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Effects of Caustic Soda on the

Human Body
Routes of Entry
Inhalation Absorption
• most important • through the skin
route of entry • solvents may
• substances can penetrate
directly attack lung unbroken skin
• responsible for 90% Injection
of all cases of • when skin is
industrial poisoning damaged
• puncture of the
Ingestion skin
• via the mouth • contact with
• often accidental liquid or gas
• poor hygiene under pressure
Target Organs
Brain – lead Eyes – ammonia
Nasal passages – organic
Lungs – asbestos, chlorine,
carbon dioxide, ammonia, Kidneys – leptospirosis
isocyanates, silica, organic
solvents, legionella

Liver – hepatitis
Blood – carbon
monoxide Nerves – organic solvents, lead
Skin - detergents,
isocyanates, mineral
oils, acids, alkalis,
organic solvents
Effects of Caustic Soda on the Human
• Caustic has a decomposing effect on proteins, which gradually penetrate
the deep tissues.
• Colorless odorless will not burn, highly reactive, reacts violently with
water, contact with metals liberates flammable hydrogen gas. EXTREMELY
CORROSIVE. Causes sever skin burns and eye damage.
Potential Acute Health Effects of caustic
• Very hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive, irritant,
permeator), of eye contact (irritant, corrosive), of ingestion,
of inhalation.
• The amount of tissue damage depends on length of contact.
• Eye contact can result in corneal damage or blindness.
• Skin contact can produce inflammation and blistering.
• Inhalation of dust will produce irritation to gastro-intestinal
or respiratory tract, characterized by burning, sneezing and
• Severe over-exposure can produce lung damage, choking,
unconsciousness or death.
• Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness,
watering, and itching.
• Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling,
reddening, or, occasionally, blistering
Potential Chronic Health Effects of caustic
• Repeated exposure of the eyes to a low level of dust can produce eye

• Repeated skin exposure can produce local skin destruction, or dermatitis.

• Repeated inhalation of dust can produce varying degree of respiratory

irritation or lung damage
Potential Chronic Health Effects of caustic
• The inhalation of caustic soda dust or mist
causes various degrees of injury in the
respiratory tract.
• Thus, the allowable concentration of caustic
soda dust or mist in the air in a working area is
specified as 2 mg/m3 (upper limit) as per
Center for disease control and prevention.
• Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health is 10
Safe Handling of Caustic Soda
Personnel Protective Equipment
• Chemical Splash Goggle
• Transparent Face shield & Protective Head
• Chemical Protective glove
• Chemical Protective Coat and pants
• Chemical protective boots
Accidental release measures
• Evacuate the area immediately.
• Isolate the hazard area
• Keep out unnecessary and unprotected personnel
• Use PPE as required
• Remove or isolate incompatible material as well as other hazardous materials

Methods for containment and clean-up:

• Contain and soak up spill with absorbent that doesn't react with spilled
• Shovel or sweep dry sodium hydroxide for recycling or disposal.
• Flush spill area.
• Dike spilled product to prevent runoff.
In Anrak most of the processes involves caustic soda, hence to
handle any sort of chemical spillage on body or eyes of
employees or workers there is dedicated safety shower
network facility in each area.

Total No of safety showers installed: 155 nos


(1)Before performing any operation task, identify the nearest

safety shower and ensure its working condition and water flow
is sufficient at normal temperature.

(2) Do not rub the affected skin while washing any chemical
contact and rinse with plenty of water for more than 15-20
minutes or till medical attention is received.
Safety shower cum eye was is operated in two ways as mentioned below:

1. Safety shower activation by pulling the shower handle

2. Eye wash unit activation by foot pedal or hand pedal

First aid to caustic spill on eyes and body

• In case of caustic spill on body or eyes Immediately reach

to nearest safety shower or take assistance to reach.
• Do not remove PPE without cleaning with fresh water.
• Stand under shower for full body wash.
• Pull the shower head pull rod towards to activate
• For eye wash fountain activation use foot pedal or hand
pedal, do not rub or wash effected skin or eye just irrigate
water to clean for 15-20min.
• Alum can used for skin where chemical spill occurred to
reduce inflamation
How to use alum
• After chemical spill on your body, rinse the area with cold water.
• Wet your alum block with cold water. This is an important step. Some
people even choose to soak their alum block in cold water before using it.
• Run the wet alum block gently over the skin. You may feel a tingling,
stinging, or burning sensation, especially if you have burn.
• Allow the alum residue to sit on your skin for 15 to 20 seconds. This allows
the crystals to tighten the pores and cleanse the skin.
• After 15 to 20 seconds, rinse the residue off with cold water.

Do the do's, not the don'ts

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