = sin ω0t
Example 4
• Find the Laplace transform of f(t) = cos ω0t
Name Time function f(t) Laplace Transform
Unit Impulse (t) 1
Unit Step u(t) 1/s
Unit ramp t 1/s2
nth-Order ramp tn n!/sn+1
Exponential e-at 1/(s+a)
nth-Order exponential t n e-at n!/(s+a)n+1
Sine sin(bt) b/(s2+b2)
Cosine cos(bt) s/(s2+b2)
Damped sine e-at sin(bt) b/((s+a)2+b2)
Damped cosine e-at cos(bt) (s+a)/((s+a)2+b2)
Diverging sine t sin(bt) 2bs/(s2+b2)2
Diverging cosine t cos(bt) (s2-b2) /(s2+b2)2
LAPLACE Transform Theorem
LAPLACE Transform Theorem
1. Evaluate
2. Evaluate
3. Evaluate
4. Evaluate
5. Evaluate
• Inverse Laplace Transform Definition

where ; µ(t) = 1 @ t ≥ 0
µ(t) = 0 @ t < 0

• Inverse Laplace Using Table

• Inverse Laplace Using Partial Fraction Expansion
Inverse Laplace Transform Table
1. ex.

2. ex.

3. ex.

4. ex.

5. ex.

6. ex.

7. ex.

8. ex.
Inverse Laplace Transform Table

9. ex.

10. ex.

11. ex.

12. ex.

13. ex.
1. Evaluate
2. Find the Inverse Laplace Transform of

Partial Fraction Expansion
• Working with transforms requires breaking
complex fractions into simpler fractions to allow
use of tables of transforms
• If F(s) = [n(s)/d(s)] where the order of n(s) is less
than the order of d(s), then a partial expansion
can be made.
• To find the inverse laplace transform of a
complicated fraction we can convert the fraction to
sum of simples the term for which we know the
Laplace transform of each term.The result is
called the partial fraction expansion.
Different Cases:
• CASE I: roots of the denominator of f(s) are
real and distinct
• CASE II: roots of the denominator of f(s) are
real and repeated
• CASE III: roots of the denominator of f(s) are
CASE I: Roots of the denominator
of F(s) are real and distinct
Example 1:

𝐹 ( 𝑠) = 3 2
𝑠 +2𝑠 −5𝑠−6
CASE II:Roots of the denominator
F(s) are real and repeated
Example 2:

𝐹 ( 𝑠) = 3 2
𝑠 +3𝑠 +3𝑠+1
CASE III: Roots of the denominator
of F(s) are imaginary
Example 3:

𝐹 ( 𝑠) = 3 2
𝑠 +10𝑠 +34𝑠
Laplace transformation
time domain

linear time
differential domain
equation solution

Laplace transform
inverse Laplace
Laplace algebra Laplace

Laplace domain or
complex frequency domain
Example of Solution of an ODE
d2y dy
 6  8 y  2 y (0)  y ' (0)  0 • ODE w/initial conditions
dt dt

s 2 Y ( s)  6s Y (s)  8 Y (s)  2 / s • Apply Laplace transform to

each term
Y (s) 
s ( s  2) ( s  4) • Solve for Y(s)

1 1 1
Y (s)    • Apply partial fraction
4 s 2 ( s  2) 4 ( s  4) expansion
1 e 2t e 4 t
y (t )   
4 2 4 • Apply inverse Laplace
transform to each term
Apply Initial- and Final-Value
Theorems to this Example

Y (s)  • Laplace transform
s ( s  2) ( s  4) of the function.

f (0)  limt  sF ( s )   0 • Apply initial-value
(  2) (  4)

2 1
f ()  limt 0 sF ( s )   • Apply final-value
(0  2) (0  4) 4 theorem
3. find the solution of the Following Differential Equation
subject to the initial condition
Example 1
• Find the output input relationship of the circuit.
Example 3: RLC
• Find the output input relationship of the circuit
Transfer Function
• Transfer function is an expression that relates the output to the input
in the s-domain
• A Transfer Function is the ratio of the output of a system to the input
of a system, in the Laplace domain considering its initial conditions
and equilibrium point to be zero. If we have an input function of X(s),
and an output function Y(s), we define the transfer function H(s) to be:

X(t) Y(t)

X(s) Y(s)
Transfer function
Transfer Function
• The transfer function is another way of mathematically
modeling a system.
• The model is derived from the linear, time-invariant differential
equation using what we call the Laplace transform.
• Although the transfer function can be used only for linear
systems, it yields more intuitive information than the
differential equation.
• We will be able to change system parameters and rapidly sense
the effect of these changes on the system response.
• The transfer function is also useful in modeling the
interconnection of subsystems by forming a block diagram but
with a mathematical function inside each block.
Example 1
• Find the transfer function represented by

Solution :
Taking the Laplace transform of the both side,
assuming that zero initial condition, we have:

The transfer function of G(s) is

Example 2
• Find the transfer function , G(s) = C(s) / R(s),
corresponding to the differential equation:

Solution :
Taking the Laplace transform of the both side,
assuming that zero initial condition, we have

The transfer function of G(s) is

Example 3
• Find the transfer function relating the capacitor
voltage, Vc(s), to the input voltage, V(s) in Figure

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