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2022 Sept 13 Kassandra Nicole S. Reyes Week 3 Day 1

Religion has become a very important aspect in the development of civilizations and
OVERVIEW cultures. In fact, most ancient societies based their worldviews on religion, and has been
proven to be beneficial to the attainment and maintenance of social stability and
cohesiveness. However as time went by, religion has also become the basis of conflicts
between societies, even within societies. While religion has promoted solidarity among
societies, it has also been the reason behind the outbreak of particular wars in history.

There is no doubt that religion has an important role in
society. In fact, it has become so closely intertwined
with other institutions such as political and economic
systems that religious beliefs sometimes became the
basis of political legitimacy. This is the very reason why
the principle of separation of state and religion was
established in many countries.
However, religion has served purposes beneficial to
society in general. In one way or another, it inspires
values that cultivate peace, compassion and kindness.
Religion upholds traditions of shaping human's
spirituality and embracing the goodness in each

Religion Promotes Social Harmony

Religion provides divine authority to ethical and moral principals

which also help promote unity among people. Common participation in
rituals together with basic uniformity of beliefs help promote social

Religion Provides Moral Values

It provides a systematic model of the universe, which in effect

determines organized human behavior. By providing moral values, one
is able to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil.

Religion Promotes Social Harmony
• Sufi Dervishe's practice of whirling or spinning; wherein the aim is to reach the source
of all perfection by abandoning one's ego or personal desires through listening to music,
focusing on God, and spinning one's body in repetitive circles.

• Attendance in Masses provides people with a common ground, despite differences in

social statuses and political ideologies.

• A significant aspect of Confucianism which promotes social harmony is Xiao or filial

piety. Filial piety refers to the attitude of obedience, devotion, and care of one's parents
and elder family members.

• Ahisma is the concept of non-violence which promotes social solidarity for the
followers of Jainism. Ahisma is not only a worldview but a way of life.

Religion Provides Moral Values
In ancient societies, notions of right and wrong were not yet as clear-cut as the morality
imposed by organized religions. During those times, rituals were very important because
it is through these that they invoke the pleasure or wrath of the deities.

• For example, before planting, farmers would perform a kind of ritual, led by their
spiritual leaders, to ask for blessings from the deities so that their harvest would be
bountiful. When calamity destroyed their crops, they would interpret it as a sign that
they must have done something which displeased the deities, and would again perform a
ritual to appease them. When they had a productive harvest, they would again perform a
ritual to extend their gratitude to the deities whom they believed to be responsible for
their good fortune.

Religion Provides Social Change

Since religion is a source of moral values, religion provides social

change. It can be very effective in lobbying and campaigning for
certain social issues using its own moral teachings as the basis of

Religion Reduces Fear Of The Unknown

Religion provides answers for phenomena and questions that science

or reason cannot explain.

Religion Provides Social Change
• The Church in the US has been active in the campaign for civil liberties as well the
antislavery movement.

• In the Philippines, much credit has been given to the Catholic Church for the success of
the People Power Revolution in 1986 when Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin urged the
people to join the protest rally to oust the dictator, former president Ferdinand Marcos.

• Gandhi's satyagraha, or passive resistance, which paved the way for India's
independence from the British in the 20th century.

Religion Reduces Fear Of The Unknown
• For the Hindus, how they follow their dharma determines what will happen to them in
the afterlife: as long as they follow their dharma, they will reap good karma which will
eventually liberate their souls from bad karma, leading them to attain moksha, or the
reunion of Brahman or universal soul atman or individual soul.

• Among the Christians, obeying the Ten Commandments and being good to others will
earn a reward of eternal life in heaven; doing the opposite will lead to eternal damnation
in hell.

• Among the Muslims, there are certain circumstances which will guarantee them a place
in heaven, like dying in jihad or performing the haji.

Religion Gives Positive Goal In Life

People were inspired by the stories of different prophets from their own
religious affiliations, like that of Moses, Siddharta Gautama, and
Muhammad. These people showed how ordinary people like them were
given important missions in life, and how they struggled to carry out
their missions.

Religion Gives People A Sense Of Belonging

Religion provides people with personal identity as part of a group with

similar worldviews, beliefs, values, practices, and lifestyles.

Religion Gives Positive Goal In Life
• Moses was ordered to liberate the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and lead them back
to the promised land.

• Mohammed was chosen to challenge the supremacy of the ruling class in the desert by
preaching equality and founding the Islamic religion.

• Siddharta Gautama gave up his wealth and power to find the solution for sickness,
poverty, old age, and death.

Religion Gives People A Sense Of Belonging
A good example of religion giving people a sense of belonging is the Sikh principal of
Seva, also known as Sewa, from the word Karseva which means "selfless service."

• Sikhs are expected to perform work or service without expecting anything in return.
They are encouraged by their Guru to perform selfless service with the belief that by so
doing, they are not only promoting good community relations but also paving the way
for moral uplifting of a person, thus strengthening his or her sense of belonging to the

• They are taught to reach out to serve and uplift all of humanity to show their devotion
to their god.

Religion has often been named as the culprit behind
divisiveness and conflicts among people. There is also a
belief that religion can be dangerous to society when
used to advance the interests of a group of people at the
expense of other people especially those with different
religious beliefs.
Religious fundamentalism or the demand for a strict
adherence to orthodox theological doctrines is often
considered as the reason behind most religious conflicts.
Some of the negative effects of religion which we will
discuss in this lesson are:

Religion Affirms Social Hierarchy

Some religions affirm social hierarchy often favoring men and as a

result, perpetuate the notions of class or gender discrimination and

Religion Causes Discrimination

Religious fanaticism can lead to feelings of hatred, which could lead to

racism, and eventually violence.

Religion Affirms Social Hierarchy
Another example of religion reflecting the hierarchy of political structures would be the
Confucian emphasis on the relations between the ruler and the subject, with the former
exercising authority over the latter.

• The traditional caste system in India would also reflect how religion reflects political
and social structures since it propagated the idea that people had to be subdivided into
certain social classes with particular social roles and that the attainment of moksha
would depend on how they performed their duties based on their designated class.

Religion Causes Discrimination
In Islam, the practice of wearing the hijab is considered by many critics as a form of
suppression against Muslim women. Women have to cover their body, from head to toe,
so as not to attract the attention of men–perpetuating the notion that women are
temptations that men should avoid.

Religion Triggers Conflicts and Fights

Religion also has some aspects which make it susceptible to be a source

of conflict and war.

Religion As An Economic Tool For Exploiting The Masses

According to Marx, it maintains social inequality by propagating a

worldview that justifies oppression. He believed that religion can be
effectively used by the ruling class to maintain a social order that is
more favorable to them.

Religion Triggers Conflicts and Fights
• In Palestine, the Jews are in conflict with the Muslims

• In Kashmir, it is the Muslims against Hindus

• In Sudan, it is the Muslims opposite Christians and animists

• In Sri Lanka, it is the Sinhalese Buddhists against the Tamil Hindus

• In Indonesia, it is Muslims contra Timorese Christians

Religion Impedes Scientific Success And Development

Religion has proven to impede scientific development, Some of the

moral teachings of other religions are deemed by secular communities
to be detrimental to development.

Religion Obstructs The Use Of Reason

In order to put these dogma to practice, religion should, therefore,

evolve and learn to adapt to the ever changing world. Ancient religious
beliefs and practices which have proven to be inhuman should be
replaced with sensible ones.

Religion Impedes Scientific Success And Development
• It has often been said that the Catholic Church used to teach that the world is flat and
warned people against going to faraway places if they do not wish to fall off the edge of
the earth.

• Some religions express their disapproval against reproductive health programs that aim
to empower couples in responsible family planning through education and access to
legal and medically safe birth control, claiming that such programs defies their religious
doctrine and are, therefore, immoral.

Religion Obstructs The Use Of Reason
• Take the case of the trepanning, or the ancient practice of boring holes in the human
skull, a surgical procedure performed on epileptics and the mentally ill, with the belief
that through the hole the evil spirit will leave the person. During those days they regard
it as an attempt at exorcism, but at present the procedure is just unthinkable.

#1 Ameena is often times getting bullied or made fun off by her
ACTIVITY schoolmates for wearing a hijab to school.
a. Religion Affirms Social Hierarchy
b.Religion Promotes Social Harmony
c. Religion Causes Discrimination

#2 Even now, before leaving for school, Li YingAn offers her prayers to
her parent's altar and says goodbye to her foster parents.

a. haji
b. xiao
c. ahisma

#3 Addison and Blake doesn't like how their schoolmates treat Ameena as
ACTIVITY if she's lower than them because of the difference in religion.

a. Religion Affirms Social Hierarchy

b.Religion Promotes Social Harmony
c. Religion Causes Discrimination

#4 Vevina, who used to fear and doubt the unknown, has grown to
fearless about it.
a. Religion Gives Positive Goals In Life
b. Religion Provides Social Change
c. Religion Reduces The Fear Of The Unknown



2022 Sept 13 Kassandra Nicole S. Reyes Week 3 Day 1

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