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Assessing Personality

• It is imperative to employ the basic personality theories such as

psychodynamic, social-learning and trait constructs as bases for
theoretical framework in understanding the relevance of
psychological testing in sport psychology. Choosing therefore, an
appropriate test is important criterion in assessing the personality
of the participants (athlete, coach, and other coach participants) in
the field of sports. The value of a test is one that possesses the three
major characteristic (Apruebo 2000)
• Validity. It is the extent to which a text measures what
purports or is supposed to measure. For personality
tests, these for types of validity with their
corresponding guided questions have to be considered:
• Face Validity. Does the test seem valid for the purpose
it is given ? On the basis of how it reads or appears,
does it seem to be measure what it is meant to measure
• Content Validity. Do the items reflect sampling of
concepts and principles from the core of personality
and typical response of the athlete and other sports
participants ? Does the test have sufficient coverage
such that a score on it would be indicative of the
subject's personality in the field of sports ?
• Concurrent Validity. Do trait score in the test correlate
with the scores in a related area ?

• Predictive Validity. Does performance in the test

correlate with the future measures in related areas ? Is
performance at some future time a related subject ?
• Reliability. It refers to the accuracy, precision or
consistency of a score obtained through the test.
Testing is open to errors of measurement. Such errors
should be minimized. Generally, within certain limits,
the more responsibility it will likely have.
Furthermore, objective tests have higher reliability
than essay tests.
• Practicability. As a characteristic of a good test, it refers to
the case and feasibility of administering the test. For very
large groups, for example, essay tests may not be very
practicable because of the difficulty of scoring the responses.
Individual tests of oral language proficiency, well obviously
valid may not be administrable everywhere because they
require special equipment.
• 1. Psychometric Tests

In general, there are two

major psychological test:

• 2. Projective Tests
Personality Leadership in Sport

• Sports participants such an athletes, coaches, and

sports personals must possess the personality
required in sports like leadership traits to enhancr
their effectiveness in athletic performance in
• Campbell (sited in Wuest and Butcher 1999)
identified 14 traits as " tools of the traid ,"
because effective leaders have these "tools"
well developed and can apply them when
needed. These are :
• 1. Personality. Effective people reflect warmth and
concern in their interaction with others. They have an
outgoing style and enjoy meeting others. Leaders take
time to get to know the needs and lives of the people
they are leading. A sense of humor is often helpful in
dealing with the " ups nd downs " of many situations.
• 2. Persuasive. Communication skills are critical. The ability
to speak effectively in public, listen carefully, and write with
clarity are important. Leaders must be able to convey their
message, communicate their vision, and understand the
concerns of the group to be effective. Campbell encourages
all students to focus on developing their communication
skills, whether true formal courses or informal opportunities,
for they are the "bottom line" of leadership.
• 3. Persistence. Most social changes, whether large or
small, occur slowly. Leaders who aspire to improve a
situation, chart a new course, or cause change in their
organization or community must be prepared to
• 4. Patience. Change takes time. Changing people's exercise
habits requires patience and ongoing support over a
significant period of time. The adage “ Rome wasn’t built in
a day” Reminds peoples That many things,, especially if they
are worthwhile, do not happen quickly: Both patients and
persistence are essential for getting things done.
• 5. Perceptive. Sensitivity to the ones, needs, moods,
and concerns of individuals and the group is critical.
Effective leaders appear to have an in tuitive sense of
what leadership behaviors will be most effective in a
given situation. However, this situation is enhaced
through perception.
• 6. Probity. Honesty and trustworthiness are important.
Leaders must represent the facts accurately. Leaders
have credibility truth worthiness, as when dealing with
sensitive information about people; issues of
confidentiality and professional responsibility are of
paramount concern to many people seeking assistance.
• 7. Praise Giving. Effective leaders offer sincere praise
and compliments. They recognize the members of the
group for their contributions. Criticism os offered in a
constructive manner.
• 8. Positive Orientation. Leaders are optimistic in their
outlook. They are positive in their approach, seek to
resolve problems through their actions, and view the
future as offering new opportunities.
• 9. People-Based. Effective leaders focus their effort on
helping and benefiting people with whom they
interact. They are not self serving in their actions, but
committed to meeting the needs of others.
• 10. Possible. Leaders are realistic in their assessment of what
posibly can be accomplished. They carefully consider the
desires of the people, the time available, and the resources
allocated. Effective leaders determine what ideas for change
and solutions to problems are feasible and which are not.
• 11. Practical. Effective leaders realize that pleasing all
of the other people all of the time is not realistic or
practical . Leaders use thatl courage of their
convictions to stand firm on unpopular decisions and
their strength to withstand criticism of their actions.
• 12. Progressive. Effective leaders create a vision and move
the group forward toward its attainment. They are effective in
engendering commitment to the vision, mobilizing the coach
of a youth sport team, or by officiating at intramural ls.
Taking on progressively more challenging leadership roles in
various campus, community; and professional organizations
allows a professional to develop further and refine his/her
leadership abilities. It is also important to seek to develop
leadership skills that are missing from leadership repertoire.
• 13. Prepared. Effective leaders have a clear
understanding of the steps needed to achieve their
goals and the resources required. Knowledgeable and
organized , they prepare carefully to achieve their
desired outcomes.

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