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Hitesh Jaiswal
Lucky Vishwakarma
Vasu Agarwal
Mrs.Vishakha Sen Mam
Ayush Bhadouria
Ayush Tyagi
Gunjan Saini

Railways or Rail transport is an effective means of transport

that transfers passengers and goods on wheeled vehicles
running on railway tracks it is one of the most commonly and
effective way of transport.
Rail transport was one of the most greatest
technological invention back in 1825 by George Stephenson
renowned as Father of railways .The first Railway line in the
World ran between Stockton and Darlington in England.

Design of the first Locomotive by George Stephenson

George Stephenson
Image source: Pinterest
Types of railways
 Surface Railways

 Elevated Railways

 Underground Railways

 Tube Railways
Railways in India
Role of Railways in Economic
Development of India

Railways Serves as the Most Economical

Mode of Transport in India

Railways Promote Economic Growth While

Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emission

Railways is considered as the Backbone of

the Indian Economy 5.48%

Employement Generation

Contribution to GDP

Others Railways
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on nearly all spheres of the Indian economy. Due to restricted
connectivity during the lockdown, supply-chains, exchange and transfer of essential goods and services and distribution of
various commodities have all been affected. However, a critical public utility has emerged as a beacon of hope and public
service in this crisis.
India’s multi-layered and mammoth network of railways - the world’s fourth largest – has not only weathered this ongoing
storm with remarkable resilience but is also proving to be an essential lifeline for those in need. Between 25 March to 17
April, under the aegis of the Ministry of Railways, special parcel trains have been instrumental in transporting 5.2 million
tonnes1 of food grains, fuel stocks, medical equipment and other general products supplied across the country.

Source: news18

 Shanghai maglev is the fastest train in the world with the speed of 431 km/hr.
 Gorakhpur is the home to the longest platform in the world, with 4443 ft.
 Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland is the longest & deepest tunnel in the
 Chenab bridge is the world’s highest railway bridge in J&K.
 Chhatrapati Shivaji terminus, Mumbai is the busiest railway station in India.
 The Venice Simplon orient express (VSOE) is the world’s most expensive train
ride costing €3,450 per person. In India It is maharajas’ Express luxury train
costing $3,850 per person.

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