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1.Gestalt -The whole is more than the sum of its
parts. 2. Phenomenological/Humanistic -The person
is a total person and cannot be reduced into parts. 3.
Psychoanalysis -The psyche is divided into the id,
ego, super-ego. 4. Self as personality divided into
traits -(e.g. Big Five Factors) 5. Self as divided into
dimensions -(Physical-biological, emotional,
behavioral, social, moral, spiritual)
The Global Self Assessment Grid is designed
to help students determine what they are able
to understand and to communicate in a world
language. It also helps them set goals
concerning what they want to be able to
understand and communicate.

Global Self
Refers to the global understanding a
person has of themselves. Self Identity is
composed of relatively permanent self-
assessments, such as personality
attributes, knowledge of one’s skills and
abilities, one’s occupation and hobbies,
and awareness of one’s physical
attributes. The Self Identity is not
restricted to the present.
The differentiated self is the ability to
separate feelings and thoughts.
Undifferentiated people cannot
separate feelings and thoughts; when
asked to think, they are flooded with
feelings and have difficulty thinking
logically and basing their responses on
Self differentiation it involves being able
to possess and identify your own thoughts
and feelings and distinguish them from
others. It’s a process of not losing
connection to self while holding a deep
connection to others, including those you
love whose views may differ from yours.
Ability to distinguish between thoughts and feelings in an
emotional relationship system Families and other social groups
greatly affect how people think, feel, and act, but individuals vary
in their susceptibility to “groupthink,” and groups vary in the
amount of pressure they exert for conformity. These differences
between individuals and between groups reflect differences in
people’s levels of differentiation of self. Differentiation is the
process of freeing yourself from your family's processes to define
yourself. This means being able to have different opinions and
values than your family members but being able to stay
emotionally connected to them. It means being able to calmly
reflect on a conflicted interaction afterward, realizing your own
role in it, and then choosing a different response for the future.”
Differentiated self 
:The ability to separate
feelings and thoughts

 The undifferentiated people

: Flooded with feelings and
having difficulties thinking

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