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Identifying Common

 Most of us are familiar with weed as we can see them growing
everywhere. For the farmers it is important to identify the common
weeds that may compete the nutrients of their crops. 
 A weed is a plant that is considered undesirable in a specific
situation, or "a plant in the wrong place." Plants that are undesirable
in human-controlled environments, such as farm fields, gardens,
lawns, and parks, are common examples. 
 Weed also refers to any plant that grows or reproduces aggressively
or is invasive outside of its natural habitat.
Grasslike fimbry or Hoorahgrass (Fimbristylis


Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli)

Rice flatsedge (Cyperus iria)

Primrose willow (Ludwigia octovalvis)

Goat weed (Ageratum conyzoides)


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