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Agriculture The Mother of All Sciences

Agriculture is the science of farming and it includes the production of plant crops and the husbanding of animals. It is also as the science of life since it is the origin of all 6the sciences. Man has to pursue agricultural activities in order to live. Every human activity is directly or indirectly related to agriculture.. Even the production of oil is related to it. Without the abundant plants and plant-eating sea animals that rotted and fossillised million years ago ,there would be no mineral deposits today. And in case the mineral deposits in the bosom o the earth and under the seas are exhausted , man has to raise crops intensively to produce fuel to heat his home, run his machines and so forth. Agriculture is both a science and technology.. It is directly related to Agronomy, Botany forestry, husbandry poultry, horticulture, zoology, biology, chemistry, economics,sociology,floriculture, agribusiness, electronics, physics,mathematics, microbiologyandall other sciences and industries. ThelistofAgricultural sciencesis longbutwweneednottodiscusstherest. Inded the first sciencemandiscoveredafterliving longas awildcreaturewasagriculture.Withhisdiscoveryof agriculture,he started tobe civilized- that is, helived in permanent communities-civitasas the greekcalled them.

Agriculture and its divisions and branches

Agriculture is divided into two namely: Crop and Animal Crop division is likewise subdivided into: 1. Agronomy- the science of growing field crops. This is further classified into: a. Cereals as rice, corn, sorghum, wheat, oats, rye b. Legumes as peanut, mungbean, cowpea, pigeon pea,, soybeans, snap beans etc. c. Root crops as cassava, sweet potato, d.. Industrial field crops such as sugarcane, tobacco, cotton and castor oil bean e.Fibercrops-jute, kenaf , ramie,, cotton f. Foragelegumesand grasses;foranimal fodder; napier,elephantgrass, 2. Horticulture the science of growing garden crops. Horticulture is subdivided into: a. Olericulture- the practice of growing vegetable crops. b. Ornamentalhorticulture- the practice of growing ornamentals and f lowering plantsaswellaslandscaping c. Pomology the study of growing fruit crops. d. plantationcrops e. environmental horticullture- the proper growing of plants and their pleasing arrangements with the use of various structures with great emphasis on plants growth habits and habitat, their utility to the community and their rela5tionship to the environment. Citriculture, Viricutlure ,and Orchid culture are some of the divisions of horticulture. .

Forestry-the science and practice of planting forest trees. It includes establishment of forest plantations or reforestation. Ex. of forest trees are: Narra, Paper tree, Mahogany, Ipil-Ipil, Apitong, Lanuti etc

Animal Husbandry and its division

1. Poultry- the branch of agriculture that deals with raising of domesticated fowls/birds. This is done for meat, eggs or for recreation purposes. Ex. Chicken, ducks, turkey, quails 2. Piggery the branch of agriculture that deals with the growing of swine or pigs. 3.Cattle ranching- a branch of agriculture that deals with the growing of large tract animals. Ex. Carabao, cow, goat, sheep, horse etc.

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