L10 - Multiple Hazard Zones

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Lesson 10 Dynamic Landscapes, Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards

Multi Hazard Zones

Where in the world is this?
Lesson 10 Dynamic Landscapes, Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards

Lesson 10
Multiple hazard zones
October 26, 202

Describe and explain the complex patterns of tectonic hazards and

contrast the differential impacts
Evaluate the trends in tectonic disasters
Assess why some countries suffer from multiple hazards and
appreciate the impacts this can have on a country
Lesson 10 Dynamic Landscapes, Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards

The Philippines!
Where in the world is this?
Dynamic Landscapes, Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards

How and why do we compare hazards?

Lesson 10 Multi-Hazard Zones
Using the figure below, explain why the Philippines is considered a multiple hazard
Multi-Hazard Zones

How would the meteorological hazards that the Philippines faces compound their
vulnerability to the tectonic hazards they face?
Lesson 10 Multi-Hazard Zones
Using the info on the next slide/page, identify the following:

Why is the Philippines a vulnerable country to hazards in general?

Which hazard(s) pose the greatest risk to the Philippines?

Lesson 10 Dynamic Landscapes, Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards

Multiple Hazard Zones

Using your Geofile and textbook, complete the following questions on the

a) Use the hazard-risk formula to assess why the impacts of Typhoon Haiyan
were always likely to be great (p. 16)

Risk (R) = Hazard (H) x Vulnerability (V)

Capacity to cope (C)

b) Now use the PAR model to represent this multiple hazard zone (p. 17)

c) Complete a hazard profile for the Philippines (P.20-21)

Lesson 10 Dynamic Landscapes, Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards

How could the Philippines reduce its hazard risk?

In pairs, think of different approaches that could

have been taken to hazard management:


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